MAPS bibliografie

Gerard van Nes
MAPS 88.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 1, 1988, 1-20
keywords: NTG, MAPS
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps1.pdf (199kb)
Gerard van Nes
Verslag TeX (Dutch), MAPS 1, 1988, 1-10
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening en Mededelingen; Introductie deelnemers; Brainstorming TeX aandachtsgebieden; Instellen werkgroepen voor de aandachtsgebieden; Formele zaken; Rondvraag; Sluiting.
1_1.pdf (126kb)
Listserver (Dutch), MAPS 1, 1988, 13-14
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
1_2.pdf (55kb)
TeXHaX (English), MAPS 1, 1988, 15-16
keywords: TeXHaX, mailing list, listserver
abstract: Information on subscribing to TeXHaX.
1_3.pdf (41kb)
TeX publications information (English), MAPS 1, 1988, 17-20
keywords: publications, mailing list, listserver
abstract: Information on TeX mailing lists.
1_4.pdf (49kb)
Gerard van Nes
MAPS 89.1 (Dutch/English), MAPS 2, 1989, 1-52
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps2.pdf (317kb)
Gerard van Nes
Verslag (1989/1) (Dutch), MAPS 2, 1989, 2-12
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening; Agenda bijeenkomst 23 juni 1988; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; Ledenbestand status en contributie; Vragen gebruikers; Verslag/discussie werkgroepen; Rondvraag; Presentaties; Sluiting.
2_1.pdf (145kb)
Werkgroepen Nederlandse TeX gebruikersgroep (Dutch), MAPS 2, 1989, 13-14
keywords: working group
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
2_2.pdf (68kb)
Besluitenlijst (Dutch), MAPS 2, 1989, 15
keywords: NTG decisions
2_3.pdf (52kb)
Lijst actiepunten (Dutch), MAPS 2, 1989, 15
keywords: actions
2_4.pdf (52kb)
Theo de Klerk
VAX DOCUMENT (Dutch), MAPS 2, 1989, 17
keywords: VAX DOCUMENT
abstract: VAX DOCUMENT is een commerciële toepassing die op TeX gebaseerd is. Aanvankelijk binnen Digital Equipment Co. ontwikkeld voor intern gebruik voor productie van alle VAX/VMS documentatie en s/w produkten, maar nu ook in gebruikerslicensie voor VAX/VMS gebruikers verkrijgbaar. Vanaf VMS V4 is het resultaat hiervan te zien.
2_5.pdf (62kb)
Theo de Klerk
Boeken over TeX (Dutch), MAPS 2, 1989, 19-20
keywords: book review
abstract: Bespreking `Einführung in TeX' (Norbert Schwartz); `TeX für Fortgeschrittene' (Wolfgang Appelt); `LaTeX eine Einführung' (Helmut Kopka); `Kompaktführer LaTeX' (Reinhard Wonneberger)
2_6.pdf (71kb)
TeX-NL ledenlijst (Dutch), MAPS 2, 1989, 21-22
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
2_7.pdf (52kb)
Gerard van Nes
MAPS 89.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 3, 1989, 1-68
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps3.pdf (943kb)
Gerard van Nes
Verslag (1989/2) (Dutch), MAPS 3, 1989, 2-8
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening; Verslag bijeenkomst 24 november 1988; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; Verenigingszaken; Verslag/discussie werkgroepen; Vragen gebruikers; Rondvraag; Presentatie Océ 6750 (TeX)-laserprinter; Sluiting.
3_1.pdf (125kb)
Werkgroepen Nederlandstalige TeX gebruikersgroep (Dutch), MAPS 3, 1989, 9-10
keywords: working group
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
3_2.pdf (62kb)
Besluitenlijst (Dutch), MAPS 3, 1989, 11
keywords: NTG decisions
3_3.pdf (39kb)
Lijst actiepunten (Dutch), MAPS 3, 1989, 11
keywords: actions
3_4.pdf (39kb)
Ontvangen local guides en andere TeX documenten (Dutch), MAPS 3, 1989, 12
keywords: local guide
abstract: Overzicht ontvangen local guides.
3_5.pdf (69kb)
TeX-NL subscription (Dutch), MAPS 3, 1989, 13-14
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
3_6.pdf (68kb)
NTG fileserver faciliteiten (Dutch), MAPS 3, 1989, 15-18
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
3_7.pdf (74kb)
Vragen van gebruikers (Dutch), MAPS 3, 1989, 19-24
keywords: user questions
abstract: Deze bijlage bevat de `vragen van de gebruikers' die gesteld zijn ten tijde van de NTG vergadering van mei 1989.
3_8.pdf (64kb)
Marius Broeren, Jan van Knippenberg
High Quality Printing of TeX-DVI (English), MAPS 3, 1989, 25-28
keywords: high quality printing, Océ, laser printers, Digital Equipment
abstract: Deze bijlage bevat de presentatie van Océ, gehouden op de NTG bijeenkomst van 11 mei 1989.
3_9.pdf (115kb)
Piet Roes
A dBase III+ programme to generate a journal (English), MAPS 3, 1989, 29-30
keywords: dBase
abstract: This is a note about the implementation of a combination of dBase III+ and TeX.
3_10.pdf (90kb)
Kees van der Laan
TeX en SGML (English), MAPS 3, 1989, 31-42
keywords: math, SGML, tables
abstract: The markup of document elements via SGML is demonstrated with a few examples.
3_11.pdf (243kb)
Geerd Haayer
Ervaringen met fotozetters (Dutch), MAPS 3, 1989, 43-44
keywords: fotozetters, Linotronic, PostScript
abstract: Sinds enige tijd bestaat de mogelijkheid om bij A.J. Scholten -- Transcripta fotozetsel van TeX/dvi-files te laten maken. Het grote voordeel van Transcripta is dat er uitsluitend met TeX gewerkt wordt en derhalve zeer veel deskundigheid bij het bedrijf in huis is. Men beschikt over een Linotronic 100, die een resolutie levert van 1270 dpi.
3_12.pdf (78kb)
Kees van der Laan
Verslag GUTenberg (16/17 mei 1989) (Dutch), MAPS 3, 1989, 45-48
keywords: GUTenberg, report
abstract: Thema: Grafische zaken en (La)TeX, met name picture omgeving en PostScript.
3_13.pdf (140kb)
Kees van der Laan
One year NTG; presentatie NTG in Utrecht en Karlsruhe (English), MAPS 3, 1989, 49-56
keywords: activities, NTG, EuroTeX
abstract: A history of the start of the NTG is given along with a survey of this first years' activities. The relation of NTG to other TUGs is also dealt with.
3_14.pdf (201kb)
Victor Eijkhout, Nico Poppelier
Verslag Nederlandse TeX dagen (29/30 juni 1989) (English), MAPS 3, 1989, 57-60
keywords: NTG, meeting
abstract: The Dutch TeX Users Group, in Dutch `Nederlandse TeX Gebruikersgroep' or NTG, was started about one year ago in Groningen. At the meeting in the autumn of 1988 it was decided to have a first presentation to `the outside world' in the summer of 1989.
3_15.pdf (145kb)
Kees van der Laan
Verslag Stanford conferentie (20/23 aug 1989) (Dutch), MAPS 3, 1989, 61-68
keywords: TUG conference, WEB, literate programming, math reviews, status TeX, TeX3, LaTeX, PostScript
abstract: Inhoudelijk: Organisatorisch: Producten:
3_16.pdf (191kb)
Gerard van Nes
MAPS 90.1 (Dutch/English), MAPS 4, 1990, 1-88
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps4.pdf (546kb)
Gerard van Nes
Verslag (1990) (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 3-9
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening; Verslag bijeenkomst 11 mei 1989; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; Verslag/discussie werkgroepen; Verenigingszaken; Rondvraag; Sluiting.
4_1.pdf (60kb)
Besluitenlijst (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 10
keywords: NTG decisions
4_2.pdf (8kb)
TeX kalender (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 10
keywords: calendar
4_3.pdf (8kb)
Werkgroepen Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 11-12
keywords: working group
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
4_4.pdf (15kb)
Begroting NTG 1990 (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 13-14
keywords: budget
4_5.pdf (15kb)
Ontvangen local guides en andere TeX documenten (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 15
keywords: local guide
abstract: Overzicht ontvangen local guides.
4_6.pdf (17kb)
TeX-NL subscription (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 16-18
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
4_7.pdf (16kb)
NTG fileserver faciliteiten (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 19-22
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
4_8.pdf (20kb)
Vragen van gebruikers (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 23-26
4_9.pdf (14kb)
NTG Software Distributie Service (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 27-28
keywords: software distributie
4_10.pdf (17kb)
NTG DOS-diskette Distributie Service (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 29-30
keywords: DOS, disks, distribution
4_11.pdf (17kb)
Announcement TeX90 Conference (English), MAPS 4, 1990, 31-32
keywords: TUG conference, Cork
abstract: The 1990 TeX meeting in Europe is the fifth such conference organised since 1985. It also breaks new ground as the first to be a TeX Users Group (TUG) meeting outside North America. The TeX computer typesetting program is now widely established as the de facto standard in scientific, educational and commercial use for the setting of documents requiring very high standards of typographic control, particularly technical documents, and for applications where high quality, portability and device-independence are of importance.
4_12.pdf (19kb)
Kees van der Laan, Theo Jurriens, Jan Maasdam, J. Bleeker
Announcement SGML & TeX Conference (English), MAPS 4, 1990, 33-34
keywords: SGML, TUG conference, courses
abstract: Announcement of joint SGML User Group Holland and NTG meeting. Several courses are offered. Two parallel streams of lectures, one mainly devoted to SGML and the other to TeX.
4_13.pdf (18kb)
diverse auteurs
Courses SGML & TeX Conference (English), MAPS 4, 1990, 35-42
keywords: courses, SGML, conference
4_14.pdf (59kb)
TeX-NL discussies (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 43-46
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
4_15.pdf (20kb)
Working group 1: Education; State of affairs (English), MAPS 4, 1990, 47-51
keywords: working group, education
abstract: An impression of what has been done by members of the WG, and others, is given. Members: C.G. van der Laan (coord.), T. Biegstraaten, G. Haayer, J.R. Luyten, P. Tutelaers. Known -- through december 1989 -- courseware and TeX-related (Dutch) courses are mentioned in appendices.
4_16.pdf (39kb)
Werkgroep 7: PC-zaken (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 52
keywords: working group, PC, MS-DOS
abstract: Verslag werkgroep 7: PC-zaken.
4_17.pdf (7kb)
Werkgroep 10: SGML-TeX (English), MAPS 4, 1990, 53-54
keywords: working group, SGML
abstract: An impression of what has been done by members of the WG is given. Members: C.G. van der Laan (coord.), T. Biegstraaten, J. Bleeker, D.C. Coleman, J. Grootenhuis. Prospects: Publishing houses strongly believe in the `marriage' of SGML and TeX.
4_18.pdf (11kb)
Werkgroep 13: `Neerlandica' (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 55-56
keywords: working group, dutch
abstract: Verslag werkgroep 13: `Neerlandica'.
4_19.pdf (17kb)
Werkgroep 14: Communicatie (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 57-60
keywords: working group, communication
abstract: Verslag werkgroep 14: Communicatie.
4_20.pdf (28kb)
Johannes Braams, Victor Eijkhout, Nico Poppelier
The Development of National LaTeX styles (English), MAPS 4, 1990, 61-66
keywords: LaTeX, national styles
abstract: In its autumn 1988 meeting, the Dutch TeX users group (NTG) established a working group (number 13) that was to concentrate on the problems involved in the use of TeX for Dutch texts. Since then the working group, which includes the authors, has created a number of style options for LaTeX that remedy some common problems with the non-English use of LaTeX, and is on its way developing document styles that are compatible with the standard styles, but have a layout that is more palatable for Dutch users. In this article we treat implementation aspects of the styles and style options, and we discuss some matters of layout.
4_21.pdf (48kb)
Victor Eijkhout
Unusual paragraph shapes (English), MAPS 4, 1990, 67-70
keywords: paragraph shapes
abstract: Although the TeXbook states that TeX's paragraph mechanism `can be harnessed to a surprising variety of tasks', the strangest paragraph shapes that I have implement use no feature of the line-breaking algorithm. Instead, I have found that the control sequences \everypar and \lastbox are extremely powerful tools. I give three examples of this.
4_22.pdf (28kb)
Nico Poppelier
Ingekomen brief (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 71-72
keywords: LaTeX cursussen
4_23.pdf (9kb)
Johannes Braams, Kees van der Laan
EuroTeX 89 (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 73-76
keywords: EuroTeX, conference
abstract: Algemeen: Organisatorisch: Producten:
4_24.pdf (23kb)
Kees van der Laan
Teaching TeX: Critics & LaTeX proposal (English), MAPS 4, 1990, 77-82
keywords: education, courseware, modules
abstract: Some critics -- mainly LaTeX based -- on the approach are given: TeXnically driven instead of result driven. Also is notified the omission of a general pedagogical method to be used. Furthermore, it is urged to have unified courseware. A set of LaTeX courses is proposed. No test set is included. The underlying idea of having TUG certified courses world-wide is strongly endorsed.
4_25.pdf (56kb)
Victor Eijkhout, Nico Poppelier
Wat is TeX? (Dutch), MAPS 4, 1990, 83-88
abstract: In de huidige tijd van WYSIWYG `desktop publishing' systemen lijkt het vreemd een systeem te propageren met honderden, vaak ingewikkelde, instructies. Wat het tekstopmaaksysteem TeX desondanks aantrekkelijk maakt, is het feit dat het programmeerbaar is: de basisinstructies kunnen worden samengevoegd tot zeer gecompliceerde instructies die een eenmaal ontworpen opmaak geheel automatisch feilloos reproduceren. Hierdoor hoeft de gebruiker uitsluitend nog de structuur van het document aan te geven en niet de vormgeving, het uiterlijk, ervan. Met deze gedachte sluit TeX nauw aan bij recente ontwikkelingen in de uitgeverswereld omtrent SGML.
4_26.pdf (48kb)
Gerard van Nes
MAPS 90.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 5, 1990, 1-146
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps5.pdf (1481kb)
Besluitenlijst (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 9
keywords: NTG decisions
5_1.pdf (8kb)
TeX kalender (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 9
keywords: calendar
5_3.pdf (8kb)
Werkgroepen NTG (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 10-11
keywords: working group
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
5_4.pdf (15kb)
Ontvangen Local Guides en andere TeX documenten (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 12
keywords: local guide
abstract: Overzicht ontvangen local guides.
5_5.pdf (17kb)
TeX-NL subscription (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 13-15
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
5_6.pdf (16kb)
NTG fileserver faciliteiten (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 16-20
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
5_7.pdf (23kb)
Piet van Oostrum
TeX stuff at (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 21-26
keywords: FTP, archives, mailserver, software
abstract: Here is a brief description of our archive of TeX stuff. The archive is available by FTP and by mail server. It contains various things, a.o. Atari ST software, GNU software, some Unix software and a lot of TeX things. I will concentrate on the TeX stuff in this message.
5_8.pdf (52kb)
NTG Software Distributie Service (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 27-28
keywords: NTG, distribution, software
abstract: Deze bijlage beschrijft een aantal distributie-services die door enkele NTG leden worden uitgevoerd.
5_9.pdf (21kb)
NTG DOS-diskette Distributie Service (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 29-30
keywords: MS-DOS, disks, distribution
5_10.pdf (18kb)
Jos Winnink
Werkgroep 7: PC-zaken; TeX voor MS/PC-DOS PC's (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 31-34
keywords: working group, PC, MS-DOS, Atari
abstract: Activiteiten van werkgroep 7: PC-zaken.
5_11.pdf (40kb)
Kees van der Laan
Werkgroep 8: NTG gebruikersdag; SGML-TeX Seminar (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 35-36
keywords: working group, SGML, seminar
abstract: Terugblik op organisatie.
5_12.pdf (23kb)
Working group 13: `Neerlandica' (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 37-38
keywords: Neerlandica
abstract: Verslag werkgroep 13: `Neerlandica'.
5_13.pdf (22kb)
David Osborne
SGML-TeX conference, Groningen (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 39-42
keywords: SGML, conference
abstract: For their second full-day international meeting, the Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep (NTG) organised, in conjunction with the Dutch SGML Users Group, a conference intended to focus interest on the use of TeX and SGMLtogether. On August 31st, approximately 100 delegates from both `camps' attended the day's events in Groningen, with what seemed a good balance between SGML-ers and TeXies.
5_14.pdf (48kb)
Joop van Gent
Two faces of TeXt (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 43-48
keywords: databases, document retrieval, searching, logical structure
abstract: TeX as a programming tool for advanced document retrieval systems.
5_15.pdf (75kb)
Frank Mittelbach, Rainer Schöpf
Towards LaTeX 3.0 (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 49-54
keywords: LaTeX3
abstract: LaTeX is a very valuable tool for document composition. As a TeX macro package, it is unique in its concept of logical commands, at the same time retaining enough flexibility with visually oriented commands to allow the user a relatively easy correction of an automatically chosen layout. This fact makes it far superior to the plain and AMS-TeX macro packages when it comes to professional applications. Therefore the LaTeX re-implementation project is certainly one of the most important efforts to `expand TeX's horizon'. This is the place to link TeX with the modern developments like SGML. This paper describes the current status of the re-implementation of LaTeX.
5_16.pdf (86kb)
Amy Hendrickson
Getting TeXnical: Insight into TeX Macro Writing Techniques (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 55-66
keywords: techniques
abstract: Most of us understand the basic form of TeX macros but that understanding alone is often inadequate when we need to solve certain problems. We need additional insight to be able to develop methods of passing information, moving text with changed catcodes, preserving blank lines, and more. Writing a large macro package brings in a new set of issues: how toavoid bumping into implementation restrictions, e.g., constraints of hash size, string size, and others; how to make a pleasant user interface; how to make your code as concise as possible. Some of the techniques to be discussed here include making a macro with a variable number of arguments; changing catcodes in macros, defining a macro whose argument is intentionally never used; conserving hash size by using counters instead of newifs; csname techniques and non-outer dynamic allocation; and table making techniques. Finally, some suggestions are included on methods to use when developing new macros.
5_17.pdf (211kb)
Victor Eijkhout, Andries Lenstra
The Document Style Designer as a Separate Entity (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 67-70
keywords: style design
abstract: An argument for the need for a programmable meta format: a format that introduces a new syntactic level in TeX for document style designers.
5_18.pdf (34kb)
Johannes Braams, Victor Eijkhout, Nico Poppelier
The Dutch national LaTeX effort (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 71-74
keywords: LaTeX, dutch
abstract: In this article an overview is given of the activities of working group 13 (WG 13) of the `Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep' (Dutch TeX Users Group). This working group is also called `Neerlandica', and is interested in anything that has something to do with using LaTeX (and TeX) in a non-American environment. The topics tackled so far range from the design of a page layout suitable for A4 paper by adapting the American layout of article.sty to Dutch typographical tastes, to the implementation of a new letter style called `brief'.
5_19.pdf (46kb)
Barbara Beeton
TUGboat production: TeX, LaTeX, and paste-up (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 77-84
keywords: TUGboat, production
abstract: TUGboat has now completed more than ten years of publication. Starting with TeX78 and an electrostatic printer and progressing through increasingly versatile software and hardware, the authors have kept us challenged, both with the content that the reader sees and the little tricks that happen `under the covers'. This talk will be a survey of some of the milestones of TUGboat production, our editorial philosophy, what we've learned about what TeX can and cannot do, and some advice to authors and production editors of other publications.
5_20.pdf (83kb)
Jeroen Soutberg
SGML and TeX at Elsevier Science Publishers (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 85-88
keywords: SGML, Elsevier, publishers
abstract: Contents:
5_21.pdf (46kb)
Kees van der Laan
NTG's second year (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 89-90
keywords: activities, NTG, EuroTeX
abstract: A survey of NTG's activities in its second year is enumerated.
5_22.pdf (26kb)
Joachim Lammarsch
Development of DANTE e.V. (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 91-92
keywords: Dante
5_23.pdf (20kb)
Kees van der Laan
Verslag GUTenberg '90 (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 93-98
keywords: GUTenberg
abstract: Waarnemingen/beslissingen: Producten/macros:
5_24.pdf (71kb)
Kees van der Laan
Board-of-Directors and Euro-Summit at Cork90 (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 99-102
keywords: EuroTeX, board-of-directors, Cork
abstract: TUG organizational: descriptions and reporting time schedules; Topical TUGboat issues are under consideration; Euro-Summit:
5_25.pdf (47kb)
Nico Poppelier, Kees van der Laan
Report European TeX conference Cork90 (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 103-108
keywords: conference, Cork, EuroTeX
abstract: The following was on at this joint TUG90 and EuroTeX90 meeting at Cork. Hypertext and TeX. Cork encoding scheme for 8 bit fonts. Halftone output from TeX. Macro writing in TeX, especially Getting TeXnical. The Dutch TeX efforts were reported. The issue of a TeX archive was raised again. Text around figures in LaTeX. Document design and style development. Proposals for LaTeX3.0. SGML and TeX for tables and Math. Graphics and TeX, such as PiCTeX use, tif format and pk files. Old german fonts. BiBTeX requirements. Discussion of TeX books. The question of TeX at schools was raised.
5_26.pdf (69kb)
Huub Mulders
TeX structuurschema's (Dutch), MAPS 5, 1990, 109-112
keywords: filetypes, coherence, structure
abstract: Overzicht van de structuur van TeX en METAFONT en de bijbehorende bestandtypen.
5_27.pdf (24kb)
The 1990 DECUS TeX Collection (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 113-114
keywords: Decus
abstract: The DECUS Languages and Tools SIG Public Domain Working Group and the Electronic Publishing SIG TeX/LaTeX/WEB Working Group are proud to announce the 1990 DECUS TeX Collection. This col-lection offers nearly everything a TeX User would want on their system for TeX.
5_28.pdf (21kb)
Victor Eijkhout
New books on TeX (1) (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 115-117
keywords: book review
abstract: Review of `Introduction to TeX' (Jost Krieger, Norbert Schwartz), `TeX for the advanced' (Wolfgang Appelt), `TeX for the impatient' (Paul Abrahams).
5_29.pdf (35kb)
Victor Eijkhout
An indentation scheme (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 118-121
keywords: indentation, paragraph
abstract: Indentation is one of the simpler things in TeX: if you leave one input line open you get a new paragraph, and it is indented unless you say \noindent. And if you get tired of writing \noindent all of the time, you declare \parindent=0pt at the start of your document. Easy. More sophisticated approaches to indentation are possible, however. In this article I will sketch a quite general approach that can easily be incorporated in existing macro packages. For a better appreciation of what goes on, I will start with a tutorial section on what happens when TeX starts a paragraph.
5_30.pdf (36kb)
Victor Eijkhout
A parskip scheme (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 122-124
keywords: \parskip, \everypar, paragraph, skips
abstract: In this article I will present an approach that unifies the paragraph skip and the white spaces surroundingvarious environments. Since the macros given below make use of the \everypar token list, this article may be seen as a sequel to an earlier paper on an indentation scheme, which is based on a similar principle. The \everypar parameter was explained there.
5_31.pdf (35kb)
Kees van der Laan
SGML (,TeX and ...) (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 125-140
keywords: SGML
abstract: What SGML (and TeX) is all about is given in a nutshell. Markup of example document elements, by SGML and LaTeX, are provided. Coupling SGML to TeX is considered by direct translation and by the intermediate procedural markup phase. Interfacing SGML to (La)TeX is also addressed. Some guidelines are provided in order to decide when SGML, or TeX (alone, both, or neither) might be beneficial. It is a 3-in-1 paper: what is SGML and TeX all about, examples of marked up copy in SGML and (La)TeX and the coupling issues, finished up with a literature compilation.
5_32.pdf (158kb)
Nico Poppelier
SGML en TeX in scientific publishing (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 141-144
keywords: SGML, scientific publishing
abstract: Elsevier Science Publishershas for a few years investigated the possibility of accepting compuscripts, a manuscript in electronic form, created with TeX, LaTeX and a few other text processing systems, and converting these to SGMLform. This paper will discuss the current status of these activities, the reasons for converting compuscripts to SGMLform, and the various ways in which TeX isused.
5_33.pdf (54kb)
Donald Knuth
The future of TeX and METAFONT (English), MAPS 5, 1990, 145-146
keywords: future
abstract: My work on developing TeX, METAFONT, and Computer Modern has come to an end. I will make no further changes except to correct extremely serious bugs.
5_34.pdf (15kb)
Gerard van Nes
MAPS 91.1 (Dutch/English), MAPS 6, 1991, 1-117
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps6.pdf (1243kb)
Gerard van Nes
Verslag (1991/1) (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 3-10
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening; Verslag bijeenkomst 11 mei 1990; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; Stand van zaken Europese samenwerking/TUG international; Verslag/discussie werkgroepen; Verenigingszaken; Rondvraag; SGML (TeX and ...); Sluiting.
6_1.pdf (91kb)
TeX kalender (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 10
keywords: calendar
6_2.pdf (8kb)
Werkgroepen NTG (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 11-12
keywords: working group
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
6_3.pdf (14kb)
Gerard van Nes
Jaarverslag NTG 1990 (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 13-14
keywords: report NTG
6_4.pdf (23kb)
Johannes Braams
Financieel verslag 1990 (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 15-16
keywords: financial report
6_5.pdf (21kb)
Johannes Braams
Concept begroting 1991 (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 17
keywords: budget
6_6.pdf (19kb)
TeX-NL subscription (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 18-20
keywords: TEX-NL, mailing list
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
6_7.pdf (17kb)
NTG fileserver faciliteiten (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 21-26
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
6_8.pdf (27kb)
Kees van der Laan
Van de Voorzitter (1991/1) (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 27-28
keywords: chairman
abstract: TeX Nationaal en Internationaal. Oftewel: wat gebeurt er allemaal?
6_9.pdf (26kb)
WG 1: Education (English), MAPS 6, 1991, 29-32
keywords: working group, education
abstract: Verslag werkgroep 1: Educatie.
6_10.pdf (54kb)
Erik-Jan Vens, Jos Winnink
WG 4: Fonts (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 33-36
keywords: working group, fonts, METAFONT
abstract: Activiteiten van de werkgroep Fonts.
6_11.pdf (47kb)
Theo Jurriens
WG 6: Lijst en link met fotozetters (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 37
keywords: working group, photo typesetter, inventory
abstract: Verslag werkgroep 6.
6_12.pdf (15kb)
Jos Winnink, Pieter Bison
WG 7: PC-zaken; TeX voor MS/PC-DOS PC's; Verkrijgbaarheid van emTeX (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 38-40
keywords: working group, PC, MS-DOS, Atari, emTeX
abstract: Activiteiten van werkgroep 7: PC-zaken, in het byzonder de situatie met betrekking tot emTeX.
6_13.pdf (41kb)
Kees van der Laan
Brief aan PC werkgroep: Enige suggesties voor WG-PC's (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 41-42
keywords: working group, PC, MS-DOS
abstract: Voorgesteld wordt een praktisch set voor de PC's beschikbaar te stellen, en de educatie daar op af te stemmen.
6_14.pdf (27kb)
Joop van Gent
WG 8: NTG conferentie (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 43
keywords: working group, conference
6_15.pdf (12kb)
Kees van der Laan
WG 10: SGML-TeX: Imposing structure upon TeX (English), MAPS 6, 1991, 44-46
keywords: working group, SGML, structure
abstract: Imposing structure upon TeX.
6_16.pdf (42kb)
Henk Brouwer, J.A. Jager, P. Sader
Gebruik van TeX binnen het EGD (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 47
keywords: EGD, Quatro, conversion, tables
abstract: Conversie van tabellen binnen Quatro naar TeX; het gebruik van macros binnen het EGD.
6_17.pdf (14kb)
Leo van Geest, Marion van Geest
Gebruik van TeX en LaTeX op het CAWCS (Dutch), MAPS 6, 1991, 48-56
keywords: CAWCS
abstract: Overzicht van het gebruik van TeX op het CAWCS.
6_18.pdf (164kb)
Kees van der Laan
Math into BLUes (English), MAPS 6, 1991, 57-74
keywords: BLUe, math
abstract: TeXing mathscripts is not simply typing. Math has to be translated into TeX commands. First the motivation for this work is given. Next traditional math page make-up is summarized along with the macroscopic math TeX commands. After answering `Why TeXing mathscripts is difficult?' an anthology of TeX falls and their antidotes is discussed. At the end suggestions are given in order to lessen the difficulties.
6_19.pdf (268kb)
Johannes Braams
Babel, a multilingual style-option system for use with LaTeX's document styles (English), MAPS 6, 1991, 75-84
keywords: Babel, LaTeX, document styles, language, multilingual
abstract: The standard distribution of LaTeX contains a number of document styles that are meant to be used, but also serve as examples for other users to create their own document styles. These styles have become very popular among LaTeX. But it should be kept in mind that they were designed for American tastes and contain a number of hard-wired texts. This article describes a set of document-style options that can be used in combination with the standard styles, which makes the latter adaptable to other languages.
6_20.pdf (85kb)
Bobby Bodenheimer
Frequently Asked Questions (I) (English), MAPS 6, 1991, 85-92
keywords: frequently asked questions, FAQ, comp.text.tex
abstract: This article contains answers to some frequently asked questions on comp.text.tex. Please don't ask these questions again, as they've been answered many times before.
6_21.pdf (89kb)
Liam Quin
Summary of METAFONT Fonts Available (English), MAPS 6, 1991, 93-98
keywords: METAFONT, fonts, availability
abstract: This report includes all known fonts available in METAFONT format, whether public domain or not. Archive sites for ftp are listed where known. There is also a BITNET archive at LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU.
6_22.pdf (56kb)
Piet van Oostrum
Program text generation with TeX/LaTeX (English), MAPS 6, 1991, 99-106
keywords: program text generation
abstract: Web; Cweb; Fweb; Spiderweb; Tgrind; C2LaTeX; C++2LaTeX; Cprog/Csty macros; Program environment; SchemeTeX; Ada; Miscellaneous.
6_23.pdf (82kb)
Nico Poppelier
LaTeX for engineers and scientists (book review) (English), MAPS 6, 1991, 107-108
keywords: LaTeX, engineers, scientists, book review
abstract: Review of `LaTeX for engineers and scientists' by David J. Buerger.
6_24.pdf (32kb)
Victor Eijkhout
The structure of the TeX processor (English), MAPS 6, 1991, 109-112
keywords: TeX processor, characters, tokens, lists, expansion
abstract: In this article I will describe the TeX processor as a multi-layered engine that successively transforms characters into tokens, tokens into lists, and from these lists builds a typeset page.
6_25.pdf (53kb)
Nelson Beebe
Comments on the Future of TeX and METAFONT (English), MAPS 6, 1991, 113-117
keywords: future, TeX, METAFONT
6_26.pdf (62kb)
Gerard van Nes
MAPS 91.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 7, 1991, 1-135
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps7.pdf (1714kb)
Gerard van Nes
Verslag (1991/2) (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 3-9
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening; Verslag bijeenkomst 20 november 1990; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; NTG jaarvergadering; Verslag/discussie werkgroepen; Rondvraag; NTG presentaties: `TeX in de praktijk'; Sluiting.
7_1.pdf (85kb)
TeX kalender & Glossary (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 9
keywords: calendar, glossary
7_2.pdf (7kb)
Werkgroepen NTG (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 10-11
keywords: working group
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
7_3.pdf (11kb)
Johannes Braams
Begroting 1991 en 1992 (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 12-13
keywords: budget
7_4.pdf (23kb)
TeX-NL subscription (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 14-16
keywords: TEX-NL, mailing list
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
7_5.pdf (17kb)
NTG fileserver faciliteiten (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 17-22
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
7_6.pdf (28kb)
Kees van der Laan
Van de Voorzitter (1991/2) (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 23
keywords: chairman
7_7.pdf (22kb)
Kees van der Laan
NTG's continuation: The Third Year (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 24-25
keywords: NTG, continuation
abstract: An NTG year of activity parallels the Dutch academic year: September to September. The membership increased by roughly 40% to circa 140 members of which 25 or so are institutional members. Due to the intermediate TeX course some financial reserve has been built up. NTG's third year can be characterized by `continuation,' and the embarkation upon a multi-year project.
7_8.pdf (27kb)
Kees van der Laan
WG 1: Education; Contribution to TUG-LRP report (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 26-32
keywords: working group, education, TUG-LPR
abstract: Worldwide TeX/METAFONT education is proposed with compatible modules, such that a user can plan an education path. A pool of teachers is proposed. How to address the problem of qualified teachers is touched upon.
7_9.pdf (84kb)
Kees van der Laan
WG 1: Education; Review Michael Doob's A Gentle (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 33-35
keywords: book review, review
abstract: Review of Michael Doob's `A Gentle Introduction to TeX'.
7_10.pdf (44kb)
Jos Winnink
WG 7: PC-zaken; TeX voor MS/PC-DOS PC's en Atari's (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 36
keywords: working group, PC, MS-DOS, Atari
abstract: Activiteiten van werkgroep 7: PC-zaken.
7_11.pdf (21kb)
David van Leeuwen
WG 13: `Neerlandica'; The Right of ij to be a Ligature (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 37-38
keywords: Neerlandica, ij-ligature
abstract: Discussion of the right of the Dutch `ij' to be a ligature.
7_12.pdf (34kb)
Kees van der Laan
Enige Suggesties aan de Redactie van de MAPS (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 39-40
keywords: MAPS
abstract: De functie van de MAPS wordt belicht en gerelateerd aan hoe dat te verwezenlijken. Punten aangestipt zijn: onjuiste afbrekingen, slecht-ogende automatische uitvullingen, en typos. Voorgestelde oplossing geen referee-mechanisme maar duidelijk aan de auteurs geven van wat van ze verwacht wordt plus overgaan op de nieuwere tools. Structureel is het te late verschijnen voorkomen vanwege het notulen-aspect: geen notulen geen vergadering.
7_13.pdf (27kb)
Piet Tutelaers
A Font and a Style for Typesetting Chess using LaTeX or TeX (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 41-46
keywords: typesetting, chess, fonts
7_14.pdf (92kb)
Kees van der Laan
Typesetting Bridge via LaTeX (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 47-50
keywords: bridge, LaTeX
abstract: LaTeX macros and a bidding environment for typesetting bridge card distributions and bidding sequences are given. Examples borrowed from bridge literature are supplied.
7_15.pdf (35kb)
Kees van der Laan
Typesetting Bridge via TeX (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 51-62
keywords: bridge, plain TeX
abstract: Enhanced plain TeX macros and a bidding environment for typesetting bridge card distributions and bidding sequences are given. As a follow-up of the LaTeX macros given in [12]. Moreover, macros for annotated printing of the course of the play are provided. Examples of use are included.
7_16.pdf (169kb)
Hanna Kolodziejska
Go diagrams with TeX (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 63-68
keywords: go, diagrams
abstract: Encoureged by Zalman Rubinstein, who described his chess diagrams in TUGboat vol. 10 no. 2, I have prepared some special fonts and TeX macros to be used in typesetting go diagrams.
7_17.pdf (220kb)
Kees van der Laan
Towers of Hanoi, revisited (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 69-70
keywords: tower of Hanoi
abstract: Another version of TeXing of `The Towers of Hanoi' problem is provided, which does not assume Lisp knowledge, just plain TeX. Also some variations of use are included, among others to remove the restriction on the disks: disk size can be supplied by more than one digit.
7_18.pdf (24kb)
Kees van der Laan
6th European TeX Conference (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 71-75
keywords: EuroTeX, conference, Paris
7_19.pdf (64kb)
Kees van der Laan
The TUG91 Annual Meeting (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 76-82
keywords: TUG conference
7_20.pdf (84kb)
Kees van der Laan
TUG Board of Directors meeting (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 83-84
keywords: TUG conference, board-of-directors
abstract: The following are loosely formulated issues which were agreed upon. For more preciseness the reader is referred to the (approved) minutes.
7_21.pdf (13kb)
Kees van der Laan
Visit AMS and TUG office (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 85-86
keywords: AMS, TUG office
abstract: A report is given of the role of AMS with respect to TeX and TUG. The TUG office is next door and the cooperation is beneficial. A few relevant documents and the AMS preprint styles as well as the accompanying documentation are enumerated.
7_22.pdf (19kb)
Theo Jurriens
TeXniques in Siberia (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 87-90
keywords: Siberia, LaTeX, courses, USSR
abstract: This article summarizes the problems of giving a LaTeX course in Siberia. It concludes with an overview concerning the future of TeX inside the USSR.
7_23.pdf (226kb)
Alan Hoenig
An Introduction to TeX for New Users (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 91-96
keywords: introduction, new users
abstract: The purpose of this brief introduction is not to present a tutorial into the use of TeX, but rather to introduce the user to the whole notion of what it means to use TeX, how TeX differs from other typesetting systems, and what the advantages are to using TeX.
7_24.pdf (85kb)
Rein Smedinga
Hoe met LaTeX een boek kan worden gemaakt (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 97-101
keywords: LaTeX, book
abstract: Het creëren van een boek met LaTeX is geen vanzelfsprekende bezigheid. Onderstaand het relaasvan zo'n poging: het boek-in-wording Inleiding Informatica dat in eerste instantie als dictaat bij het bijbehorende college is geschreven en nu in een boekversie is aangeboden aan Addison-Wesley. In onderstaand betoog wordt voorbij gegaan aan het belangrijkste onderdeel van het schrijven van een boek: het schrijven van de tekst. We zullen het hier slechts hebben over de problemen en oplossingen voor wat betreft de layout.
7_25.pdf (55kb)
Theo Jurriens
Ladies and LaTeX (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 102-104
keywords: LaTeX, non-scientists, simplification
abstract: This paper describes the use of LaTeX by non-astronomers at the Kapteyn Institute. Although the general opinion is that it is too complicated for non-scientist, experience in Groningen proves otherwise. If you provide good tools or styles everybody is capable of using LaTeX. Also, the astronomers took over tricks from the ladies, simplifying their lives, too.
7_26.pdf (34kb)
Nico Poppelier
Two Sides of the Fence (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 105-110
keywords: TUG conference, future
abstract: The purpose of this talk is to give an overview of the four days of the twelfth annual TUG meeting; it is an attempt to show that the different streams in the programme of the meeting are connected, that they are part of a whole. Also, I make some comments and observations regarding the current status and the future of TeX, and the future of publishing in general.
7_27.pdf (75kb)
Anita Hoover
Report on Workshop: Getting PostScript into TeX and LaTeX Documents (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 111-116
keywords: workshop, PostScript
7_28.pdf (62kb)
Nelson Beebe
The TUGLIB Server (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 117-123
keywords: TUGLIB, FTP, mail, internet
abstract: Scores of sites on the worldwide Internet now provide access to assorted collections of software relating to TeX and METAFONT. In many cases, these are accessible only via the Internet mechanism known as anonymous ftp, a scheme that permits logins from unknown users, usually on other machines, with very restricted access. The name ftp is an acronym for file transfer protocol. To improve the access to the TeX archives and other software at Utah, I have installed `tuglib'. This server provides a means whereby remote users can send electronic mail messages containing service requests to a daemon program. The daemon parses the requests, logs them, and responds to them.
7_29.pdf (76kb)
Victor Eijkhout, Ron Sommeling
Self-replicating macros (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 124
keywords: macros, self-replication
7_30.pdf (14kb)
Victor Eijkhout
New books on TeX (2) (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 125-126
keywords: new books, book review
abstract: Review of `A Beginner's Book of TeX' (Kopka/Levy).
7_31.pdf (26kb)
Kees van der Laan
Impression INRSTeX, and some more (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 127-129
keywords: INRSTeX
abstract: The work of Michael Fergusson on INRSTeX is discussed, Michael's comments on the review are included.
7_32.pdf (38kb)
Ralph Youngen
AMSTeX (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 130
keywords: AMSTeX
7_33.pdf (21kb)
Michael Spivak
LAMSTeX (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 131
keywords: LAMSTeX
7_34.pdf (21kb)
Yannis Haralambous
ScholarTeX (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 132
keywords: ScholarTeX
abstract: ScholarTeX is a collection of fonts, macros, preprocessor, hyphenation patterns, other related software and a 150-pages manual with many illustrations, exemples, exercises and mottos. It's purpose is to allow the use of TeX in the following languages: Greek, Epigraphical Greek, Armenian, Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, Saxon, Old German, Phonetic Alphabet.
7_35.pdf (21kb)
TUGboat, Table of Contents (English), MAPS 7, 1991, 133-134
keywords: TUGboat, contents
abstract: Table of contents of TUGboat Volume 12.1 and 12.2.
7_36.pdf (31kb)
David Salomon
`Insights in TeX' course (1) (Dutch), MAPS 7, 1991, 135
keywords: courses, insights
abstract: This course, with no hands-on, is aimed at TeX and LaTeX users who are ready for to acquire more insights into the TeXnigma. For those who are still working at the `book' level an extra one-day introductory course can be organized if need for that is large enough.
7_37.pdf (18kb)
Gerard van Nes
MAPS 92.1 (Dutch/English), MAPS 8, 1992, 1-150
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps8.pdf (1628kb)
Gerard van Nes, Jos Winnink
Verslag (1992/1) (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 1-4
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening; Verslag bijeenkomst 2 mei 1991; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; Verslag/discussie werkgroepen; Rondvraag; NTG presentaties: `Fun with TeX'; Sluiting.
8_1.pdf (51kb)
TeX kalender & Glossary & Aanschaf TeX boeken (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 5
keywords: calendar, glossary, book
8_2.pdf (16kb)
Werkgroepen NTG (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 6
keywords: working group
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
8_3.pdf (12kb)
Kees van der Laan
Van de Voorzitter (1992/1) (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 7
keywords: chairman
8_4.pdf (21kb)
Gerard van Nes
Jaarverslag NTG 1991 (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 8-10
keywords: report NTG
abstract: In 1991 ging de NTG zijn 4e jaar van bestaan in. Wederom verschenen er een tweetal MAPS (Minutes & APpendiceS), twee NTG bijeenkomsten vonden plaats met een groeiend aantal lezingen, bestuursverkiezingen werden voor het eerst gehouden, een gecombineerd NTG/TUG lidmaatschap werd mogelijk, de samenwerking met Wiskundig Nederland kreeg gestalte, en er werd verdere aandacht besteed aan de continuering en acceptatie van de NTG.
8_5.pdf (33kb)
Johannes Braams
Financieel verslag NTG 1991 (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 11-12
keywords: financial report
8_6.pdf (26kb)
NTG's listserver TeX-NL (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 13-15
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
8_7.pdf (18kb)
NTG's fileserver TeX-NL (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 16-22
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
8_8.pdf (39kb)
Kees van der Laan
WG 1: Education; Review Urban's `An introduction to LaTeX' (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 23-24
keywords: review, book review
abstract: Review of Michael Urban's `An introduction to LaTeX'
8_9.pdf (31kb)
Kees van der Laan
WG 1: Education; Addendum `Publiceren met LaTeX' (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 25-30
keywords: LaTeX
abstract: Addendum `Publiceren met LaTeX'
8_10.pdf (74kb)
Erik-Jan Vens
WG 4: Fonts: Met schuine en begerige ogen (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 31-32
keywords: working group, fonts
abstract: `Peremesjtsjenije', Een verhaal van nette armoei.
8_11.pdf (29kb)
Jos Winnink
WG 7: PC-zaken (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 33-34
keywords: working group, PC, MS-DOS, Atari
abstract: Activiteiten van werkgroep 7: PC-zaken.
8_12.pdf (13kb)
Daniel Taupin
MusicTeX; using TeX to write polyphonic or instrumental music (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 35-52
keywords: music
abstract: MusicTeX is a set of TeX macros to typeset polyphonic, orchestral or polyphonic music.
8_13.pdf (275kb)
Theo Jurriens
Dating with TeX (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 53-56
keywords: dates
abstract: Three TeX-coded algorithms are given for performing tricks with dates.
8_14.pdf (18kb)
Kees van der Laan
Dag van het Document (verslag ITI-TNO informatiedag) (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 57-58
keywords: document, opslag en retrieval, ITI-TNO
abstract: Een verslag van de dag van het document. Centraal stond de problematiek: opslag en retrieval van documenten. Interessant waren het begrip bibliotheek zonder muren, en de intelligente auteursomgevingen. Het dilemma ten aaanzien van het centrale theam is: moeten wij alles bewaren of selecteren en vergeten? Ook het forum kwam hier niet uit. Er was een beurs met een 20-tal stands.
8_15.pdf (22kb)
Gerard van Nes
Molecuul Muis Manuscript (verslag KNCV symposium) (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 59-62
keywords: chemistry, electronic publishing, KNCV
abstract: Op 18 oktober 1991 werd door de sectie Computertoepassingen van de KNCV (Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging) een symposium m.b.t. chemische tekstverwerking georganiseerd. Naast een algemene introductie over `Electronisch Publiceren', kregen zowel de Apple Macintosh als MS-DOS geïnteresseerden (chemici) de huidige mogelijkheden van het verwerken van chemische teksten voorgeschoteld. Het pakket TeX kwam in een laatste lezing naar voren. De duidelijk geslaagde dag werd bezocht door een kleine honderd deelnemers, inclusief een tiental leveranciers. Vele (leerzame) demonstraties, zowel tijdens de lezingen, als ook tussen de lezingensessies door, zorgden mede voor een duidelijk overzicht.
8_16.pdf (40kb)
David Salomon
An introduction to TeX -- part I course David Salomon -- (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 63-80
keywords: introduction
8_17.pdf (274kb)
Joachim Schrod
The Components of TeX (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 81-86
keywords: components of TeX
abstract: TeX needs a great amount of supplementary components (files and programs) of which the meaning and interaction often is unknown. This paper explains the components of the kernel system TeX that are visible for the TeX user and their relations.
8_18.pdf (67kb)
Frank Mittelbach
LaTeX3 project (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 87-90
keywords: LaTeX3
8_19.pdf (49kb)
Nelson Beebe
LaTeX Editing support (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 91-114
keywords: LaTeX, editing, emacs
abstract: The structured markup of LaTeX can be easy to read and understand, but tedious to type. Its syntax of environment groups bears a strong resemblance to the begin/end groups of the Algol family of computer programming languages, which can be described by rigorous grammars that in turn permit the automatic construction of lexical analyzers and parsers, and structured editors to support programming in those languages. This article describes a powerful facility for the preparation of LaTeX documents using the Emacs text editor.
8_20.pdf (237kb)
Victor Eijkhout
Prolegomena toward a font selection scheme (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 115-116
abstract: Most users of plain TeX do not get very sophisticated in their use of fonts. Often they resort to declaring all used fonts explicitly with \font. There are some obvious disadvantages to that: it is not possible to switch a whole document in a simple way to a different typeface, or to a different size. As a result, I've seen such phenomena as an article with an abstract in 8 or 9 point, but where the formulas were still in 10 point, or pages of `magnified' type where the lines were cramped, because the \baselineskip was not increased with the type size. The need for a good font selection scheme is thus quite obvious, but the implementation of one is not.
8_21.pdf (34kb)
Theo Jurriens
From observation to publication (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 117-120
abstract: This article describes the use of TeX in publishing observations of variable stars observed by Dutch amateur-astronomers. The observations are published in the journal `Variabilia' and in the so-called Reports. In the latter the observations, collected in several years, are published and submitted to the professional astronomer. It includes tables and light-curves: plot of the changing magnitude of the star versus time. In creating the light-curves: PICTeX is used. In preparing the files for PICTeX simple TeX-coding is used for manipulating the data.
8_22.pdf (68kb)
Kees van der Laan
FIFO and LIFO incognito (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 121-124
keywords: FIFO, LIFO
abstract: FIFO, first-in-first-out, and LIFO, last-in-last-out, are well-known techniques for handling sequences. In TeX macro writing they are abundant but are not easily recognized as such. TeX templates for FIFO and LIFO are given and their use is illustrated.
8_23.pdf (51kb)
Kees van der Laan
Tower of Hanoi (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 125-127
keywords: tower of Hanoi
abstract: Another version of programming `The Tower of Hanoi' in TeX is provided. No nodding knowledge of Lisp is required; just plain TeX. There is no restriction on the number of disks, apart from the installed limits of TeX. Generalized disks can be moved as well.
8_24.pdf (49kb)
Kees van der Laan
Typesetting Crosswords via TeX (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 128-132
keywords: crosswords, \halign, WYSIWYG, plain TeX
abstract: A macro is provided for typesetting crosswords via (plain) TeX, or any TeX, which allows \halign use. The specification of the crossword information can be done in the WYSIWYG way, and does not require \halign markup, just the data.
8_25.pdf (59kb)
Theo Jurriens
Ladies & LaTeX -- II (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 133-134
abstract: In dit artikel wordt mijn ervaring als LaTeX-docent, vraagbaak voor secretaresses beschreven. Er zijn twee bronnen van problemen: organisatie en TeX-techniek.
8_26.pdf (31kb)
Nico Poppelier, Amy Hendrickson
Book reviews (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 135-138
keywords: book review, SGML
abstract: Reviews of `LaTeX for Everyone' (Jane Hahn), `Practical SGML' (Eric van Herwijnen), `TeX by Topic, A TeXnician's Reference' (Victor Eijkhout).
8_27.pdf (56kb)
Kees van der Laan
Spivak's Oeuvre (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 139-142
keywords: LAMSTeX
abstract: Spivak's `The Joy of TeX' and `LAMSTeX -- The Synthesis' are discussed.
8_28.pdf (62kb)
TUGboat, Table of Contents (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 143-144
keywords: TUGboat
abstract: Table of contents of TUGboat Volume 12.3, 12.4 and 13.1.
8_29.pdf (35kb)
Tijdschriften zusterverenigingen (Dutch), MAPS 8, 1992, 145-146
keywords: journals
8_30.pdf (31kb)
Jirí Vesely
EuroTeX92 announcement (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 147-148
keywords: EuroTeX, conference, announcement, Prague
abstract: Announcement of the EuroTeX'92 conference.
8_31.pdf (22kb)
David Salomon
`Insights in TeX' course (2) (English), MAPS 8, 1992, 149-150
keywords: courses
abstract: This advanced course, with no hands-on, is aimed at those TeX and/or LaTeX users who are ready for a deeper insight into the TeXnigma. An extra one-day introductory course can be organized for inexperienced users, if there is enough demand.
8_32.pdf (27kb)
Gerard van Nes
MAPS 92.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 9, 1992, 1-162
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps9.pdf (2054kb)
Gerard van Nes, Jos Winnink
Verslag (1992/2) (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 1-4
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening; Verslag bijeenkomst 21 november 1991; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; NTG jaarvergadering; Verslag/discussie werkgroepen; Rondvraag; NTG presentaties: `TeX and Scientific Publishing'; Sluiting.
9_1.pdf (61kb)
TeX kalender & Glossary & Discount boeken en software voor NTG leden (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 5
keywords: calendar, glossary, book, software
9_2.pdf (23kb)
Werkgroepen NTG (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 6
keywords: working group
abstract: Verslag werkgroepen.
9_3.pdf (12kb)
Gerard van Nes
Van uw MAPS Editor (1992) (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 7-8
keywords: MAPS
9_4.pdf (38kb)
Kees van der Laan
Van de Voorzitter (1992/2) (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 9-11
keywords: chairman
9_5.pdf (47kb)
Johannes Braams
Concept begroting 1993 (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 12
keywords: budget
9_6.pdf (21kb)
NTG's listserver TeX-NL (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 13-15
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
9_7.pdf (22kb)
NTG's fileserver TeX-NL (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 16-22
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
9_8.pdf (43kb)
Huub Mulders
WG 3: Evaluatie; Formules in WP5.1, DECwrite en LaTeX (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 23-30
keywords: formulas, evaluation, WordPerfect, DECwrite, LaTeX
abstract: De pakketten WP5.1, DECwrite en LaTeX bieden de mogelijkheid om formules te typesetten. Om de mogelijkheden en kwaliteit te kunnen beoordelen is geprobeerd een vijftal formules met behulp van de drie pakketten te maken.
9_9.pdf (173kb)
Erik-Jan Vens
WG 4: Fonts; Hoe maak ik van een font twee fonts? (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 31-32
keywords: working group, fonts, virtual fonts
abstract: Andrea de Leeuw van Weenen wilde een deel van haar zelfgemaakte font aan kunnen spreken met de gewone letters op het toetsenbord, en niet met lastig in te typen en (evt.) lastig te onthouden macros. De aangewezen manier leek het maken van een virtueel font. Dus heb ik eens op een rijtje gezet wat je daarvoor nodig hebt.
9_10.pdf (21kb)
Kees van der Laan
7th European TeX Conference: EuroTeX'92 (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 33-36
keywords: EuroTeX, conference, Prague
abstract: Highlights of this EuroTeX'92 at Prague were:
9_11.pdf (53kb)
Johannes Braams
Verslag van de TUG conferentie in Portland, Oregon (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 37-42
keywords: TUG conference, Portland
abstract: Verslag van de TUG conferentie in Portland, Oregon.
9_12.pdf (68kb)
Anita Hoover
The Key to Successful Support: Knowing Your TeX and LaTeX Users (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 43-49
keywords: user support
abstract: The primary emphasis of this paper is to address the issues related to supporting TeX and LaTeX. One essential ingredient to successfully supporting any package is that you must know your users. In the case of TeX and LaTeX, this is especially true, because the user base can be so diverse. This paper will focus on support strategies that address different types of users and what you can do as a TeX and LaTeX support person to adopt these strategies in your organization.
9_13.pdf (80kb)
Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley
The Pursuit of Quality (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 50-56
keywords: craft typography, automated typesetting, document formatting models, paradigm, typographic rules, visual contexts, logical contexts, global optimization
abstract: This paper compares high-quality craft typography with the state of the art in automated typesetting. The first part discusses several typographical conventions which cannot be implemented by means of any formatting model currently in use. The second part explains why the current paradigms of computerized typesetting will not serve for high-quality formatting and suggests directions for the further research necessary to improve the quality of computer generated layout.
9_14.pdf (80kb)
Walter van der Laan, Johannes Braams
Writing Reports with More than a Hundred People (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 57-62
keywords: automated report writing, LaTeX
abstract: This paper describes a system that produces project status reports using LaTeX. The reports contain both textual and financial information. The textual part of the status reports is written by over a hundred people who don't need to know what LaTeX is. The financial information is retrieved from a database.
9_15.pdf (145kb)
Ralph Youngen
TeX-based Production at the AMS (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 63-68
keywords: AMS
abstract: The American Mathematical Society (AMS) is a both major publisher of mathematical research, and a professional organization whose members are mathematicians engaging in research at academic institutions and other research centers in the U.S. and around the world. A primary function of the Society is to provide channels of communication whereby these mathematicians can communicate the results of their research to each other, and to the broader scientific community. Foremost among these channels of communication is an extensive publications program which is based on the TeX typesetting system.
9_16.pdf (96kb)
Nico Poppelier, Eric van Herwijnen, Chris Rowley
Standard dtd's and Scientific Publishing (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 69-80
keywords: DTD, SGML, scientific publishing
abstract: This paper has two parts. In the first part we argue that scientific publishing needs one standard dtd for each class of documents that is published, for example one for all research papers and one for all books. In the second part we apply this reasoning to mathematical formulas, and we outline some design requirements for a document type definition for mathematical formulas. In the appendices we discuss and compare existing document type definitions for mathematical formulas.
9_17.pdf (143kb)
Erik-Jan Vens
Incorporating PostScript fonts in TeX (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 81-84
keywords: PostScript, fonts, pfb2mf, conversion
abstract: pfb2mf provides the TeX community with an interface to the PostScript Type One fonts. There is an overwhelming amount of these fonts for sale and there are a lot of fonts in the Public Domain, so it extends the range of typefaces the TeX user can choose from.
9_18.pdf (58kb)
David Salomon
Creating Shaded Rectangles with PostScript (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 85-88
keywords: shaded rectangles, PostScript
abstract: One of the most common graphics used in documents is text with a shaded background. This is hard to do with TeX but easy with PostScript. Simple PostScript code is presented here to create shaded rectangles, and a macro is developed to combine such a rectangle with text.
9_19.pdf (36kb)
John Hobby
Introduction to METAPOST (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 89-96
keywords: METAFONT, METAPOST, picture drawing
abstract: METAPOST is a picture-drawing language very much like METAFONT except with PostScript output. The language provides access to all major features of Level 1 PostScript and it has facilities for integrating graphics with typeset text. This paper gives a brief overview of the METAPOST language and how it can be used. A few of the more interesting features are described in detail.
9_20.pdf (110kb)
Theo Jurriens
TeX for Everyone!? (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 97-99
keywords: METAFONT, PostScript
abstract: In this article author tries to defend a more general use of TeX outside the world of mathematics, astronomy, physics etc. The ! or ? in the title of this paper is the question. Several examples are shown why TeX is much powerful than a dull word-processing package.
9_21.pdf (48kb)
Theo Jurriens
TeX als Database (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 100-101
keywords: databases, administration
abstract: In dit artikel wordt beschreven hoe TeX is gebruikt als een primitieve database voor de administratie van de 47ste Nederlandse Astronomen Conferentie.
9_22.pdf (15kb)
Theo Jurriens
Ladies and LaTeX -- III Vragen allerlei! (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 102-104
keywords: floats, multi-columns, letter, table of contents
abstract: In het dagelijks gebruik van LaTeX komen we zo af en toe toch nog wel eens problemen voor. In dit artikel vragen uit de praktijk en de mogelijke oplossingen.
9_23.pdf (24kb)
Victor Eijkhout
Just give me a Lollipop (it makes my heart go giddy-up) (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 105-110
keywords: Lollipop, meta-format, style design
abstract: The Lollipop format is a meta-format: it does not define user macros, but it contains the tools with which a style designer can easily implement such user macros. This article will show some of the capabilities of Lollipop and will give the reader a small peek behind the scenes of the implementation.
9_24.pdf (66kb)
David Salomon
Index Preparation for TeX Related Documents (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 111-114
keywords: index preparation, MakeIndex
abstract: A beta release of the MakeIndex program has recently become available for the Macintosh computer, and I immediately started using it to prepare the indexes of two new books. MakeIndex is easy to use with LaTeX but, since I like to work with plain TeX, I have developed all the necessary macros from scratch. They are presented here for the benefit of anyone who wants a professionally looking index.
9_25.pdf (50kb)
Kees van der Laan
Table Diversions (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 115-129
keywords: tables, bordered table, plain TeX
abstract: Characteristics of existing table macro collections are given. A kaleidoscope of tables -- as next best to a taxonomy -- is presented. Newly introduced is the class of bordered tables. Variations in print-ruled, nonruled, framed, nonframed, dotted, centered, flushed-can be obtained via the invoke of parameter setting macros; no modification of user mark up. Simultaneous row and column spans, partial rules, and dotted lines are dealt with. The listing of the macro \btable, with auxiliaries, is included.
9_26.pdf (133kb)
Kees van der Laan
Syntactic Sugar (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 130-136
keywords: array addressing, loops, parameters, linear search, sorting, switch, plain TeX
abstract: A plea is made for being honest with TeX and not imposing alien structures upon it, otherwise than via compatible extensions, or via (non-TeX) user interfaces to suit the publisher, the author, or the typist. This will facilitate the process to get (complex) publications out effectively, and typographically of high-quality.
9_27.pdf (101kb)
Kees van der Laan
Heap Sort in TeX (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 137-138
keywords: heap sort, plain TeX
abstract: Sorting in plain TeX is implemented via heap sort. The heap sort algorithm is explained and the encoding given.
9_28.pdf (40kb)
Kees van der Laan
FIFO and LIFO sing the BLUes (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 139-144
keywords: FIFO, LIFO, BLUe, plain TeX
abstract: FIFO, First-In-First-Out, and LIFO, Last-In-First-Out, are well-known techniques for handling sequences. In TeX macro writing they are abundant but are not easily recognized as such. TeX templates for FIFO and LIFO are given and their use illustrated. The relation with Knuth's \dolist, answer ex11.5, and \ctest, p.376, is given.
9_29.pdf (89kb)
Kees van der Laan
Typesetting Crosswords via TeX, revisited (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 145-146
keywords: crosswords
abstract: An alternative macro, to van der Laan (1992b), is provided for typesetting crosswords via TeX.
9_30.pdf (43kb)
Jan Krugers
Scientific Word; TeX à la WYSIWYG (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 147-154
keywords: Scientific Word, WYSIWYG, Windows, OS2WIN
abstract: A software package for Windows and OS2WIN for inputting mathematical formulas WYSIWYG according to all TeX rules. Internal storage format is a mixture of TeX, LaTeX and macros of own design. Mathematical formulas are immediately shown the way they will be printed. Line width for text is limited to the width of the windowfor ease of use. The built in previewer from TurboTeX shows the whole document layout. There are also dvi drivers included for PostScript, LaserJet, DeskJet and matrixprinters. Pictures can be called just as easy as formulas can be inputted. A description of the philosophy of this package and how to work with it.
9_31.pdf (244kb)
Gerard van Nes
Bugs (sigh) in Knuths `Computers & Typesetting' (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 155-157
keywords: bugs, Knuth, Computers & Typesetting
abstract: In may/june this year a discussion started on the TeX-NL listserver (by Kees van der Laan and Nico Poppelier) about the releases of Knuths book series: it was not sure that Addison-Wesley was selling only the latest book editions. We have forwarded that discussion directly to Addison-Wesley in Amsterdam. The answer is included in next section.
9_32.pdf (38kb)
Michael Downes
LaTeX3; Call for Volunteers (English), MAPS 9, 1992, 158
keywords: LaTeX3, volunteers
abstract: This is a call for volunteers to help in the development of LaTeX3. There are many tasks needing to be done in support of the LaTeX3 project which can be worked on concurrently with the development of the LaTeX3 kernel. Furthermore, some tasks require special expertise not found among the core programming team. Initial research, analysis, and work on these tasks by volunteers can greatly speed up the process of integrating a number of desirable features into LaTeX3. Many of these features can be extensively developed and tested under LaTeX 2.09 even before the LaTeX3 kernel is available.
9_33.pdf (17kb)
Jirí Zlatuška
EuroTeX'92 proceedings (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 159
keywords: EuroTeX, proceedings, Prague
abstract: EuroTeX '92 proceedings volume contains 330 pages of papers presented at the last European TeX Conference held in Prague, Czechoslovakia. There are full texts of five invited talks included, presenting topics ranging from the future of TeX to combinations involving METAFONT and PostScript, and also user support. The volume is available from the Czechoslovak TeX user's group for only DM 30.--.
9_34.pdf (16kb)
TUG '93; Call for Papers (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 160
keywords: TUG conference, call for papers
abstract: Call for papers for TUG'93 meeting.
9_35.pdf (56kb)
Table of Contents TUGboat (Dutch), MAPS 9, 1992, 161-162
keywords: TUGboat, contents
abstract: Table of contents of TUGboat Volume 13.2 and 13.3.
9_36.pdf (24kb)
Gerard van Nes
MAPS 93.1 (Dutch/English), MAPS 10, 1993, 1-218
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps10.pdf (3082kb)
Gerard van Nes, Jos Winnink
Verslag (1993) (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 1-4
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening; Verslag bijeenkomst 4 juni 1992; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; NTG presentaties: `The future of TeX/LaTeX'; Rondvraag en Sluiting.
10_1.pdf (49kb)
TeX kalender, Glossary & Mededelingen (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 5-6
keywords: calendar, glossary, announcement
10_2.pdf (23kb)
Gerard van Nes
Van uw MAPS Editor; `5 jaar MAPS' (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 7-10
keywords: MAPS, MAPS, NTG
10_3.pdf (60kb)
Kees van der Laan
Van de Voorzitter (1993/1) (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 11-14
keywords: chairman
10_4.pdf (55kb)
Gerard van Nes
Jaarverslag NTG 1992 (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 15-17
keywords: report NTG
abstract: In 1992 ging de NTG zijn 5e jaar van bestaan in. Twee NTG bijeenkomsten vonden plaats met vele goede lezingen, naast een succesvolle en goed bezette 5-daagse Advanced TeX cursus (low budget; met het cursusmateriaal als MAPS-Special). Er verschenen wederom een tweetal MAPS uitgaven (Minutes & APpendiceS). Medewerking werd tevens verleend aan het LaTeX3 projekt.
En voor de rest is er het diverse door de leden gedaan waaronder een Public Domain MS-DOS set (instap en volledige versie), proeflezen van de MAPS, en de hulpverlening bij vragen op de TeX-NL discussielijst.
10_5.pdf (29kb)
Johannes Braams
Financieel verslag NTG 1992 (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 18-19
keywords: financial report
10_6.pdf (24kb)
NTG's Listserver TeX-NL (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 20-22
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
10_7.pdf (19kb)
NTG's Fileserver TeX-NL (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 23-30
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
10_8.pdf (40kb)
Frans Goddijn
NTG's Bulletin Board FGBBS (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 31-36
keywords: BBS, bulletin board, FGBBS
abstract: Nieuw voor de Nederlandstalige TeX Gebruikersgroep: een TeX Bulletin Board speciaal voor diegenen die niet op het Internet zijn aangesloten. De naam: FGBBS. Op FGBBS is sinds kort een zo volledig en actueel mogelijke TeX, emTeX, LaTeX en MusicTeX collectie beschikbaar voor alle bezitters van een modem. Het BBS is kosteloos toegankelijk voor iedereen en er zijn geen beperkingen aan de hoeveelheid bestanden die kunnen worden opgevraagd. Het systeem is aangesloten op een High Speed modem, vergeleken met de transmissiesnelheid die een directe Internet link biedt misschien niet geweldig, maar veel beter kan het niet over de gewone huis- tuin- en keukenPTTlijn. FGBBS is te bellen op 085-217041. Noot 31-jan-1997: nieuw nummer is 026-3217 041.
10_9.pdf (58kb)
David Jones
A Catalogue of TeX Macros (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 37-40
keywords: TeX, LaTeX, AMSTeX, AMSLaTeX, macros, index
abstract: This is a catalogue of TeX macros. Its scope includes all macros that are available via anonymous ftp or mail-server or some similar mechanism. Commercial packages will be included only if a full Catalogue entry is supplied to me by the vendor.
10_10.pdf (39kb)
Michel Lavaud
A way to ensure the future of TeX: make its use easier on low-cost machines (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 41-52
keywords: back-end, front-end, scientific publishing, AsTeX, hyperTeX, tree, link, multi-author document, file manager, numerical computation, formal computation, worksheet, databases, email, MS-DOS, notebook, OS/2
abstract: The PC is the cheapest computer and the most widespread one in the scientific community. Faced with commercial scientific word-processors that are improving steadily in wrong directions, it is urgent to make the use of TeX easier on the PC, to ensure its future and avoid costly dead-ends to researchers. We have designed a program, AsTeX, that allows to create easily multi-author scientific documents in TeX or LaTeX on PCs. It provides an on-line hypertext help and a multi-level assistance in typing LaTeX code. It allows to display and modify very easily the structure of a document, to archive and retrieve files related to it, to perform numerical and formal computations from the document and include automatically the results, to create LaTeX tables from worksheets or databases of formulas. It processes electronic mail and files sent by list servers for a better use of information and eases considerably the use of anonymous ftp and archie servers by local archiving of selected informations.
10_11.pdf (436kb)
Wietse Dol, Erik Frambach, Maarten van der Vlerk
4TeX: a TeX Workbench for MS-DOS PC's (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 53-56
keywords: 4TeX, workbench, PC, MS-DOS, freeware, shareware
abstract: TeX and all its companions offer an enormous amount of possibilities. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is that almost anything is possible; the disadvantage is that you need detailed knowledge of all related programs to fully exploit the possibilities. The MS-DOS program 4TeX is an attempt to integrate all major TeX related programs in a shell that shields you from the tedious and frustrating job of setting environment variables and program parameters.
10_12.pdf (58kb)
Robert Best
TeX zonder omhaal; voor Atari ST en andere PC's (I) (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 57-68
keywords: Atari, PD-TeX
abstract: Deze cursus is bedoeld als eerste kennismaking met TeX op een eenvoudige PC. Een harde schijf is niet nodig. De cursus is gebaseerd op de PD-TeX van Christoph Strunk voor Atari ST. De installatie en de functie van de basis bestanden van TeX worden behandeld. Deze cursus is een gecorrigeerde herdruk van een serie artikelen in het blad ST uitgegeven door: Stichting ST. Daar zijn de in de tekst genoemde schijfjes te verkrijgen.
10_13.pdf (196kb)
Philippe Vanoverbeke
Gezeefd uit de TeX-NL discussielijst (1993/1) (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 69-72
keywords: TEX-NL, discussionlist
abstract: Gezeefd uit de NTG TeX-NL discussielijst van 1992 en begin 1993: een zestiental vragen en antwoorden. Niet alleen voor de niet-netwerkers doch ook voor de TeX-NL subscribers die de berichten te snel langs hun heen zagen gaan. Keuze is gemaakt op persoonlijke titel, veel is dus ongetwijfeld missende. Echter de onderwerpen welke in deze bijdrage worden behandeld zijn zeker van algemeen belang.
10_14.pdf (37kb)
Mark Sinke
armTeX, een port van TeX voor de Archimedes (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 73
keywords: armTeX, Acorn, Archimedes, port
abstract: In dit artikeltje zal ik vertellen wat armTeX is en welke voor- en nadelen het systeem heeft. Het is geen uitvoerige opsomming van wat TeX kan, omdat de lezer geacht wordt daarvan (enigszins) op de hoogte te zijn. Ik zal me meer richten op de technische kanten van het werken met TeX op de Archimedes.
10_15.pdf (16kb)
Piet Tutelaers
Het gebruik van MathTime in LaTeX (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 74-76
keywords: MathTime, LaTeX
10_16.pdf (106kb)
Philip Taylor
The Future of TeX (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 77-85
keywords: extended TeX, NTS, New Typesetting System
abstract: TeX and the other members of Knuth's Computers & Typesetting family are arguably amongst the most successful examples of computer software in the world, having been ported to almost every conceivable operating system and attracting an allegiance that verges on the fanatical. Development work on this family has now ceased, and many members of the computer typesetting community are concerned that some action should be taken to ensure that the ideas and philosophy enshrined in TeX are not allowed simply to fade away. In this paper, we discuss some of the options available for perpetuating the TeX philosophy, and examine the strengths and weaknesses of the present TeX system. We conclude by postulating a development strategy for the future which will honour both the letter and the spirit of Knuth's wish that TeX, METAFONT and the Computer Modern typefaces remain his sole responsibility, and at the same time ensure that the philosophy and paradigms which are the strengths of TeX are not lost for ever by having artificial constraints placed on their evolution.
10_17.pdf (126kb)
Frank Mittelbach
E-TeX: Guidelines for Future TeX extensions (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 86-94
keywords: e-TeX, guidelines, extensions
abstract: With the announcement of TeX 3.0, Don Knuth acknowledged the need of the (ever growing) TeX community for an even better system. But at the same time, he made it clear, that he will not get involved in any further enhancements that would change the TeXbook. TeX started out originally as a system designed to typeset its author's own publications. In the meantime it serves hundreds of thousands of users. Now it is time, after ten years' experience, to step back and consider whether or not TeX 3.0 is an adequate answer to the typesetting requirements of the nineties. Output produced by TeX has higher standards than output generated automatically by most other typesetting systems. Therefore, in this paper we will focus on the quality standards set by typographers for hand-typeset documents and ask to what extent they are achieved by TeX. Limitations of TeX's algorithms are analyzed; and missing features as well as new concepts are outlined.
10_18.pdf (256kb)
Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley
The LaTeX3 Project (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 95-100
keywords: LaTeX3
abstract: This is a brief sketch of the LaTeX3 Project: background, history, principles, aims and functionality. The new version of LaTeX is, like the current version, a freely available system for automated processing of structured documents, formatting them to the highest typographic standards by use of the TeX typesetting software. Although its uses include a very large range of published documents, the importance of its unsurpassed ability to format mathematical formulas will not be forgotten in producing the new version. It is being produced by an international group of volunteers under the technical direction of Frank Mittelbach.
10_19.pdf (61kb)
Michel Goossens
PostScript en LaTeX, de komplementariteit in praktijk (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 101-113
keywords: PostScript, LaTeX, epsfig, NFSS
abstract: In dit artikel toon ik aan hoe PostScript en LaTeX een hoge graad van samenhorigheid bezitten, die het mogelijk maakt om de voordelen van beide systemen te kombineren om dokumenten elektronisch te publiceren. Allereerst vertel ik hoe, samen met de dvi-vertaler dvips en het stijlbestand epsfig, het invoegen van PostScript materiaal in een (La)TeX bestand heel eenvoudig wordt. Samen met de stijl rotating kan men bijna elk gewenst globaal grafisch effekt verkrijgen zonder per-se een PostScript guru te zijn. In het tweede gedeelte van het artikel geef ik een kort overzicht van enkele op PostScript gebaseerde stijlbestanden, die bepaalde nuttige visuele effekten genereren, zoals grijze raampjes, kleurentypografie en het overdrukken van tekst. In het laatste gedeelte toon ik hoe eenvoudig het is om PostScript fonts te gebruiken in LaTeX met het nieuwe fontselektie systeem (NFSS) van Frank Mittelbach.
10_20.pdf (225kb)
Yannis Haralambous
Virtual Fonts: Great Fun, Not for Wizards Only (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 114-119
keywords: virtual fonts
abstract: This paper deals with virtual fonts. I would like to present some examples of their astonishing possibilities, taken from everyday typesetting (or almost).
10_21.pdf (122kb)
Yannis Haralambous
The Birth of a Virtual Font; The AdjKerns Utility (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 120-123
keywords: virtual fonts, AdjKerns
10_22.pdf (41kb)
Alan Hoenig
When TeX and METAFONT Work Together (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 124-139
keywords: METAFONT, labelling figures, figures with labels, curvilinear
abstract: When TeX and METAFONT communicate to each other, they can do more together than they can alone. This presentation concentrates on two illustrations of this principal, and urges readers to come up with more. When TeX becomes sensitive to information passed to it from METAFONT, it is possible to prepare diagrams and figures using METAFONT and then to have TeX prepare labels which can be precisely positioned within the figure. When communication goes the other way, TeX and METAFONT can prepare special purpose fonts which (among other things) can be set along curved baselines. Illustrations of both techniques are presented.
10_23.pdf (279kb)
David van Leeuwen
Getallen (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 140-141
keywords: numbers
10_24.pdf (25kb)
Johannes Braams
International quotations (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 142-144
keywords: quotation marks
abstract: In this article some relatively simple macros are presented for people who need an occasional quotation mark that is different from the default quotation marks provided by TeX.
10_25.pdf (28kb)
Kees van der Laan
Typesetting number sequences; FIFO and some more (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 145-148
keywords: typesetting sequences, citation lists, lists of references, linear sorting, FIFO, plain TeX
abstract: Typesetting sequences of numerical values, represented via symbolic names which get their values on the fly, is dealt with. The sorting of the sequence is done by a linear sorting algorithm, of complexity O(n2). Three or more consecutive numbers are typeset as a range. The objective was to encode typesetting sequences of numbers as simple, concise, general, compatible, modular, orthogonal, and ..., as possible in TeX.
10_26.pdf (68kb)
Kees van der Laan
Sorting in BLUe (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 149-170
keywords: sorting, index preparation, database handling, multiple sorting keys
abstract: Macros for number and lexicographic sorting are supplied. Data can originate from the copy, from file, or generated automatically. Lexicographic sorting allows words with ligatures and diacritical marks. Applications treated are: sorting with respect to report generation with TeX as a database tool, sorting and compressing index.TeX, Knuth's index reminders file, and sorting control sequences separately. It is illustrated by various examples that a set can be sorted within TeX once the ordering of the set is defined and encoded in a comparison macro, in compliance with the parameter macro \cmp.
10_27.pdf (259kb)
Kees van der Laan
Manmac BLUes; or how to typeset a book via TeX (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 171-191
keywords: computer-assisted typography, manmac, style, customizing, index preparation, plain TeX, fonts
abstract: The manmac macros are enumerated. A user's guide is provided, and the encodings are explained. As enhancements the writing of index reminders to the file index.TeX is elaborated upon, and how to incorporate AMS fonts and non-CM fonts is referred to. In the appendixes I provided the source of manmac and my personalized report template. With respect to the latter, I played with the idea of formatting the MAPS specials series in this way.
10_28.pdf (227kb)
Kees van der Laan
AMS BLUes; professionals at work (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 192-212
keywords: computer-assisted typography, math, bibliography, markup, AMSTeX, math fonts, cyrillics, plain TeX
abstract: The significance of the American Mathematical Society for the TeX community at large, and more general the leading role of the AMS in the area of professional computer-assisted typesetting, is praised. AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX, their accompanying styles amsppt.sty, respectively amsart.sty, as well as AMS fonts are discussed. AMS provides excellent user's and installation guides along with the software and fonts, all in the public domain. Despite the quality, an alternative approach -- and in detail some alternative encodings -- are provided. A publisher is strongly encouraged to take notice of the computer-assisted publishing activities of this pace-setting society. A new procedural idea with respect to specifying and formatting bibliographies, given a background file of all the references an author is familiar with, is proposed to suit the author and the publisher.
10_29.pdf (234kb)
Sebastian Rahtz
The 14th Annual TeX Users Group Meeting (English), MAPS 10, 1993, 213-216
keywords: TUG conference, Aston
abstract: `A World-Wide Window on TeX'
10_30.pdf (53kb)
Table of Contents TUGboat (Dutch), MAPS 10, 1993, 217-218
keywords: TUGboat, contents
abstract: Table of contents of TUGboat Volume 13.4.
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Gerard van Nes
MAPS 93.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 11, 1993, 1-227
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps11.pdf (2629kb)
Jos Winnink
Opening 11e NTG bijeenkomst 10 juni 1993 (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 1-6
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Verslag bijeenkomst 19 november 1992; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; NTG-jaarvergadering; Rondvraag en Sluiting; Voordrachten: `Van font tot boek'; Volgende bijeenkomsten
11_1.pdf (88kb)
Het weten waard (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 7-8
11_2.pdf (35kb)
Kees van der Laan
Van de Voorzitter (1993/2) (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 9-10
keywords: chairman
11_3.pdf (23kb)
Gerard van Nes
Van uw MAPS Editor (1993) (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 11
11_4.pdf (22kb)
Johannes Braams
Concept begroting 1994 (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 12-13
keywords: budget
11_5.pdf (17kb)
NTG's Listserver TeX-NL (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 14-16
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
11_6.pdf (30kb)
NTG's Fileserver TeX-NL (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 17-23
keywords: fileserver
abstract: Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.
11_7.pdf (45kb)
Jules van Weerden
TeX-NL archief (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 24
keywords: TEX-NL
abstract: Deze bijdrage beschrijft de sinds kort aanwezige beschikbaarheid van het TeX-NL archief op het internet. Zowel inzage is mogelijk in een subject-lijst als in de TeX-NL e-mails zelf.
11_8.pdf (23kb)
George Greenwade
INFO-TeX (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 25-27
abstract: This article is a adaption of the message send to new users on the INFO-TeX distribution list. It describes some additional features of the LISTSERV (including some other mailing lists) and the additional FILESERV facillity.
11_9.pdf (39kb)
Frans Goddijn, Henk de Haan
FGBBS zes maanden later (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 28-35
keywords: FGBBS, bulletin board, LittleComm, Silver Express, offline reading, Fidonet, internet
abstract: Henk de Haan en Frans Goddijn geven een uitleg over de werkzaamheden aan FGBBS. Nadat een directory met boeken op disk was gewist, werd de LaTeX-bibliotheek van FGBBS belangrijk uitgebreid. Er werd voor bezoekers een mogelijkheid geschapen om zowel in fidonet als Internet berichten te lezen en te schrijven. Ook een systeem voor offline reading werd aangelegd.
11_10.pdf (82kb)
John Timmerman
Spoorboekje voor het inloggen op FGBBS met LittleComm (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 36-40
keywords: FGBBS, LittleComm, datacommunicatie
abstract: Zoals uit het kopje al blijkt, ga ik er hier vanuit dat je nog niet veel ervaring hebt met datacommunicatie, en dat je hebt gekozen voor het gebruik van LittleComm. LittleCommspoort je vlug, veilig en voordelig door het fascinerende land van de datacommunicatie. door hem gebruikte setup.
11_11.pdf (52kb)
Christina Thiele
Greetings from TUG (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 41-42
11_12.pdf (23kb)
Kees van der Laan
NTG's Lustrum (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 43-51
keywords: 4TeX, BBS, cooperation NLUUG, cooperation CyrTUG
abstract: NTG's youth in ConTeXt is depicted, with a wink to the future.
11_13.pdf (122kb)
Huib van Krimpen
Ik ben een leek en vrij van pijnlijk weten (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 52-56
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Kees van der Laan
TUG '93 (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 57-59
keywords: LaTeX companion, LaTeX2.09, NTS, outline fonts, PDF, CTAN, TUG conference, Aston
abstract: This report contains the main issues as perceived by the author. The idea is to get the flavor and my view of the good items across, at the expense of completeness.
11_15.pdf (47kb)
Kees van der Laan
TUG Board of Directors (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 60-61
keywords: board-of-directors, conference planning, long-range planning, public relations, TeXnical council, exchange of TUGboat and bulletins of LUGs
abstract: The following are the loosely formulated issues as perceived by me. For more preciseness the reader is referred to the (approved) minutes.
11_16.pdf (34kb)
Kees van der Laan
CyrTUG '93 and some more (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 62-66
keywords: CyrTUG, conference, cyrillics, MIR publishers
abstract: The first open CyrTUG meeting with a few participants from abroad. A rich touristic program next to the usual issues: courses, and special attention to the national TeX problems.
11_17.pdf (149kb)
Kees van der Laan
What is TeX and METAFONT all about? (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 67-87
keywords: AMSTeX, electronic publishing, LaTeX, METAFONT, EPS, SGML, hyperTeX
abstract: A survey of TeX, its flavours, and its twin sister METAFONT, within the context of Electronic Publishing, is given.
11_18.pdf (273kb)
Piet van Oostrum
Gebruik en Management van TeX in een Unix omgeving (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 88-102
abstract: Een TeX systeem op een Unix systeem omhelst tegenwoordig veel meer dan alleen het gelijknamige programma. Een goed geïntegreerde werkomgeving is mogelijk voor het produceren van een veelzijdig scala aan documenten. We bespreken de structuur van het TeX systeem, de gangbare hulpmiddelen en pakketten eromheen, zoals printer drivers, previewers, font beheer, grafische pakketten, bibliografiebeheer, index beheer, spelling controle e.d. Verder besteden we aandacht aan de beheers- en installatie aspecten ervan, zowel voor een stand-alone systeem als voor een client-server omgeving met eventueel heterogene systemen.
11_19.pdf (177kb)
Geoffrey Tobin
METAFONT for Beginners (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 103-110
abstract: This is not a tutorial on METAFONT. It is an attempt to describe how some of the pitfalls in running the program may, hopefully, be avoided.
11_20.pdf (89kb)
Robert Best
TeX zonder omhaal; voor Atari ST en andere PC's (II) (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 111-114
abstract: Deze cursus is een vervolg op die in MAPS 93.1. Na een inleiding in het eerste hoofdstuk werden toen in de volgende hoofdstukken behandeld: Boxen, METAFONT en PostScript, Figuren en een vreemd alfabet, en tot slot INITeX en INIMF. In deze bijdrage vervolgen we met hoofdstuk 6: het maken van een mooie brief, niet via `boxen' in TeX maar m.b.v. LaTeX. In hoofdstuk 7 bekijken we de `artikel-stijl', waarschijnlijk de meest gebruikte vorm van TeX. Dat leidt tot een vergelijking van TeX en LaTeX. En tot een alternatief: TeXsis. Deze cursus is een herdruk van een serie artikelen in het blad ST uitgegeven door Stichting ST. Daar zijn de in de tekst genoemde schijfjes te verkrijgen.
11_21.pdf (64kb)
Bobby Bodenheimer
Frequently Asked Questions (II) (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 115-125
keywords: FAQ, frequently asked questions, comp.text.tex
abstract: This article contains answers to some frequently asked questions on comp.text.tex. Please don't ask these questions again, as they've been answered many times before. Note that Guoying Chen ( posts the monthly document Supplementary TeX Information to this newsgroup containing other information and software relevant to TeX users but beyond the scope of this article.
11_22.pdf (134kb)
Eberhard Mattes
Frequently Asked Questions about emTeX (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 126-127
keywords: FAQ, frequently asked questions
abstract: This is an edited version of a document called emTeX-user Frequently Asked Questions. Eberhard Mattes sent this document on october 3rd, 1993 to the emTeX-user list. In the community of dutch TeX-users emTeX is widely spread. So questions to the list are probably also valuable for many emTeX-users without direct access to the list.
11_23.pdf (28kb)
Wietse Dol
Frequently Asked Questions about 4TeX (1) (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 128-130
abstract: In this note I have gathered some frequently asked questions and remarks. Most of the questions and answers were proposed in Dutch, so I tried to translate them into English. Blame me for (m)any bad English.
11_24.pdf (44kb)
Philippe Vanoverbeke
Gezeefd uit de TeX-NL discussielijst (1993/2) (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 131-132
abstract: Hier volgt opnieuw een selektie uit de NTG TeX-NL discussielijst. Er werden enkele (korte) items uitgelicht uit de onderwerpen die aan bod gekomen zijn tussen juni en september 1993.
11_25.pdf (26kb)
George Greenwade
The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 133-140
keywords: CTAN, archives, FTP
abstract: This paper outlines the concept, development, and use of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) -- a network-accessible archive for files related to the TeX family of document processing. The CTAN is a coordinated effort among consenting well-known archive sites which provides quick identification and retrieval files in a consistent manner from hosts on different continents, thereby reducing overall network load and increasing speed of retrieval. Moreover, it provides users with a parallel archive structure between hosts with holdings which are generally synchronized to within 30 hours of one another. This is achieved by routinely mirroring one another's holdings, as well as mirroring other archives to maintain an up-to-date collection of files.
11_26.pdf (86kb)
Phons Bloemen
4allTeX: NTG's TeX voor MS-DOS (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 141-154
keywords: emTeX, 4TeX, distribution
abstract: Presentatie van het 4allTeX floppypakket. Opgezet als een TeX-installatie samengepakt op 1 HD floppy, uitbreidbaar met `hapklare' brokken in de vorm van extra floppies. Het geheel is gebaseerd op het emTeX pakket van Eberhard Mattes, en het 4TeX-pakket.
11_27.pdf (106kb)
Phons Bloemen
Shells for TeX (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 155-159
keywords: 4TeX, TeXShell, user interface
abstract: This is a review of two `shell' programs for emTeX, the PC-TeX implementation of Eberhard Mattes. The `shells' provide an integrated development environment for making TeX documents. The two `shells' presented here are TeXSHELL by Jürgen Schlegelmilch, and 4TeX by Wietse Dol, Erik Frambach and Maarten van der Vlerk.
11_28.pdf (67kb)
Wietse Dol
Some notes about TeX and MS-Windows (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 160-162
abstract: Many people know about TeX compilers and TeX utilities for the MS-DOS PC. However, in the world of WINDOWS there is a lack of knowledge. This note is intended to inform people who like to run TeX under WINDOWS and want all the good stuff that WINDOWS and TeX offers.
11_29.pdf (47kb)
Roger Hunter
A Future for TeX (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 163-166
abstract: The future of TeX is invisibility. The role of TeX should be similar to that of the microprocessor in a PC. The microprocessor is the heart of the system, but is completely invisible except for the sticker which says `intel inside.' TeX must be made invisible with appropriate front-ends. These front-ends should emphasize the manipulation of content over appearance and reverse the trend toward WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interfaces with their emphasis on manipulation of appearance. Content-oriented interfaces provide far greater user productivity than WYSIWYG systems, and TeX is the ideal basis for such systems.
11_30.pdf (48kb)
Philippe Vanoverbeke
Scientific Word,... een eerste indruk (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 167-170
abstract: Eind 1992 kreeg ik een beta-versie van Scientific Word in de bus. Dhr. Kruger was toen zo vriendelijk om mij dit pakket toe te sturen ter evaluatie. Hierna volgt het rapport(je) met mijn bevindingen dat ik hem destijds toestuurde. Zonder twijfel is het product inmiddels verder geëvalueerd en zijn mijn bevindingen dan ook hoogswaarschijnlijk niet echt meer `up to date'.
11_31.pdf (50kb)
Wietse Dol
The ease of including graphics in TeX documents using 4TeX (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 171-176
abstract: In this paper we will show how 4TeX can be used to incorporate graphics in TeX documents. Using 4TeX it not only becomes easy to include graphics in TeX files, but also makes it possible to preview and print TeX documents (including graphics) on any machine and any printer. For inserting graphics in TeX documents, 4TeX uses the style file figures.sty, the shareware programs TeXCAD and GRAPHIC WORKSHOP, and the freeware programs: HP2XX, BM2FONT,PCLTOMSP, and GhostScript. All these programs are discussed and we also discuss how 4TeX uses the strength of these programs to incorporate graphics in TeX documents.
11_32.pdf (151kb)
Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach, Alexander Samarin
Customizing LaTeX lists (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 177-184
abstract: In this article, which is part of the third chapter of our forthcoming book `A LaTeX Companion', we take a look at LaTeX's list environments. First the various parameters and commands controlling the standard LaTeX lists, enumerate, itemize,anddescription, are discussed. Then the general list environment is introduced and we tell you how to build custom layouts by varying the values of the parameters controlling this environment.
11_33.pdf (77kb)
Johannes Braams
An update on the babel system (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 185-186
abstract: This article describes the changes that have been made to the babel system, since the article describing the system appeared in TUGboat Volume 12, number 2. This article announces the release of a new version of the babel system.
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Piet Tutelaers
Herziene afbreekpatronen voor het Nederlands (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 187-190
keywords: hyphenation, new dutch
abstract: Dutch hyphenation patterns for TeX based upon `Groene boekje 1990'
11_35.pdf (46kb)
Donald Arseneau
Typesetting paragraphs of a specified shape (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 191-193
abstract: Editor's note: This description of an unusual macro file, shapepar.sty, is taken from the documentation; the full style file can be found in CTAN archives.
11_36.pdf (43kb)
Marek Rycko, Boguslaw Jackowski
TeX from \indent to \par (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 194-198
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Rob de Jeu
LaTeX at WKAP in Dordrecht (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 199-200
abstract: In this article, I will explain a couple of things about the use of LaTeX at Wolters Kluwer Academic Publishers (WKAP), a scientific publisher in Dordrecht. WKAP came into existence in the '80s after the merger between D. Reidel Publishing Company, Martinus Nijhoff and Dr W. Junk. Each year, WKAP publishes approximately 200 scientific journals and about 500 books (in reality, 200 scientific journal titles translates into some 1200 journal issues).
11_38.pdf (27kb)
Philippe Vanoverbeke
TeX en braille... een illusie? (Dutch), MAPS 11, 1993, 201-204
abstract: Ongetwijfeld zal bovenstaande titel menig NTG-lid de wenkbrauwen doen fronsen...: Typografie, laat staan TeX, is nu wel het laatste wat wij in verband brengen met onze blinde medemens. In de volgende paragrafen zal ik pogen te verklaren waarom ik TeX als een mogelijk hulpmiddel zie voor de produktie van (eenvoudige) documenten in braille.
11_39.pdf (43kb)
Kees van der Laan
BLUe's bibliography -- a generic approach (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 205-210
keywords: literature database, bibliography, plain TeX
abstract: A new and flexible approach to maintaining and using a bibliography database within (All)TeX is provided.
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Kees van der Laan
Matrix icons via LaTeX (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 211-212
keywords: matrix icons, LaTeX, picture environment
abstract: Some macros for typesetting matrix icons are provided, based upon LaTeX's picture environment, which don't need coordinate awareness: just the (dimensionless) sizes of the `boxes.'
11_41.pdf (30kb)
Wlodek Bzyl, Tomasz Przechlewski
An application of literate programming: creating a format for the bulletin of the Polish TUG (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 213-215
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Mary Dyson
Teaching Typography -- The Didot Project (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 216-218
keywords: digital typography, curriculum development, letterforms, project report
abstract: This paper briefly outlines the Didot project on teaching digital typography. A key issue, namely the nature of the interaction between computer and design specialists, is discussed and related to the type of material that could be included in a curriculum for digital typography. Teaching methods and material that have been developed in this area are outlined and an evaluation of one of these methods is described.
11_43.pdf (37kb)
Chris Rowley, Frank Mittelbach
Announcement LaTeX2e -- A New Version of LaTeX (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 219-220
abstract: LaTeX2e is a new, standard version of LaTeX-prepared and supported by the LaTeX3 Project Team.
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Nico Poppelier
Review of recent LaTeX books (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 221-222
keywords: book review
abstract: Reviews of `A Guide to LaTeX, Document Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users' (Helmut Kopka and Patrick Daly), `LaTeX Line By Line, Tips and Techniques for Document Processing' (Antoni Diller).
11_45.pdf (29kb)
Michael Ferguson
The Technical Council and Special Interest Working Groups (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 223
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Mary Dyson
Call for papers: TEP'94 & TUG'94 (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 224-225
keywords: call for papers, TEP, TUG conference, Darmstadt, Santa Barbara
abstract: call for papers for TEP'94 and for TUG'94.
11_47.pdf (28kb)
Table of Contents TUGboat (English), MAPS 11, 1993, 226-227
abstract: Table of contents of TUGboat Volume 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3.
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Gerard van Nes
MAPS 94.1 (Dutch/English), MAPS 12, 1994, 1-177
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps12.pdf (2821kb)
Jos Winnink
Verslag (1994/1) (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 1-5
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening 12e NTG bijeenkomst 18 november 1993; Verslag NTG bijeenkomst van 10 juni 1993; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; Begroting 1994; Wat verder ter tafel komt; LaTeX3; MAPS; Verslag bijeenkomsten; Verslag werkgroepen; Rondvraag; Voordrachten: `(La)TeX gebruikersomgeving'; Volgende bijeenkomsten; Sluiting
12_1.pdf (70kb)
Het weten waard (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 6-7
12_2.pdf (37kb)
Kees van der Laan
Van de Voorzitter (1994/1) (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 8-10
keywords: chairman
12_3.pdf (53kb)
Gerard van Nes
Van uw MAPS Editor (1994/1) (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 11-12
12_4.pdf (38kb)
Gerard van Nes
Jaarverslag NTG 1993 (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 13-14
keywords: report NTG
12_5.pdf (36kb)
Johannes Braams
Financieel verslag NTG 1993 (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 15-16
keywords: financial report
12_6.pdf (32kb)
Jos Winnink
Use of TeX and LaTeX within the NTG community (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 17-18
keywords: TeX, LaTeX, LaTeX3
abstract: At the 1993 spring meeting of the Dutch TeX User Group (NTG) the NTG Board was asked to find out in what way TeX and LaTeX is used by its members. Main motivation for this question was to find out how important funding of the LaTeX-3 project for the members of NTG is. Therefore it was necessary to have insight in the use of TeX and related products/macro packages. It was decided that the board should held a inquiry among the members and if possible present the results at the fall 1993 meeting. This article describes the results of the survey.
12_7.pdf (25kb)
Erik Frambach
The making of the 4allTeX CD-ROM (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 19-21
keywords: CDROM, 4allTeX, 4TeX, ISO9660
abstract: In about one half year the world's first turn-key TeX system on CD-ROM was produced. It contains the ms-dos TeX workbench 4TeX version 3.20 in perhaps the largest form ever, plus many TeX sources that are valuable to any TeX user. In this article we present a look behind the scenes, so you get some insight in the course of events that mark the production of NTG's first CD-ROM.
12_8.pdf (67kb)
Frans Goddijn, Henk de Haan
FGBBS: de jonge jarige (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 22-24
keywords: FGBBS, bulletin board, Fidonet, internet, 4allTeX, LittleComm, CDROM
abstract: Stonden de eerste zes maanden van het FGBBS in het teken van onafgebroken uitbreiding van file- en berichtengebieden en het telkens vergroten van de beoogde gebruikersvriendelijkheid, het afgelopen halfjaar hebben we met succes gestreefd naar stabilisatie van het systeem, overigens zonder de actualiteit uit het oog te verliezen.
12_9.pdf (31kb)
Wietse Dol
4TeX 3.20 a technical note (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 25-26
abstract: With the release of the CD-ROM there will also be a new release of the 4TeX workbench (version 3.20). In this note I will try and explain what will be different from the earlier versions (e.g. installed with 4allTeX).
12_10.pdf (25kb)
Wietse Dol
Frequently Asked Questions about 4TeX (2) (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 27-30
12_11.pdf (47kb)
Robert Best
TeX zonder omhaal; voor Atari ST en andere PC's (III) (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 31-33
keywords: TeXDraw, MIDITeX, MusicTeX, BigTeX, MakeIndex
abstract: TeXDraw wordt getest. Veel Atari ST's worden gebruikt om electronisch muziek te maken, op te nemen (MIDI) en af te drukken in muziekschrift. Dat afdrukken kan ook met TeX. Uitbreidingen van TeX zoals LaTeX, TeXsis en MusicTeX maken het zetwerk makkelijker en mooier, maar TeX heeft ook meer werkruimte nodig. We maken een BigTeX en een trefwoordenregister voor een lange tekst. Deze cursus is een herdruk van een serie artikelen uit het blad ST, uitgegeven door Stichting ST. Daar zijn de in de tekst genoemde schijfjes te verkrijgen.
12_12.pdf (100kb)
Mark van Veen
TeX zonder omhaal; voor Atari ST en andere PC's (IV) (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 34-36
keywords: LaTeX2e
abstract: Deze keer gaat het over een recent uitgekomen macro-pakket, dat LaTeX2e heet. Dit pakket vormt een krachtige set macro's, waarmee je zonder al te veel van TeX af te weten goed uitziende teksten kan produceren. Deze cursus is een herdruk van een serie artikelen uit het blad ST, uitgegeven door Stichting ST. Daar zijn de in de tekst genoemde schijfjes te verkrijgen.
12_13.pdf (37kb)
Michel Goossens
LaTeX2e, an overview (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 37-46
abstract: This article gives an overview of the new or extended user commands available with LaTeX2e, the new LaTeX release, compared to the previous version LaTeX 2.09. After introducing the newpreamble commands, the extensions for defining new commands and environments, and handling length and boxes are discussed. The new font selection commands are explained, both for text and math, and it is shown how to easily use different font families. A list of supported class and package files is given and new possibilities for controlling page contents and floats are discussed. Most of this material is described in much greater detail in `The LaTeX Companion' and in the second edition of the LaTeX Reference Manual.
12_14.pdf (145kb)
Johannes Braams
Standard Document Classes and Packages (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 47-49
abstract: This article describes the Document Classes and Packages that are availabel or will be available shortly for use with LaTeX2e . The number of available Packages and Classes will obviously change once LaTeX2e is the `official' LaTeX.
12_15.pdf (47kb)
Johannes Braams
Upgrading old styles (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 50-52
abstract: This article deals with the things you have to look for when upgrading and old .sty file for LaTeX2e , turning it into either a Document Class or a Package.
12_16.pdf (51kb)
Sebastian Rahtz
A brief guide to TeX assistants (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 53-57
abstract: This paper offers a `back to basics' overview of the various types of software which are of assistance to the TeXnical writer on a personal computer (this includes Unix machines, but excludes, for instance, VMS or VM/CMS systems). It is based on a presentation to the October UK-TUG meeting, and I am grateful to the other speakers, and our chairman Allan Reese, for insights and news. I would also like to refer readers to the Dutch TeX Group's journal MAPS, whose issue 93.2 contains a variety of useful papers on TeX interfaces, two of which are reproduced in Baskerville Volume 3.2 (December 1993).
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Alan Jeffrey
Building virtual fonts with `fontinst' (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 58-59
abstract: This document gives a brief overview of the fontinst package. The fontinst package is used to build virtual fonts (VFs) which allow PostScript fonts to be used as drop-in replacements for the Computer Modern fonts in TeX. Below, I'll describe VFs briefly, and describe how they can be built using the fontinst package.
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Nikos Drakos
TeX to Hypertext Conversion with LaTeX2HTML (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 60-62
abstract: LaTeX2HTML is a conversion tool that allows existing documents written in LaTeX to become part of a global multimedia system. This paper presents some of the reasons for using such a system and describes the basic conversion process.
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Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz
Colour slides with LaTeX and `seminar.sty' (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 63-68
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Norman Walsh
Making TeX work (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 69-91
keywords: book, table of contents, abstract, preface, book review, review
abstract: This article contains the Table of Contents, Preface, and Chapter 4 of `Making TeX Work' by Norman Walsh; published by O'Reilly and Associates (ISBN 1-56592-051-1). No effort has been made to preserve the `look and feel' of the book in this text, and some simplifications have been performed (particularly with respect to special formatting issues and package names).
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Paul Thompson
Review of `Making TeX work' (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 92
keywords: book review, review
abstract: This is a review of the book `Making TeX Work' by Norman Walsch
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Dimitrios Filippou
Typesetting Greek texts by TeX and LaTeX (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 93-96
keywords: TeX, LaTeX, Greek, fonts, packages, freeware, commercial
abstract: This paper contains some information on whatever exists for typesetting by TeX documents which contain entirely or in part Greek text. Those who would like to typeset Greek texts not by plain TeX, but rather with LaTeX, may find this short article quite useful as well.
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Angelika Binding
Springer authors do it with TeX (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 97-99
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Hans Hagen
TeX-verwerking bij PRAGMA (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 100-102
keywords: use of TeX, practice
abstract: PRAGMA uses TeX for producing educational texts. To facilitate development of educational materials, a dedicated macro package has been developed as well as a full featured TeX(t) editing environment.
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Hans Hagen
Computerondersteund tekstgebruik (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 103-105
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Siep Kroonenberg
Data publishing (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 106-107
keywords: databases, spreadsheet, tables
abstract: This paper demonstrates how commercial software and LaTeX can work together in data publishing.
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Siep Kroonenberg
Table design (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 108-110
keywords: tables design, rules, whitespace, fonts, alignment, justification
abstract: A critical look at table typesetting as practiced by LaTeX users, with before-and-after examples.
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Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Transparencies (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 111-114
keywords: foils, formatting, generic style, slides, transparencies
abstract: TeX macros for formatting transparencies are provided. The macros have been designed with reusability of earlier formatted document parts in mind, with a wink to maintenance of the tranparency set.
12_29.pdf (59kb)
Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Bibliography (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 115
keywords: literature database, bibliography, plain TeX
abstract: In addition to the earlier method of maintaining a database in TeX, it is shown how to load the entries selectively, without modifying the entries of the database.
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Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Verbatim (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 116-118
keywords: escape character, formatting, generic style, semi-transparent, verbatim
abstract: A suite of macros for verbatim mode is provided, which are simple, concise and flexible. The functionalities are: verbatim text, and file verbatim inclusion, with `options' for numbering and enabling of metacode. Options can be supplied via the toks variable \thisverbatim, and globally via \everyverbatim. The place within ConTeXt can be handled via the defs \preverbatim and \postverbatim. The macros are ConTeXt independent and can be used at the inner level with AnyTeX.
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Kees van der Laan
TUGboat BLUes (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 119-150
keywords: block comment, computer-assisted typography, EuroTeX, LaTeX, markup, optional parameters, preprints, publisher formats, TTN, TUGboat, multi-columns, verbatim
abstract: The significance of TUGboat for the TeX community at large is praised. (l)tugboat.sty, tugboat.cmn and the TUG authors' guide are discussed, next to their siblings (l)tugproc.sty and the option euroTeX.sty. Article templates for the various `styles as is' are provided. Independent and in addition to these I included customing files. Also included is my concrete proposal for a tug.ppt style-for preprints of tugboat.sty, and tugproc.sty, in the spirit of ams.ppt. Furthermore, a new and simple alternative to the handling of options for TeX is proposed, based on the toks variable \this, analogous to \every. This is applied to handling verbatims, with as a result a compact suite of verbatim macros to be used with AnyTeX.
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Nico Poppelier
Book review: `Practical SGML' & `Math into TeX' (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 151-152
keywords: book review, SGML
abstract: Two new books are discussed: `Practical SGML' from Eric Herwijnen, and `math into TeX, a simple introduction to AMS-LaTeX' from George Grätzer.
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Donald Arseneau, Raymond Chen, Victor Eijkhout
The TeX Hierarchy (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 153-154
abstract: For the UNIX operating system, a list of characterizations exists describing what constitutes a novice, a user, a guru, ... Here we give a similar list for users of TeX. The reader is kindly asked to take this purely in a humorous vein.
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Sebastian Rahtz
Obtaining TeX (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 155-156
keywords: CTAN, FTP, archives
abstract: The UKTeX Archive (Internet `Daughter' archive) on is part of a collaborating network of archives organised by the TeX Users Group known as CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network). The three main archives now follow the same structure and have identical files (, and
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Leslie Lamport, LaTeX3 project team
LaTeX2e -- Second Test Release (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 157-158
abstract: The second test release of LaTeX is now available. Notes about this release are at the end of this announcement. The first release revealed a few serious bugs and several other areas which need attention. Many people reported that documents and style files had been processed by the new system without serious problems; this includes one very important test -- the original text of `The LaTeX Manual'! We can also report that this release has been tested with all the files in the LaTeX 2.09 test suite and produces only predictable differences in the output.
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David Thomas
Literate Programming Frequently Asked Questions (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 159-164
abstract: This document is for new and experienced users of literate programming tools. The purpose is to explain the concept of literate programming and to provide a resource for locating files of interest to literate programmers and those interested in literate programming.
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Kees van der Laan
Report BachoTeX'94 (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 165-166
keywords: BachoTeX, trip report, music, book design, BLUe introduction
abstract: Education was about: The contributions to the conference were about: Phil Taylor had the stage when talking in full colour about book design. Kees van der Laan talked about Manmac, and his BLUe system.
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Kees van der Laan
Report NTeX'94 (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 167
keywords: Nordic TUG, NTUG annual meeting
abstract: The meeting of the Nordic countries was attended. Few people did show up because of the distance. Issues at stake were:
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Announcement TUG '94 (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 168-169
keywords: TUG conference, Santa Barbara
abstract: Announcement of TUG '94 conference.
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Announcement EuroTeX'94 (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 170
keywords: EuroTeX, conference, announcement, Gdansk
abstract: Announcement of EuroTeX'94 conference.
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Erik Frambach, Wietse Dol
Announcement 4allTeX CD-ROM (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 171-174
keywords: announcement, 4TeX, 4allTeX, CDROM
abstract: Announcement of NTG's 4allTeX cd-rom
12_42.pdf (37kb)
Erik Frambach, Wietse Dol
Cursusaankondiging 4TeX (Dutch), MAPS 12, 1994, 175
keywords: courses, 4TeX
abstract: Aankondiging 4TeX cursus
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Table of Contents TUGboat (English), MAPS 12, 1994, 176-177
keywords: TUGboat, contents
abstract: Table of contents of TUGboat Volume 14.4, and 15.1.
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Robin Fairbairns
100 Frequently Asked Questions (English), MAPS Special Editions , 1994, 1-27
keywords: FAQ, frequently asked questions, Baskerville
abstract: 100 frequently asked questions answered. Topics are TeX, LaTeX, METAFONT, PostScript, special typesetting, format conversions, DVI drivers & previewers, recent TeX developments and more.
100faq.pdf (312kb)
Gerard van Nes
MAPS 94.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 13, 1994, 1-214
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps13.pdf (3930kb)
Frans Goddijn
Verslag (1994/2) (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 1-4
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening 13e NTG bijeenkomst 9 juni 1994; Verslag NTG bijeenkomst van 18 november 1993; Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen; NTG ledenvergadering; Verslag werkgroepen; Rondvraag en Sluiting; Voordrachten: `TeX en Educatie'; Volgende bijeenkomsten; Sluiting
13_1.pdf (63kb)
Het weten waard (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 5-6
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Johannes Braams
Van de Voorzitter (1994/2) (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 7
keywords: chairman
13_3.pdf (21kb)
Gerard van Nes
Van uw MAPS Editor (1994/2) (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 8-9
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NTG's Listserver TeX-NL (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 10-11
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
13_5.pdf (24kb)
NTG's Listserver 4TeX (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 12-13
keywords: listserver, 4TeX
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
13_6.pdf (20kb)
Johannes Braams
Verslag TUG '94 (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 14-17
keywords: conference, TUG conference, Santa Barbara
13_7.pdf (69kb)
Michel Goossens
Goossens at TUG '94 (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 18-22
keywords: TUG conference, Santa Barbara
13_8.pdf (72kb)
Kees van der Laan
Report CyrTUG '94 (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 23-26
keywords: CyrTUG, Dubna, PostScript, LaTeX2e
abstract: A magnificant trip to get to know the CyrTUG and its chapters better. Not only Moscow, but also Kazan and St-Petersburg. The driving force is hosted at MIR. The cooperation of the JINR at Dubna and CyrTUG is bound te become beneficial. As usual there were courses around the conference. Issues discussed during the conference:
13_9.pdf (338kb)
Michel Goossens
Goossens at EuroTeX'94 in Gdansk (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 27-30
keywords: EuroTeX, conference, Gdansk
abstract: Report of EuroTeX'94 conference in Gdansk.
13_10.pdf (59kb)
Frans Goddijn, Henk de Haan
FGBBS: de kastelein (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 31-33
keywords: FGBBS, bulletin board, Fidonet, FrontDoor, internet, 4allTeX, CDROM
abstract: De komst van de 4allTeX CD-ROMs heeft de afgelopen maanden voor veel nieuws gezorgd, ook op FGBBS. Het NTG schonk FGBBS een CD-ROM drive, waarop de 4allTeX werd geplaatst. Inmiddels is de tweede editie 4allTeX gearriveerd, en deze is in zijn geheel beschikbaar via het bulletin board systeem.
13_11.pdf (30kb)
General information 4allTeX CD-ROM (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 34-36
keywords: 4TeX, 4allTeX, CDROM
abstract: The most important items concerning the 4allTeX CD-ROM.
13_12.pdf (43kb)
Hans Paijmans
4allTeX, the ultimate TeX-resource (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 37-38
keywords: 4allTeX, review
abstract: In het Nederlandse maandblad `Personal Computer Magazine' verscheen in het oktober nummer de hier beschreven recensie van LaTeX/TeX en de onlangs verschenen 4allTeX CD-ROM.
13_13.pdf (28kb)
Hans Renkema
The NTG 4allTeX CD-ROM on the Macintosh (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 39
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Wietse Dol
Makefont: a new 4TeX utility (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 40-42
abstract: The second release of the 4allTeX CD-ROM comes with 4TeX 3.25. This version of 4TeX has a new utility that is not described in the manual. In this note I will explain the use of this extra feature: Makefont. With the makefont utility it becomes easy to include whatever PostScript font you need into your (La)TeX documents. If you have a complete font family of PostScript fonts you can also decide to develop your own style file and use this as your default font family (instead of the CMR family).
13_15.pdf (38kb)
Robert Best
TeX zonder omhaal; voor Atari ST en andere PC's (V) (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 43-44
abstract: TeX kan niet alleen instructies uitvoeren maar ook vragen. Het resultaat hangt dan af van de antwoorden van de gebruiker: interactie. Als voorbeeld maken we een brief waarbij de gebruiker (die niets van TeX hoeft te weten) nog de afzender en de geadresseerde kan aangeven. En ... TeX doet niet moeilijk over Poolse accenten. Deze cursus is een herdruk van een serie artikelen uit het blad ST, uitgegeven door Stichting ST. Daar zijn de in de tekst genoemde schijfjes te verkrijgen.
13_16.pdf (34kb)
Rens Swart
TeX zonder omhaal; voor Atari ST en andere PC's (VI) (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 45-50
abstract: METAFONT is een programma waarmee het mogelijk is om via wiskundig beschreven curves en oppervlakken lettertypes of andere symbolen te ontwerpen. Deze kunnen gebruikt worden in het zetprogramma TeX. Dit artikel gaat niet in op het werkelijke ontwerp-proces en zelfs nauwelijks op de faciliteiten die METAFONT hiertoe biedt, maar op de vraag hoe METAFONT functioneert in de Atari-omgeving, gebaseerd op het Public Domain pakket van Christoph Strunk. Kortom: hoe kun je aan het werk met METAFONT? Deze cursus is een herdruk van een serie artikelen uit het blad ST, uitgegeven door Stichting ST. Daar zijn de in de tekst genoemde schijfjes te verkrijgen.
13_17.pdf (89kb)
Frank Langbein
NTeX 1.2 (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 51
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Frans Goddijn
BLUe blood in math mode? (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 52-54
keywords: Palatino, Johan Polak, Donald Knuth, Hermann Zapf, math fonts, TYPO-L, typography
abstract: Some time ago I started work on a book (a collection of letters written by one of the most renowned Dutch publishers, Johan Polak) and at the time I was typesetting it in the Palatino font. Then I heard that the creator of Palatino, the world famous Hermann Zapf, has worked with Donald Knuth. What did they do, I wondered? Is TeX more famous than we think it is? Did the fingers of both geniuses touch in the creation of our Math fonts? The replies to my queries in TYPO-L were promising. You decide.
13_19.pdf (44kb)
Frans Goddijn
CijferBLUes: Verborgen schoonheid in LaTeX 2.09 (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 55-56
keywords: oldstyle, mediaeval, digits, numbers
abstract: Een toevallige samenloop van omstandigheden brengt een even verbluffend mooie als oeroude optie van TeX aan het licht, die tot dusverre door bijna iedereen over het hoofd is gezien. Prachtige `hangende cijfers' zijn in de standaard Computer Modern fonts al sinds jaar en dag beschikbaar, als math italic.
13_20.pdf (42kb)
The new LaTeX: LaTeX2e (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 57
abstract: The LaTeX3 project team is pleased to announce the release of the new standard version of LaTeX. It is upwardly compatible with existing LaTeX documents, and contains new features including the long-awaited graphics extensions.
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Johannes Braams
Document Classes and Packages for LaTeX2e (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 58-64
abstract: In the first section of this article I describe what document classes and packages are and how they relate to LaTeX 2.09's style files. Then the process of upgrading existing style files for use with LaTeX2e is described. Finally I give an overview of the standard packages and document classes that are part of the distribution of LaTeX2e.
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Dag Langmyhr
How to make your own document style in LaTeX2e (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 65-72
keywords: LaTeX2e, document class design, document class implementation, lecture notes
abstract: The new LaTeX2e makes it very easy to create new document classes. This paper describes how to use the new features of LaTeX2e. The class `lecnotes' -- a document class suitable for lecture notes -- is used as an example.
13_23.pdf (164kb)
Tetsuo Iwakumay, Tetsuo Furukawa
A Guide to use Macros and Style Files in LaTeX (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 73-110
keywords: LaTeX2.09, optional style files
abstract: People may not need to read this article any more if LaTeX2e has been completed. But since this is somehow transient period from LaTeX v.2.09 to a new one, this kind of documents may be useful for those who are making documents every day and night. This is a concise guide for these people. Authors are hoping this may become a help to many users of LaTeX.
13_24.pdf (798kb)
Henk de Haan
Een proefschrift zonder knippen en plakken (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 111-114
abstract: LaTeX wordt voor veel verschillende soorten drukwerk gebruikt. In dit artikel wordt het vormgeven van een proefschrift met behulp van LaTeX2e beschreven. Hierbij spelen de persoonlijke voorkeuren van de auteur een belangrijke rol, zonder dat daarbij de krachtige mogelijkheden van LaTeX onbenut blijven.
13_25.pdf (199kb)
Hans Renkema
TeX: buitengewoon goed tekstverwerken (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 115-117
abstract: In bepaalde kringen is het tekstverwerkingsprogramma (of beter: het zetsysteem) TeX bijzonder populair. Het programma is vrij verkrijgbaar bij Bulletin Boards en bestaat ook in een versie voor de Mac. Hans Renkema is een enthousiaste TeX Macintosh gebruiker. In dit artikel geeft hij een beschrijving van TeX.
13_26.pdf (88kb)
Simon Pepping
TeX en SGML bij Elsevier Science (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 118-122
keywords: Elsevier, electronic publishing, LaTeX, SGML
abstract: Dit artikel beschrijft enkele aspekten van Elsevier Science's electronic publishing programma. Alle tijdschriften in de Physics en Mathematics uitgeefprogramma's accepteren LaTeX files van auteurs en gebruiken die voor publikatie. De dvi files gebruiken PostScript fonts die gekombineerd zijn in in-huis ontwikkelde virtuele fonts. In andere wetenschappelijke disciplines worden auteurs files van een breed scala aan tekstverwerkings programmas geaccepteerd en gebruikt voor publikatie. In zijn toekomstige electronic publishing strategie kent Elsevier Science een centrale rol toe aan SGML. Alle binnenkomende artikelen zullen uniform gestruktureerd worden met gebruik van SGML. Alle benodigde publikatietypen zullen uit deze ene bron worden gegenereerd. TeX is een uitstekende formatter voor sommige van deze publikatietypen.
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Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach
Real life book production -- lessons learned from `The LaTeX Companion' (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 123-126
abstract: Some aspects of the production of The LaTeX Companion are described.
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Piet van Oostrum
Headers and footers in LaTeX (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 127-135
abstract: Standard LaTeX offers the page styles empty, plain, headings and myheadings. For simple page layouts these suffice, but they are rather rigid. A more flexible page layout may be obtained by using the FANCYHEADINGS package. This article describes how to create advanced page headers and footers in LaTeX documents by using this package. Some of the techniques described are also applicable with other page styles.
13_29.pdf (96kb)
Phons Bloemen
METAFONT als matrixprinter (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 136-138
keywords: METAFONT
abstract: Een verslagje van een stoeipartij met METAFONT, waarbij METAFONT wordt `misbruikt' als matrixprinter. Door alleen de vorm van de `printnaalden' te definiëren, en een beperkt aantal plaatsen waar ze neer mogen komen, kun je heel snel een font in elkaar zetten.
13_30.pdf (114kb)
Phons Bloemen
PostScript fonts in TeX (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 139-148
keywords: PostScript fonts, automated font generation, font installation
abstract: A guide through the jungle of installing and using PostScript and other types of fonts in TeX. The installation of the font is discussed, and it is shown how to use the fonts in an automatic font generation scheme.
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Jos Winnink
(Al)DraTeX, a package for doing (portable) graphics in TeX (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 149-152
keywords: graphics, TeX, LaTeX, DraTeX
abstract: Eitan Gurari's graphics package for (La)TeX is discucced.
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Jeroen Fokke, Piet van Oostrum
Plaatjes in een tekst (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 153-166
abstract: In deze artikel wordt eerst aandacht besteed aan de (beperkte) mogelijkheden die LaTeX zelf biedt voor het maken van plaatjes. Soms zijn die voldoende, en dan is het wel zo gemakkelijk om die te gebruiken. Daarna wordt de rol van PostScript besproken bij het gebruik van plaatjes, al of niet in combinatie met LaTeX. Vervolgens wordt een vijftal tekenprogramma's besproken waarmee interactief ingewikkeldere figuren gemaakt kunnen worden. Tenslotte wordt aangegeven hoe `bitmaps' (letterlijke afbeeldingen van het scherm van een computer) als plaatje behandeld kunnen worden. Dit laatste is vooral van belang bij het schrijven van handleidingen voor programma's.
13_33.pdf (495kb)
Hans Hagen, Ton Otten
PPCHTeX: Chemische Structuurformules in TeX (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 167-177
keywords: ConTeXt chemics, PPCHTeX, chemical formulas, structure formulas
abstract: In dit artikel wordt een macropakket beschreven waarmee chemische (structuur)formules kunnen worden gezet. Dit pakket is te gebruiken bovenop Plain TeX, LaTeX en andere pakketten. Het pakket is in eerste instantie ontwikkeld bovenop ConTeXt.
This article is about a package for typesetting chemical formulas. The package has a multi-lingual interface. This means that all all commands and keywords can be toggled to English. Some day, this article and the manual will be translated in English too.
13_34.pdf (201kb)
Hans Hagen
Een meertalige interface naar TeX (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 178-182
keywords: interface, user interface, multilingual interface, ConTeXt interface
abstract: Macropakketten voor TeX zijn vrijwel altijd Engelstalig. In dit artikel wordt een meertalige interface beschreven, zoals die is toegepast in PPCHTeX, een pakket dat kan worden gebruikt om chemische structuurformules te zetten.
13_35.pdf (61kb)
Hans Hagen
Sub- en Superscripts in Chemische Formules (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 183
keywords: superscript alignment, subscript alignment, PPCHTeX, font dimensions
abstract: In dit (korte) artikel wordt een mechanisme beschreven om subscript op een lijn te krijgen. Dit is nodig omdat de positie van een subscript mede bepaald wordt door de hoogte en diepte van een eventueel aanwezig superscript.
13_36.pdf (31kb)
Hans Kuykens
MIDI2TeX, een MusicTeX tool (Dutch), MAPS 13, 1994, 184-188
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Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Format (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 189-199
keywords: active documents, design, documentation, error handling, floats, format, inner versus outer world, inserts, lifephases formats, markup language, plain TeX, scripts, software engineering, reusable software parts, style, transparencies
abstract: An independent format -- blue.fmt -- is proposed to assist authors with creating, formatting, exchanging and maintaining compuscripts during the lifephases of publications. The format builds upon manmac.TeX and the functionalities provided by tugboat.sty. Experience gained by publishers has been picked up too, because of my in-depth study of the activities of AMS with respect to TeX formatting. More recent work of Knuth and co-authors has been borrowed from gkpmac.TeX. The design goal was to provide a format which suits me, which is easy to customize -- to the world outside, and in general to changing circumstances -- and which complies with the adages of software engineering. Another aim of blue.fmt is that it can be used throughout the lifecycle of publications on modest equipment to format articles, transparencies and you name it. The hoped for lifety is a lifetime. En-passant the design process is accounted for. New is the handling of a database of references -- with cross-referencing -- or pictures all in one-pass job.
13_38.pdf (137kb)
Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Graphs (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 200-206
keywords: circle, curve, databases, disks, graphics, format, lines, pictures, plain TeX, reusable software parts, selective loading, software engineering, splines, vectors
abstract: Graphics facilities for plain TeX have been collected from The TeXbook, manmac and gkpmac, as part of blue.fmt. The gkpmac picture macros are handy and provide a subset of LaTeX's functionality. A database of pictures is proposed. No interaction with METAFONT (or ) nor the incorporation of encapsulated PostScript have been treated.
13_39.pdf (82kb)
Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Cross-referencing (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 207-209
keywords: compatible extension, cross-referencing, graph referencing, math referencing, optional parameters, plain TeX, symbolic names, tables referencing
abstract: A one-pass semi-automatic cross-referencing scheme for math is proposed, which requires some hand adjustments when forward references are used. The method is just a little beyond manmac's approach, to assist BLUe.
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Kees van der Laan
Paradigms: Plain's \item-s extended (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 210-211
keywords: BLUe format, items, plain TeX
abstract: The design and coding of items for BLUe's format is explained. The treated items -- bulleted, (automatically) numbered or alphabetisized -- are a compatible extension to plain's \item. Pitfalls in use are mentioned.
13_41.pdf (24kb)
Kees van der Laan
Paradigms: Headache? (English), MAPS 13, 1994, 212-214
keywords: BLUe format, headings, plain TeX
abstract: The design of headings for BLUe's format is explained, starting from the basic and general two-part macros up to the full-blown blue((sub)sub)head versions.
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Gerard van Nes
MAPS 95.1 (Dutch/English), MAPS 14, 1995, 1-217
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
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Frans Goddijn
Verslag (1995/1) (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 1-4
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening 14e NTG bijeenkomst 17 november 1994; Verslag NTG bijeenkomst van 9 juni 1994; Ingekomen stukken en mededelingen; Begroting 1995; Wat verder ter tafel komt; Communicatie; Rondvraag en Sluiting; Voordrachten; Volgende bijeenkomsten
14_1.pdf (66kb)
Het weten waard (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 5-6
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Johannes Braams
Van de Voorzitter (1995/1) (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 7
keywords: chairman
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Gerard van Nes
Van uw MAPS Editor (1995) (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 8-10
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Wietse Dol
Concept begroting 1995 (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 11-12
keywords: budget
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Wietse Dol
Financieel verslag NTG 1994 (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 13-14
keywords: financial report
14_6.pdf (38kb)
Gerard van Nes
Jaarverslag NTG 1994 (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 15-17
keywords: report NTG
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Christina Thiele
From the TUG President (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 18
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Frans Goddijn
Op FGBBS vaart alles wel (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 19-20
keywords: FGBBS, bulletin board, statistics, 4allTeX, OS/2
abstract: FGBBS kreeg weer de nodige uitbreidingen, waarvan een sneller modem het meest merkbaar is.
14_9.pdf (20kb)
Jules van Weerden
TeX-NL discussielijst (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 21
keywords: listserver, TEX-NL
abstract: Overzicht gebruikers listserver.
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Henk de Haan
De NTG op het World Wide Web (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 22-23
keywords: NTG, internet, WWW, WWW
abstract: Het internet is een van de meest snel groeiende elektronische media. Dit is mede te danken aan het zogenaamde World Wide Web (WWW). In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op de functie van het Word Wide Web, het gebruikte tekstformaat (HTML) en de mogelijkheden die het voor de NTG kan hebben. Er wordt ingegaan op de huidige (experimentele) service en er worden een aantal mogelijke nieuwe toepassingen vermeld.
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General information 3rd edition of the 4allTeX CD-ROM (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 24-26
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Gerard van Nes
Some Announcements from Usenet (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 27-29
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Frank Mittelbach
Announcement from the LaTeX3 Project Team (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 30
abstract: We are pleased to present the final report on `Math Font Encoding' produced by Justin Ziegler for the LaTeX3 project.
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Andrea de Leeuw van Weenen
Diplomatic edition of a medieval Icelandic manuscript (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 31-34
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Ed Boets
Het digitaal produceren van een proefschrift (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 35-36
keywords: thesis, DocuTech, 4allTeX
abstract: Het digitaal produceren van een proefschrift beschrijft hoe een proefschrift, in LaTeX gemaakt, als PostScript-file via het modem naar de drukker gestuurd kan worden om vervolgens op een DocuTech systeem (600 dpi) gedrukt te worden.
14_16.pdf (27kb)
Erik Frambach
METAFONT's mode_def in action (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 37-39
keywords: METAFONT, mode_def, bitmapped fonts
abstract: In order to obtain maximum output quality when using METAFONT for rendering bitmapped fonts you need to specify the characteristics of the intended output device. This is done by defining a mode_def in which several variables are assigned. The meaning and effect of these variables are discussed in a case study of two types of laser printers.
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Vladimir Batagelj
Combining TeX and PostScript (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 40-46
keywords: PostScript, inclusion of graphics, dictionaries, error handling
abstract: PostScript is becoming a de facto standard as a device independent page description language. By embedding PostScript elements in TeX we can extend the use of TeX to new areas of application. In the first part of the paper we give some general information about PostScript and its features. In the rest of the paper we present some of our own experiences and solutions in combining TeX and PostScript:
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David Barron
Portable Documents: Why Use SGML? (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 47-48
abstract: In this article we present a few ideas as a framework for the discussion of portable documents. We address a number of questions:
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Jonathan Fine
Formatting SGML Manuscripts (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 49-52
abstract: This article is about typography, SGML, TeX, and SIMSIM, which is a new TeX macro package. Close by are copies of several of the OHP transparencies. They were typeset directly from an SGML document instance using SIMSIM.
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Horst Szillat
SGML and LaTeX (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 53-55
abstract: SGML -- Standard Generalized Markup Language -- is a formal language to describe structured text documents. It should be introduced here by comparison to TeX and LaTeX.
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Peter Flynn
HTML & TeX: Making them sweat (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 56-60
abstract: HTML is often criticised fo its presentation-oriented conception. But it does contain sufficient structural information for many everyday purposes and this has led to its development into a more stable form. Future platforms for the World Wide Web may support other applications of SGML, and the present climate of popularity of the Web is a suitable opportunity for consolidation of the more stable features. TeX is pre-eminently stable and provides an ideal companion for the process of translating HTML into print.
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Geeti Granger
The Inside Story of Life at Wiley with SGML, LaTeX and Acrobat (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 61-63
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Martin Key
Theory into Practice: working with SGML, PDF and LaTeX at Elsevier Science (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 64-66
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Nikos Drakos
LaTeX2HTML Update'95 (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 67-68
abstract: A new version of LaTeX2HTML (version 95.1) is available since January 1995. This article outlines some of the main changes.
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Arno Kemperman
LaTeX2HTML ervaringen; Van Handleiding in LaTeX tot Hulp Module op Internet (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 69-73
abstract: Welkom op de digitale snelweg! Steeds meer informatie wordt er aangeboden op het Internet, en met het uitgroeien van het Internet groeit de onoverzichtelijkheid. In dit artikel wordt een toepassing van LaTeX2HTML beschreven waarbij een LaTeX document wordt omgezet naar een reeks goed gestructueerde pagina's op het World-Wide Web. Deze toepassing betreft een document die een handleiding is voor Internet-gebruikers (voornamelijk voor medewerkers van Laboratoriumvoor Analytische Chemie, KUN, Nijmegen). Er worden wat voordelen en voorbeelden van het LaTeX2HTML gebruik gegeven en hoe je het programma kunt aanpassen naar je eigen wensen. Bekijk de LaTeX documenten ook eens op deze moderne manier en blader eens met de muis door je tekst, getransformeerd tot een digitaal wonder op je scherm. Oftewel: LaTeX2HTML2!
14_26.pdf (117kb)
Karen Strom
Electronic Publication and Data Distribution for the Five College Astronomy Department (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 74-76
keywords: electronic publishing, thesis, WWW, preprints, data distribution
abstract: The Star Formation Group at FCAD has begun to make use of the World Wide Web to explore the advantages of hypermedia presentations for the distribution of preprints, Ph. D. theses and observatory publications. As a byproduct of this work, a method for displaying subscripts and superscripts has been developed. This set of bitmaps is publically available.
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Norman Walsh
A World Wide Web Interface to CTAN (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 77-82
abstract: There are a lot of different software packages, style files, fonts, etc. in the CTAN archives. Finding the things you need in a timely fashion can be difficult, as I found out while writing Making TeX Work. The ability to combine descriptions of packages with the directory listings from CTAN could help alleviate some of the difficulty. HTML, the document structuring language of the World Wide Web, provides one possible means of combining different views of the archive into a single vision. The CTAN-Web project is my attempt to provide this vision.
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Arthur Smith
An Introduction to HyperTeX (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 83-86
keywords: hyperTeX, hyperlink, xhdvi, HTML, \special
abstract: The popularity of the World-Wide-Web and the HTML hypertext language for electronic distribution of information over the internet has thus far been difficult to extend to scientific documents, in part because TeX, the word processing language of choice for technical and mathematical documents, does not have the hypertext capabilities necessary for full integration into the WWW. HyperTeX consists of a collection of extensions of TeX to handle both internal and external (local or networked) hypertext, thus allowing the huge body of TeX-based documents to be more fully integrated with the WWW. This introduction was originally prepared for the American Physical Society e-print meeting at Los Alamos, New Mexico, Oct. 15, 1994.
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Otfried Schwarzkopf
The HyperLaTeX Markup Language (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 87-98
keywords: LaTeX, HTML, conversion, LaTeX, WWW, emacs lisp
abstract: HyperLaTeX is a little package that allows you to use LaTeX to prepare documents in HTML (the hypertext markup language used by the World Wide Web), and, at the same time, to produce a fine printed document from your input. You can use all of LaTeX's power for the printed output, and you don't have to learn a new language for creating hypertext documents.
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Yannis Haralambous
HTML --> LaTeX --> PDF, of de intrede van TeX in het hypertext tijdperk (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 99-108
keywords: Acrobat, DVIHPS, PDF, repere, recticrt
abstract: Wij beschrijven hier het produktieproces van elektronische hyper-documenten met behulp van LaTeX en Adobe Acrobat. Na een algemene beschrijving van de voor- en nadelen van LaTeX terzake geven we een omschrijving van elke stap, alsook van zekere te nemen voorzorgen met als doel efficiënte Acrobat documenten te bekomen. De lezer zal in dit artikel een beschrijving vinden van de software tools DVIPS repere en recticrt, en eveneens de basisprincipes van het formaat PDF. Vertaald door Philippe Vanoverbeke.
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Wiegert Tierie
Adobe Acrobat 2.0; Beyond the bounds op paper (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 109-119
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Marion Neubauer
Conversion from WORD/WordPerfect to LaTeX (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 120-124
keywords: conversion, MS-WORD, WinWord, WordPerfect, RTF
abstract: Production of a large document with many contributors may require conversion of all submitted manuscripts into the same format, for example LaTeX. A large proportion of manuscripts are submitted in the formats of WORD and WordPerfect, two very popular word processing programs. I will discuss different approaches converting such files to LaTeX format. First of all the differences between the word processors MS-WORD and WordPerfect versus the document preparation system LaTeX will be explained, and problems encountered during text conversion into LaTeX will be discussed. The conversion can be done either by means of a seperate program (external conversion) or using macros, style sheets and a printer driver from within the word processors (internal conversion). Advantages and disadvantages of both methods for different types of text elements such as plain text, lists, tables and mathematical formulas will be discussed. This is followed by an overview of the conversion programs currently available.
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Hans Renkema
TeXtures: zo goed als gezegd wordt? (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 125-126
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Jan Krugers
Scientific Word / Workplace 2.0.1; Whats new? (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 127-128
keywords: Scientific Word, WYSIWYG, Windows, OS2WIN
abstract: Scientific Word version 1.x from TCI Software Research has gotten improvements and an offspring. The improvements are not only better support for different LaTeX styles and dialects but also more user conveniences and better stability. The offspring is Scientific Workplace, a similar Windows software package under Windows 3.1. But besides all the Scientific Word functions it also has a built-in Maple Version V interface and many Maple symbolic calculation functions. Not to forget that version 2.0.1. works fine under OS/2 Warp with all its speed and data exchange advantages.
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Cees Fortuin
Scientific WorkPlace; een eerste indruk (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 129-130
abstract: Het pakket SCIENTIFIC WORKPLACE. versie 2.0(SWP), vroeger Scientific Word, is een uitgebreide versie van een `WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGet' tekstverwerker gebaseerd op LaTeX2e en werkend onder Microsoft Windows. De uitbreiding bestaat uit een deel van een `Computer Algebra' pakket, de kernel van Maple. Verder is er een programma om toetsen samen te stellen, uit databestanden met opgaven. Deze voorlopige test van versie 2.0 is uitgevoerd op een IBM compatibele PC, met een 486 processor en 8MBintern geheugen, door een persoon met LaTeX 2.09 en Maple ervaring, maar zonder kennis van MSWindows (`waar is dat nou voor nodig...') of SCIENTIFIC WORKPLACE. Voor het installeren en testen zijn twee volle dagen gebruikt. Dit verslag geeft vanzelfsprekend slechts een eerste indruk van het pakket.
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Hans Hagen
Kleurgebruik in TABLE (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 131-136
keywords: \TaBlE, color tables, tables color, ConTeXt tables
abstract: Dit artikel beschrijft enkele macro's die het mogelijk maken binnen TABLE cellen van een tabel van een achtergrondkleur of raster te voorzien. We beperken ons tot een wat technische beschrijving en gaan voorbij aan de esthetische kant van de zaak.
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Hans Hagen
TeX-verwerking in kleur (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 137-138
keywords: TeX visualizing, editing colored TeX, color TeX visualization
abstract: Vooral beginnende TeX-gebruikers ervaren de mix van commando's en tekst als verwarrend. Mede om die reden hebben wij zo'n vier jaar geleden onze tekstverwerker afgestemd op het gebruik van TeX, door TeX-commando's op een wat afwijkende manier weer te geven. Het blijkt dat, afgezien van aanvullende mogelijkheden om de syntax te controleren, het aantal fouten in commando's drastisch afneemt.
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Hans Hagen, Johan Jonker
Een zwart-wit kijk op kleur (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 139-145
keywords: color gray conversion, color gray printing, color optimizing use, ConTeXt color palets
abstract: Wie tegenwoordig op een zwart-wit tv-toestel een uitzending volgt zal zich vaak tevreden moeten stellen met een weinig contrastrijk beeld. Na de introductie van de kleuren-tv is nog lang rekening gehouden met zwart-witkijkers. De keus van kleuren in decors werd mede afgestemd op de weergave in zwart-wit. Dit is niet verwonderlijk, omdat de zwart-witkijkers een ruime meerderheid vormden. Op papier lijkt zich een dergelijke ontwikkeling af te spelen. Voor kleurenprinters geschikte illustraties, kunnen op zwart-wit printers een matig beeld opleveren. Het is dan ook de vraag hoe we aan de `wensen' van de overgrote meerderheid van zwart-wit printers tegemoet kunnen komen.
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Herman Haverkort
Genezen van WPosis -- nu heb ik chronische TeXitis... (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 146-148
abstract: Bij het vormgeven van een voorstel voor reglementen overschreed een verstokte WordPerfect-gebruiker de grenzen van zijn geliefde tekstverwerker. Frans Goddijn hielp hem aan de TeX. In dit artikel geeft een nieuwe TeX-gebruiker een globale indruk van zijn laatste ervaringen met WordPerfect en zijn eerste ervaringen met TeX. Hij doet dit aan de hand van het werk aan een document waarin het mogelijk moest zijn om vele typografische middelen onafhankelijk van elkaar te gebruiken om verschillende soorten passages aan te duiden. Dit bleek in TeX goed te realiseren, zij het met veel inspanning, en het resultaat was zeer bevredigend. Toen het eerste document eenmaal gereed was, bleek het bovendien daarna zeer eenvoudig om soortgelijke documenten te zetten.
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Herman Haverkort
HH Gets Carried Away; hhmuf, hhflxbox and hhcount (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 149-155
keywords: circle, counter, dice, footnote, forbidden environment, frame, index
abstract: This article presents hhmuf's multinotes: special cheery footnotes to be used in special situations, including so-called `forbidden environments'. Then it presents hhflxbox's self-scaling frames: encircling macros are provided but you can define enwhatevering macros yourself by means of the macros provided by hhflxbox. Finally hhcount is presented: macros to handle simple and composite counters in a fancy way.
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Herman Haverkort, Frans Goddijn
The Scenario -- in Three Versions; hhparmrk does it (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 156-162
keywords: paragraph, mark, distribution, select
abstract: During work towards a flexible document as a continuous report on a wide variety of contacts for the Meridian Arts Ensemble in New York, Frans Goddijn felt the need to tag and mark certain paragraphs for specific groups of readers. Herman Haverkort wrote a package for LaTeX2e, hhparmrk, which facilitates this by offering the possibility to set various signs next to paragraphs. This article presents hhparmrk, gives examples of its use and a short manual. For the hackers among us some of the TeXnical tricks involved behind the scenes are glanced at.
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Bernd Raichle
Sorting in TeX's Mouth (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 163-168
keywords: expansion, sorting, algorithms
abstract: TeX's macro processor, the so-called mouth, can be used to perform very complex tasks. Because this part of TeX's programming language is as powerful as a Turing machine, it is possible to implement algorithms using only TeX's mouth. I will show how sorting algorithms can be implemented in a straight-forward and very elegant and under-standable way using only macros and macro expansion TeXniques.
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Kees van der Laan
One by one the guests arrive (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 169
keywords: philosophy, plain TeX
abstract: A plea is made for writing macros in plain TeX sufficiently documented to be used with all flavours of TeX.
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Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Format Databases (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 170-177
keywords: active list separators, addresses, comment blocks, compatible extension, data integrity, databases, FIFO, lazy evaluation, list element tag, mail-merge, number ranges, pattern matching, pictures, plain TeX, references, reusable software parts, searching, selective loading, set macros, software engineering, table of contents, variant document parts
abstract: The backgrounds, use, and coding of BLUe's Format Databases have been discussed. Two kinds of databases have been introduced class I (data, such as addresses, references, and script parts for example pictures), and class II (macros, such as variant formats and tools). At the heart lies the selective loading TeXnique, which allows that only what is needed will be loaded on-the-fly. The data structures and operations on them have been treated. The use within the ConTeXt of typesetting scripts have been elucidated via examples. At the end the coding is explained.
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Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Index (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 178-186
keywords: compatible extension, index, number ranges, one-pass job, ordering table, plain TeX, reusable software parts, software engineering, sort keys
abstract: The creation of a modest index within a one-pass TeX job is proposed. In general a proof run and a final run are needed. The markup for the index entries is the same as used by Knuth for The TeXbook. The process is controlled by the tags: \sortindex and \pasteupindex. The file which emerges after \sortindex can be enriched by hand, for example to include `see also' and the like. Sorting keys can be specified too, as well as items which have to be ignored for the sorting. The macros have been developed for use with English documents. To leave open the use with other languages the ordering has been parameterized in an ordering table.
14_46.pdf (117kb)
Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Letters (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 187-192
keywords: active list separators, addresses, compatible extension, databases, data integrity, FIFO, lazy evaluation, letter, list element tag, mail-merge, pattern matching, plain TeX, reusable software parts, set macros, software engineering
abstract: The backgrounds, use, design, and coding of BLUe's Letters format have been discussed. The purpose is to format a letter, merge it with address(es) from a database, and typeset it all with the appropriate background such as logo and the like, completely within TeX. Separate labels can be obtained too, either specified by name or searched for by pattern.
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Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Reports (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 193-199
keywords: active list separators, compatible extension, databases, data integrity, FIFO, house style, lazy evaluation, list element tag, pattern matching, plain TeX, reusable software parts, separation of concerns, set macros, software engineering
abstract: The backgrounds, use, design, and coding of BLUe's Reports format have been discussed. The purpose is to format a report as a compatible extension of the default note format of BLUe's format. As such it is an example of how to customize BLUe's format system with a format of your own. The differences have to do with not only using titles but also reusing the titles for table of contents, list of examples, and running headlines the preliminary pages and cover pages which are absent with the default note format appendices may contain collected information from the script such as answer to the exercises (similar as in The TeXbook), table of examples, table of contents, and an index.
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Kees van der Laan
Paradigms: Two-part macros (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 200-204
keywords: BLUe format, catcodes, multiple use of copy, plain TeX
abstract: The use of two-part macros in BLUe's format is discussed. First the reason why in general two-part macros are beneficial is explained. Practical examples from the TeX-NL discussion list have been treated. The automatically generation of a one-part macro on top of two-part macros is given. The impossibility of reusing copy with different catcodes in TeX is mentioned and illustrated with an example from the TeXbook.
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Kees van der Laan
Paradigms: Parameterization I -- options (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 205-207
keywords: BLUe format, optional parameters, plain TeX
abstract: The use of options in BLUe's format is discussed. A survey is given of how Knuth coped with the functionality of optional arguments in TeX and manmac. As an extension to TeX's \every the BLUe's \thiss are introduced, with the advantage of simpler handling of arguments. It is contrasted with the use in TUGboat's style files and AMS's ppt.sty.
14_50.pdf (58kb)
Kees van der Laan
BLUe's Typesetting of PASCAL (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 208-210
keywords: compatible extension, FIFO, Pascal, pattern matching, plain TeX, pretty-printing, reusable software parts, software engineering
abstract: The formatting of PASCAL programs within plain TeX is proposed. Only \beginpascal and \endpascal have to be added as markup. In general the literate programming tools are to be preferred, especially when designing, developing, documenting, and maintaining professional software.
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TUG'95 (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 211
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Erik Frambach
Reisverslag BachoTeX'95 (Dutch), MAPS 14, 1995, 212-213
keywords: BachoTeX, report, GUST, Poland
abstract: Verslag bijeenkomst Poolse TeX users group GUST.
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EuroTeX'95 (English), MAPS 14, 1995, 217
keywords: EuroTeX, conference, announcement
abstract: Announcement of EuroTeX'95 conference.
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Wietse Dol
MAPS 95.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 15, 1995, 1-22
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
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Frans Goddijn
Verslag (1995/2) (Dutch), MAPS 15, 1995, 1-4
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening 15e NTG bijeenkomst 24 mei 1995; Verslag NTG bijeenkomst van 17 november 1994; Ingekomen stukken en mededelingen; NTG ledenvergadering; Verslag commissie voor kascontrole / vaststelling nieuwe commissie; Bestuursverkiezingen; EuroTeX'95; Miscellaneous; Rondvraag en sluiting; Voordrachten.
15_1.pdf (56kb)
Erik Frambach
Van de Voorzitter (1995/2) (Dutch), MAPS 15, 1995, 5
keywords: chairman
15_2.pdf (14kb)
Michel Goossens
Van de TUG President (1995) (Dutch), MAPS 15, 1995, 6
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Wietse Dol
Concept begroting 1996 (Dutch), MAPS 15, 1995, 7
keywords: budget
15_4.pdf (17kb)
Wietse Dol, Gerard van Nes
Verslag 16e TUG-bijeenkomst (Dutch), MAPS 15, 1995, 8-13
keywords: TUG conference, St. Petersburg, Florida
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Michel Goossens
TUG'95 at St. Petersburg Beach -- a Personal View (English), MAPS 15, 1995, 14-20
keywords: TUG conference, St. Petersburg, Florida
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EuroTeX'95 in Nederland! (Dutch), MAPS 15, 1995, 21-22
keywords: EuroTeX, conference, Arnhem
abstract: Programma en inschrijfformulier EuroTeX conferentie.
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Wietse Dol
Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference (English), MAPS Special Editions , 1995, 1-441
keywords: NTG, EuroTeX, conference, proceedings, Arnhem
abstract: Proceedings EuroTeX'95 in Arnhem
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Andrey Astrelin
Graphics for TeX: a new implementation (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 1-4
keywords: graphics, picture environment, \special
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Alexander Berdnikov, S. Turtia
TeX Plotter -- a program for creating 2D and 3D pictures (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 5-10
keywords: graphics 3D, pictures, graphics, plotting
abstract: The MS DOS program which creates 2D and 3D TeX pictures for the plots of functions of two variables f(x,y) is described. In comparison with Gnuplot this program enables to plot the equilines (2D view) and the surface (3D view) pictures correctly and without memory overflow even for complex cases. The input is the ASCII file which contains the data points (Xij, Yij, Zij) of the function z = f(x,y) calculated over non-regular quadrangular mesh. The output is the ASCII file which contains the required picture in TeX format. The program has a flexible menu driven user interface and enables to create and to preview the output pictures with a variety of styles. At the time being the program supports LaTeX commands, EPIC/EEPIC macros and emTeX specials. In future the program should support TeX graphical tools like MFPiC, PiCTeX and EPS-files.
E_2.pdf (430kb)
Alexander Berdnikov, S. Turtia
VFComb -- a program for design of virtual fonts (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 11-16
keywords: virtual fonts, VFcomb
abstract: The MS DOS program which enables to simplify the design of the virtual fonts is described. Its main purpose was to facilitate the integration of CM-fonts with cyrillic LL-fonts created by O. Lapko and S. Strelkov but it can be used for various applications. It uses the information from TFM-files (converted to ASCII form by TFtoPL) and the ASCII data files created by the User on its input, and produces the VPL-file on its output which can be converted to the virtual font using VPtoVF. The characteristic feature of the program is that it can assemble the font ligature tables and user defined ligature tables for the characters extracted from various fonts and combine the metric information from various TFM-files. VFComb supports the full syntaxis of PL-files and VPL-files as it was defined by D.E. Knuth and adds new commands like symbolic variables or conditional operators, which simplifies the creation and the debugging of the virtual fonts.
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Johannes Braams
The status of Babel (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 17-26
keywords: Babel, multilingual
abstract: In this article I will give an overview of what has happened to Babel lately. First I will briefly describe the history of Babel; then I will introduce the concept of `shorthands'. New ways of changing the `language' have been introduced and Babel can now easily be adapted for local needs. Finally I will discuss some compatibility issues.
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Stanislaw Brabec
Upages -- plain TeX for professionals (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 27-34
keywords: typography, plain TeX
abstract: When I have started my professional typography works in plain TeX, I found many things, which are done in each document. Some of them are language specific or trivial, but there exists many topics, which are strongly untrivial, and often required. TeX has many limitations, but there is (in recent time) nothing better in whole the world. Thus, we have powerful macro language but we haven't easy way to do many things: references, contents, page offsetting, interpretation of text token by token, cooperation with PostScript devices, device independent color and line drawing capabilities, easy box rotation and landscaping, making sheets and booklets, making other margins than 1in, creating cropmarks, color signatures, color separations etc.
Certainly, there is many powerful macro systems, but they are very big, often slow, and cancels many capabilities of plain TeX. I have been particularly inspired by them, and particularly by some macros for plain TeX. But many of these macros are incompatible, if you want to use two of them, because one overwrites settings of the second.
This all is good reason to write powerful macros these things instead of creating trivial macros twice a month. Then you needn't spend much time to correct bugs caused by these trivial macros. That's why I have written my upages.TeX macros. This chapter doesn't want to be a manual to these macros, but only an introduction with examples.
upages.TeX macros consists on more parts. In this text I will describe the most powerful and interesting parts of them. I hope that my macros will greet many plain TeXists. They makes easy to prepare documents and to make hooks and patches.
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Michel Goossens, Janne Saarela
A practical introduction to SGML (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 35-104
keywords: SGML, HTML, WWW, DTD, ISO8879
abstract: SGML, the Standard Generalized Markup Language, deals with the structural markup of electronic documents. It was made an international standard by ISO in October 1986. SGML soon became very popular thanks in particular to its enthusiastic acceptance in the editing world, by large multi-national companies, governmental organizations, and, more recently, by the ubiquity of HTML, Hypertext Markup Language, the source language of structured documents on WWW. This article discusses the basic ideas of SGML and looks at a few interesting tools. It should provide the reader with a better understanding of the latest developments in the field of electronic documents in general, and of SGML/HTML in particular.
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Michel Goossens, Janne Saarela
From LaTeX to HTML and back (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 105-168
keywords: LaTeX2HTML, HTML, LaTeX, translation, conversion, tools
abstract: Both LaTeX and HTML are languages that can express the structure of a document, and similarities between these two systems are shown. A detailed study is made of the LaTeX2HTML program, written by Nikos Drakos, that is today the most complete utility for translating LaTeX code into HTML, providing a quasi-automatic translation for most elements. A discussion of a few other tools for translating between HTML and LaTeX concludes the article.
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Pedro Palao Gostanza, Manuel Núñez García
Pascal: formatting Pascal using TeX (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 169-180
keywords: Pascal, formatting, program code
abstract: This paper is based on our ideas about how a system which formats programs written in a structured language must work. Particularly, tools which help in typesetting texts where algorithms are described. Most of our ideas have been put in practice in the pascal system, which automatize the elegant layout of Pascal programs. This system is programmed as a TeX macro package.
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Hans Hagen
Beyond the bounds of paper and within the bounds of screens; the perfect match of TeX and Acrobat (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 181-196
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Hans Hagen, Ton Otten
PPCHTeX: typesetting chemical formulas in TeX (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 197-222
abstract: This article is about a package for typesetting chemical formulas. The primary interface of this package is in the dutch language. Because PPCHTeX has a multilingual interface, all commands and keywords can be toggled to english. The Dutch version of this article is published in NTG's MAPS (94.2) and is translated to English by H. de Weert.
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Yannis Haralambous, Sebastian Rahtz
LaTeX, HTML and PDF, or the entry of TeX into the world of hypertext (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 223-238
keywords: LaTeX, HTML, PDF, hyperTeX
abstract: An onverview of the relation between LaTeX, HTML (WWW) and PDF is presented.
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Jörg Knappen
The release 1.2 of the Cork encoded DC fonts and the text companion symbol fonts (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 239-256
keywords: DC fonts, TS1 text symbol encoding
abstract: I present the release 1.2 of the dc fonts and the companion text symbol fonts. I give an overview of the improvements on the dc fonts from version 1.1 to 1.2. The rationale for introducing a text symbol font is explained and the text symbol encoding TS1 is presented. In the appendix, there are font tables of the mentioned fonts.
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Boguslaw Jackowski
A METAFONT--EPS interface (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 257-272
keywords: METAFONT, PostScript, MFtoEPS
abstract: The MFtoEPS package enables METAFONT to produce EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) output.
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Kees van der Laan
Use of TeX as database with AnyTeX (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 273-278
keywords: active list separators, addresses, comment blocks, compatible extension, data integrity, databases, FIFO, lazy evaluation, list element tag, mail-merge, number ranges, pattern matching, pictures, plain TeX, references, reusable software parts, searching, selective loading, set macros, software engineering, table of contents, variant document parts
abstract: The use of BLUe's format databases is treated. A new issue is introduced since the emerge of BLUe's Format system this spring. Boolean tags can be added to for example address.dat entries to denote fields and their contents. Together with \search one can easily obtain the list of names -- and via these names the full entries, i.e., the addresses -- of those who have not paid their membership fee, for example.
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Kees van der Laan
Indexing in TeX with AnyTeX (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 279-288
keywords: compatible extension, index, number ranges, one-pass job, ordering table, plain TeX, reusable software parts, software engineering, sort keys
abstract: The creation of a modest index within a one-pass TeX job is treated. In general a proof run and a final run are needed.
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Olga Lapko, Irina Makhovaya
A Russian style for Babel: problems and solutions (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 289-294
keywords: Babel, Russian, typography
abstract: As with other languages using nonlatin basis there are some typographic features and national peculiarities that must be shown in the style. The paper describes the Russian style with macros \captionrussian for four standard Russian documents, \daterussian, \Asbuk and \asbuk for Russian alphabet counters and \mathrussian for Russian math operators. Some problems concerning the usage of this style (e.g. usage of different encodings) are described.
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Andries Lenstra, Steven Kliffen, Ruud Koning
Data with daTeX (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 295-308
keywords: databases, data manipulating, filtering, ASCII
abstract: The authors explain how to handle data in TeX documents, in particular, how to avoid ever having to type in -- and check! -- the same data or text twice. These data may be stored in ordinary (non-TeX) databases, in ASCII files arranged according to the easy daTeX format, or in the TeX document itself. daTeX works in plain TeX and is supposed to work in LaTeX.
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LaTeX3 project team
Modifying LaTeX (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 309-314
keywords: LaTeX, modifications
abstract: This is an updated version of a document that was first written to be part of the distribution of the new standard LaTeX. It was produced in response to suggestions that the modification and distribution conditions for the files in our system should be similar to those implied by Version 2 of the GNU General Public Licence, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Although we are by now convinced that the principles described here are sound, the detailed consequences of these for the distribution and modification conditions are still evolving. Thus this article should not be treated as a definitive version of these conditions, even at the date of its publication.
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Joachim Schrod
The proposed TeX Directory Structure (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 315-316
keywords: TDS, standardization
abstract: The concept of a standardized TeX directory structure is explained.
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Laurent Siebenmann
Occam's Razor and macro management (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 317-330
keywords: Occam's Razor, macro management, plain TeX, TeX typescripts, electronic publishing, docstrip, LaTeX
abstract: The philosophical principle known as Occam's Razor asserts that entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity. The TeX utility OCCAM is a tool to eliminate from a collection of supporting TeX macros (composite commands) those that are unnecessary in a given typescript. Hopefully, it will serve to (a) let Plain TeX users produce typescripts which can be electronically posted in a compact form that is nevertheless autonomous and perfectly archival, and (b) to simplify a macro package before making modifications for a special purpose.
The OCCAM utility will ultimately be programmed entirely in TeX language to assure that it is universally available. Today it is just an evolving prototype implemented with a bit of help from an editor (on Macintosh) that has a programmable control language based on GREP.
To achieve reasonably automatic functioning of OCCAM, not requiring surveillance by a TeX programmer, it is necessary to maintain a carefully structured master version of each macro package involved; this .occ version can double as the documented source version of the package.
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Andrey Slepuhin
A package for Church-Slavonic typesetting (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 331-338
keywords: Church-Slavonik
abstract: The multilingual ability of TeX is one of its most important properties. Due to TeX it became possible to produce high-quality books in many different languages (sometimes with very exotic grammatic rules). For more than 10 years of its existence TeX became a real polyglot and it seems that it doesn't want to stop evaluating. In this paper one more, may be rather exotic, example of practical usage of TeX is considered, and also many ideas and solutions which result from 5-year experience of TeX using.
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Antonín Strejc
The W95 environment (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 339-350
keywords: Windows, typesetting proceedings, non-TeX-users
abstract: Since 1992 the ``WORKSHOP 9x'' seminar takes place at the Czech Technical University (CTU) every year. The aim of this wide seminar is to give all the CTU researchers or teams an oportunity to present their research projects in twenty minutes of speech and two pages of proceedings of the seminar. I solved the technical problem of making the proceedings using LaTeX. As the number of contributions increases year by year and the time for making the book is limited some automation of the typesetting process was and still is necessary. The W94 and W95 are attempts to transfer part of the typesetting work from the final typesetter to the authors. The W9x is simple single-purpose user-interface between LaTeX and the MS-DOS user who may know nothing about TeX and LaTeX. Some experiences (both technical and psychological) of using this system in the two last years are discussed in the paper and may be useful for organizers of seminars, conferences etc. where contributors are not TeX users and the proceedings are to be made with TeX.
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Daniel Taupin
MusiXTeX, even more beautiful than MusicTeX for music typesetting (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 351-358
keywords: MusicTeX, MusiXTeX, music
abstract: MusiXTeX is a new music typesetting package derived from MusicTeX, but it provides more beautiful scores than MusicTeX did. While MusicTeX was a single pass package, MusiXTeX is a three pass system: the first pass performs a rough TeXing which reports the spacings of each music section, the second pass is a computation of the best note spacings, and the third one is the final TeXing process. The beauty of single notes does not significantly differ from MusicTeX, but slurs are much more beautiful, and notes are regularly spaced instead of being irregularly spaced with glue.
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Philip Taylor
e-TeX: a 100%-compatible successor to TeX (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 359-370
keywords: e-TeX, NTS, extended TeX, extensions, compatibility
abstract: e-TeX is the first concrete result of an international research & development project, the NTS Project, which was established under the aegis of DANTE during 1992. The aims of the project are to perpetuate and develop the spirit and philosophy of TeX, whilst respecting Knuth's wish that TeX itself should remain frozen.
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Wiegert Tierie
Adobe Acrobat 2.0: Beyond the bounds of paper (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 371-390
keywords: Acrobat, PDF
abstract: An overview of the concept and features of Adobe Acrobat is given.
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Gabriel Valiente Feruglio
Typesetting commutative diagrams (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 391-424
keywords: commutative diagrams, macro packages
abstract: There have been several efforts aimed at providing TeX and its derivatives with a suitable mechanism for typesetting commutative diagrams, with the consequent availability of several macro packages of widespread use in the category theory community, and a long debate about the best syntax to adopt for commutative diagrams in LaTeX3 has taken place during 1993 in the CATEGORIES discussion list. From the user's point of view, however, there is not much guidance when it comes to choosing a macro package, and even after a decision is made, the conversion of diagrams from the particular conventions of a macro package to another macro package's conventions may prove to be rather hard.
Typesetting commutative diagrams is a surprisingly difficult problem, in comparison with TeX macro packages for other purposes, as judged by the amount of code needed and years of development invested. The existing macro packages for typesetting commutative diagrams are reviewed in this paper and they are compared according to several criteria, among them the capability to produce complex diagrams, quality of the output diagrams, ease of use, quality of documentation, installation procedures, resource requirements, availability, and portability. The compatibility of the different macro packages is also analyzed.
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Erik-Jan Vens
Conversion of the Euler METAFONTs into the PostScript Type1 language (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 425-430
keywords: METAFONT, PostScript, Type 1 fonts, conversion
abstract: A report of the process of converting Hermann Zapf's Euler fonts from METAFONT sources to PostScript Type1 format.
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Jirí Zlatuška
When METAFONT does it alone (English), In: Proceedings of the Ninth European TeX Conference ( Wietse Dol), 1995, 431-441
keywords: METAFONT, graphics
abstract: Combining METAFONT and TeX when typesetting text and graphics together is shown on several occasions to bring very impressive results. A. Hoenig presented a method for communication between TeX and METAFONT in order to solve two problems otherwise difficult to handle within TeX or METAFONT alone: label placement for diagrams generated by METAFONT, and curvilinear typesetting. We show that the method for curvilinear typesetting (involving three passes in Hoenig's approach) can be considerably simplified by using the extended ligature mechanism of TeX 3, and that a single METAFONT pass is actually sufficient, with quite a simple interface on TeX's side. Institutional seal text placement can be realized as a simple METAFONT application using this method. While PostScript offers ready-to-use easy solutions to this class of problems, METAFONT solutions can still be preferable to PostScript because of the ability of adding META-ness, e.g., by introducing second-order magnitude corrections/distortions to the letters and/or logos in order to enhance legibility when used in smaller sizes.
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Wietse Dol
MAPS 96.1 (Dutch/English), MAPS 16, 1996, 1-139
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
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Frans Goddijn
Verslag (1996/1) (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 1-2
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening 16e NTG bijeenkomst 5 september 1995; Verslag NTG bijeenkomst van 24 mei 1995; Ingekomen stukken en mededelingen; Begroting 1996; Verslag TUG'95; Rondvraag en sluiting; Volgende bijeenkomsten.
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Het weten waard (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 3
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Erik Frambach
Van de Voorzitter (1996/1) (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 4
keywords: chairman
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Gerard van Nes, Wietse Dol
Van uw MAPS Editor (1996/1) (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 5-6
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Wietse Dol
Financieel verslag 1995 (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 7-8
keywords: financial report
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Gerard van Nes
Jaarverslag NTG (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 9-11
keywords: report NTG
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Michel Goossens
Van de TUG President (1996) (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 12-13
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Frans Goddijn
Bericht van FGBBS (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 14-15
keywords: BBS, internet
abstract: Een beschouwing over de vraag of, sinds de opkomst van Internet, er nog behoefte is een een BBS systeem. De voorlopige conclusie luidt dat een BBS op regionaal en klein-nationaal gebied een prettige aanvulling kan zijn op hetgeen het Internet te bieden heeft.
16_8.pdf (20kb)
Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz
A plug-and-play teTeX CD-ROM (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 16
abstract: GUTenberg and UKTUG, in collaboration with TUG and NTG, are producing a plug-and-play CD-ROM based on Thomas Esser's teTeX distribution. It adheres to the TDS (TeX Directory Structure) tree structure (see, for instance, TUGboat 16(4), pages 401-412).
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Michel Goossens
Attending EuroTeX'95 in Papendal (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 17-23
keywords: EuroTeX, conference, Arnhem
abstract: Report of EuroTeX'95 conference in Arnhem.
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Wietse Dol, Erik Frambach
BachoTeX 1996 (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 24-25
keywords: BachoTeX, report, GUST, Poland
abstract: Verslag bijeenkomst Poolse TeX users group GUST.
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The 17th Annual TeX Users Group Meeting (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 26-29
keywords: TUG conference, Dubna
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Dirk van Delft
De kunst van het programmeren (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 30-32
abstract: Sinds 1962 werkt Donald Knuth aan een informaticabijbel die over twintig jaar af moet zijn. Tussendoor ontwierp hij een tekstververwerker met eigen typografie en legde hij een Mona Lisa uit dominosteentjes.
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Jack Woehr
An Interview with Donald Knuth (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 33-37
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Christina Thiele
Knuth meets NTG members (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 38-49
keywords: Knuth, dutch, visit, interview, NTG
abstract: On January 6th 1996, Kees van der Laan informed the NTG that Donald Knuth would be in Holland in March. Knuth was invited by the Mathematisch Centrum (MC, nowadays called Centrum voor Wiskunde en Infor-matica, CWI) because of CWI's 50th anniversary. Both Knuth and Mandelbrot were invited as speakers at the celebration. The NTG noticed that this was an exceptional occasion to organize a special meeting with Knuth for all Dutch TeX and METAFONT users who would like to meet the Grand Wizard himself. Fortunately Knuth accepted the NTG invitation and so a meeting was organized in `De Rode Hoed' in Amsterdam on March 13th. About 35 people from all over the country and even from Belgium joined to meet Knuth. Everything was recorded on both video and audio tape by Gerard van Nes. Christina Thiele volunteered to write this transcript.
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Siep Kroonenberg
TeX without 4TeX on the PC (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 50-53
keywords: 4TeX, configuring, DOSKEY, GhostScript
abstract: An example of a command-line interface for an existing 4TeX installation. Configuration involves defining environment variables and DOSKEY macros. This simplicity comes at the cost of greater dependence on PostScript/GhostScript and the loss of some advanced features.
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Cees Fortuin
Van dictaat tot boek (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 54-56
abstract: In 1980 werd ik docent natuurkunde aan de HTS te Arnhem voor de afdeling elektrotechniek. Toendertijd werd een leerboek gebruikt dat heel aardig de meer traditionele componenten behandelde, maar bijna niets wist te melden over wat tegenwoordig in een schakeling zit: dioden, transistoren en dat soort componenten. Een eerste navraag bij landelijke collega's leverde wel een soort werkgroepje op, maar niet de gezochte `nieuwe' leerstof. Dus maar zelf schrijven. Dat moet in eerste instantie letterlijk worden opgevat, maar ook met een tekstverwerker als LaTeX moet veel zelf worden gedaan. Wat begon rond 1985 als dictaat, per hoofdstuk afgedrukt, eindigde rond 1995 als boek: twee delen `Elektron natuurkunde' in de serie natuurkunde voor het HBO bij de Educatieve Uitgevers.
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Rom Pijlgroms
Enkele ervaringen met LaTeX (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 57
abstract: Ter sprake komen de persoonlijke ervaringen met LaTeX rond onder meer de uitwerkingen en antwoorden-boeken van de methode `Wiskunde voor het hoger onderwijs' (R. van Asselt, e.a., uitgave van: Educatieve Partners Nederland BV), de ervaringen met betrekking tot verzorgde bijscholingscursussen LaTeX t.b.v. het personeel van de faculteit en de overige tekstverwerkingsactiviteiten.
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Rein Smedinga
Een LaTeX-cursus in Groningen (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 58
abstract: Begin mei heeft bij de afdeling wiskunde en informatica van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen voor de tiende keer een LaTeX-cursus plaatsgehad. Onderstaand een kort relaas over het ontstaan van deze cursus en het doel ervan.
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Ben Geels
Het gebruik van LaTeX voor wiskunde lessen (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 59
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Piet Tutelaers
Van ms-troff naar LaTeX (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 60
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Herbert Swan
The LaTeX2HTML translator: An Overview (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 61-73
abstract: LaTeX2HTML is, as its name implies, a translator which converts a standard LaTeX document into Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), for incorporation into the World-Wide Web. Like LaTeX, it is freely available software, supported by highly dedicated volunteers. Unlike LaTeX, it is currently available only on UNIX platforms.
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Jan Jacobs, Jan-Egbert Sturm
Zijn Scientific Word en TeX uitwisselbaar? (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 74-75
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Hans Hagen
Typografisch programmeren (Dutch), MAPS 16, 1996, 76-81
keywords: typographic programming, database publishing, ConTeXt interactive documents, screen design, interactive documents
abstract: In dit artikel wordt de ontwikkeling van een interactief document beschreven. De getoonde voorbeelden demonstreren de kracht van TeX als typografische programmeertaal. Omdat dergelijke documenten het moeten opnemen tegen (vaak dedicated) programma's, kan het ontwikkelen ervan worden omschreven als typografisch programmeren.
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Kees van der Laan
Paradigms: It's all in the game (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 82-84
keywords: BLUe format, dialogue with TeX, games, plain TeX, user interface
abstract: With the game tic-tac-toe as example it is shown how to dialogue with TeX. Three versions of a macro are discussed. The first prototype implements the bare-to-the-bones game. The other versions have increasingly better user interfaces and more intelligence implemented.
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Kees van der Laan
Paradigms: The winds and halfwinds -- Details matter (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 85-90
keywords: binary tree, BLUe format, graphics, plain TeX, recursion, trinary tree, turtle graphics
abstract: The implementation of the turtle graphics idea in plain TeX as part of BLUe's format graphics facilities has been discussed. Examples are the (recursive) coding of the Pythagorian and trinary trees. As spin-off the implementation of a (binary) chart -- a binary tree with labels -- is given. Rotation of trees goes simply by renaming the wind directions.
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Kees van der Laan
BLUe-2-LaTeX -- expansion and some more (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 91-99
keywords: BLUe script, conversion, MAPS, mouth processing, plain TeX
abstract: Conversion should not be a problem. It is best to use a general accepted tool, which comes with a preprint format. Until BLUe's format is generally accepted a BLUe script has to converted to comply with publishers' formats to get it out. Conversion via TeX's expansion is exercised in this note, with as result a plain TeX Convertor Assistant, in the spirit of AWK. In netland it does not matter because BLUe's format system is available from CTAN and NTG's 4allTeX CD-ROM, and therefore everybody can format BLUe scripts, and no conversion is needed.
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Kees van der Laan
Graphics and TeX -- a reappraisal of METAFONT (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 100-107
keywords: computer art, constructivism, graphics, Hilbert, hidden lines, METAFONT, PostScript, projection
abstract: It is all about the author's first steps in METAFONT, for creating graphics to be included in TeX documents, with a wink to . The graphics comprises 2D pictures and 2.5D images of 3D objects via projection techniques. Learning METAFONT was much easier than learning TeX. Included examples are: cat, Hilbert curve, and Gabo's linear construction in space no 2. A few highlights on macro writing in METAFONT have been selected. The appendix contains the table of contents of my file of examples.
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Piet van Oostrum
Page layout in LaTeX (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 108-125
abstract: This article describes how to customize the page layout of your LaTeX documents, i.e how to change page margings and sizes, headers and footers, and the proper placement of figures and tables (collectively called floats) on the page. Originally this was the documentation of the fancyheadings package. It did contain also other info, e.g. advanced use of marks. It has now been upgraded to include more, e.g. the handling of floats. The fancyheadings documentation has been upgraded to conform to version 2 of this package 1 . For reasons of compatibility with certain operating systems, the name of the package has been changed to fancyhdr. Although this paper uses LaTeX2e commands, most of the techniques can be used with older LaTeX versions with appropriate changes.
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Hans Hagen
Colored Verbatim (English), MAPS 16, 1996, 126-139
keywords: visualizing TeX, ConTeXt verbatim, color verbatim, TeX visualizing
abstract: This module implements (just another) verbatim environment. Especially when the output of TeX is viewed on an electronic medium, coloring has a positive influence on the readability of TeX sources. About half of the module is therefore dedicated to typesetting TeX specific character sequences in color. In this article I'll present some macro's for typesetting inline, display and file verbatim. The macro's are capable of handling too.
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Wietse Dol
MAPS 96.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 17, 1996, 1-175
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps17.pdf (1504kb)
Frans Goddijn
Verslag (1996/2) (Dutch), MAPS 17, 1996, 1-3
keywords: report, members meeting
abstract: Opening 17e NTG bijeenkomst 1 juni 1996; Notulen van de zestiende bijeenkomst van 5 september 1995; Ingekomen stukken en mededelingen; NTG ledenvergadering; Verslag commissie voor kascontrol en vaststelling nieuwe commissie voor kascontrole; Bestuursverkiezingen; Miscellanious; Rondvraag en sluiting.
17_1.pdf (30kb)
Het weten waard (Dutch), MAPS 17, 1996, 4
17_2.pdf (37kb)
Erik Frambach
Van de Voorzitter (1996/2) (Dutch), MAPS 17, 1996, 5
keywords: chairman
17_3.pdf (15kb)
Wietse Dol
Van uw MAPS Editor (1996/2) (Dutch), MAPS 17, 1996, 6
17_4.pdf (32kb)
Wietse Dol
Concept begroting 1997 (Dutch), MAPS 17, 1996, 7
keywords: budget
17_5.pdf (32kb)
Michel Goossens
Een rol voor TeX in het 3de millennium (Dutch), MAPS 17, 1996, 8
17_6.pdf (43kb)
Kees van der Laan, Erik Frambach
(Cyr)TuG, and some more (Dutch), MAPS 17, 1996, 9-10
keywords: CyrTUG, TUG conference, Dubna
abstract: Report of TUG meeting in Dubna, Russia.
17_7.pdf (64kb)
Frans Goddijn
De spelling van het lot (Dutch), MAPS 17, 1996, 11-16
keywords: new dutch, dutch spelling, spell checker, Groene Boekje
abstract: Het SPELLINGBESLUIT gepubliceerd in Staatsblad 394 (Besluit van 19 juni 1996, houdende voorschriften omtrent de schrijfwijze van de Nederlandse taal) heeft niet alleen gezorgd voor veel gekrakeel tussen neerlandici, maar het vormde ook een buitenkans voor uitgeverijen van werken als HET GROENE BOEKJE (binnen zes maanden 500.000 verkochte exemplaren). Kleinere ondernemingen brachten floppies op de markt met woordenlijsten en algoritmen. Intussen sloeg een groepje mensen (bestaande uit -- in alfabetische volgorde -- Erick Branderhorst, Erik Frambach, Frans Goddijn, Hans Hagen, Gerard van Nes, Piet Tutelaers, Jacoline van Weelden en Peter van Zeeland, en terzijde gestaan door Hans Linders) de handen ineen om te komen tot een vrij beschikbare, zo correct mogelijke Nederlandse woordenlijst.
17_8.pdf (76kb)
Hans Hagen
Heeft TeX nog toekomst? (Dutch), MAPS 17, 1996, 17-22
keywords: future, TeX reflection
abstract: This articles is meant as a starting point for further discussion on the future of TeX. The author wrote this expose after a discussion in the NTG board concerning the future of TeX and the NTG.
17_9.pdf (82kb)
Gabriel Valiente Feruglio
Do journals honor LaTeX submissions? (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 23-31
keywords: LaTeX, journals, submissions, academic
abstract: The survival of LaTeX in the academic world will depend on TeX and LaTeX evolving towards changing publishing practices, but also on publishers actually accepting LaTeX submissions. Much has been said about the former, with a recent feature number of TUGboat addressing the subject of electronic publishing. When it comes to the latter issue, however, it is often taken for granted that scientific journals honor LaTeX submissions. An extensive research over the Internet reveals that, on the contrary, at the turn of the century many journals still regret to accept LaTeX submissions, sometimes preferring RTF or even bare ASCII sources to TeX or LaTeX. This note discusses some of the issues behind this situation and compiles all journals known to the au-thor that accept electronic submission of LaTeX articles in source form, thereby complementing the TeX counterpart.
17_10.pdf (117kb)
Alan Hoenig
Introduction to ``TeX Unbound: LaTeX & TeX Strategies, Fonts, Graphics, and More'' (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 32-33
17_11.pdf (37kb)
Alan Hoenig
Virtual Fonts, Virtuous Fonts (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 34-40
abstract: Virtual fonts allow us to use all digital fonts with TeX, even non-TeX ones, and do much more for us. What are virtual fonts? Several projects grant us necessary experience with them. This document comprises somewhat less than half of the similarly named chapter which will appear in the book TeX Unbound: LaTeX and TeX Strategies for Fonts, Graphics, and More, by Alan Hoenig, to be published in early 1997 by Oxford University Press. This excerpt is simplified so that it may be printed using the standard suite of TeX fonts; the original depends heavily on PostScript fonts and the author's style file for its typesetting. Consequently, some displays could not be included. For any questions or comments, please contact the author at
17_12.pdf (131kb)
Alan Hoenig
Detailed Contents for ``TeX Unbound: LaTeX & TeX Strategies, Fonts, Graphics, and More'' (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 41-45
abstract: This book will be published by Oxford University Press in early 1997. Contact the author at for further information.
17_13.pdf (62kb)
David Carlisle
A LaTeX tour, part 1: the base distribution (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 46-51
keywords: LaTeX, base distribution, documentation, guide
abstract: In this article I hope to give a `guided tour' around the files that make up the basic LaTeX distribution. Subsequent articles in this mini-series will cover other packages by the LaTeX development team, and also some of the main contributed packages.
17_14.pdf (75kb)
David Carlisle
A LaTeX tour, part 2: the Tools and Graphics distribution (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 52-56
keywords: LaTeX, tools package distribution, documentation, guide
abstract: In the previous article in this series I started by giving a description of the files in the `base' LaTeX distribution. In part 2, I shall cover the `tools' and `graphics' distributions. These are distributed in the tools and graphics subdirectories of the CTAN directory macros/LaTeX/packages. Although these files are not part of the min-imal base distribution they should normally be included in the LaTeX installation at any site. The LaTeX book assumes that at least the graphics distribution is installed.
17_15.pdf (98kb)
Herman Haverkort
FRISTI (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 57-64
keywords: small, lists, directory, calendar, key fob, credit card, stuffing
abstract: This article gives an impression of my way of designing and typesetting very small telephone and address lists, birthday calendars etc. Design considerations and typesetting tricks are presented. The latter include macros which define the sheets (from A4 to credit card and even key fob size), macros to process data records (typically specified in a separate file) in various ways, and macros to stuff and stow data in very limited space.
17_16.pdf (165kb)
Alexander Berdnikov, Olga Grineva
PMGRAPH.STY: some useful macros which extends the LaTeX picture environment (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 65-71
17_17.pdf (143kb)
Keith Reckdahl
Using EPS Graphics in LaTeX2e Documents (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 72-114
abstract: This document explains how to use Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files in LaTeX2e documents. The graphics and graphicx packages provide commands which insert, scale, and rotate EPS graphics.
17_18.pdf (277kb)
Dag Langmyhr
StarTeX -- a TeX for beginners (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 115-121
keywords: TeX format, novice TeX, robust TeX, error recovery in TeX, TeX with SGML notation
abstract: This article describes StarTeX, a new TeX format for students writing their first report and other novice users. Its aim is to provide a simpler and more robust tool for users with no previous knowledge of TeX and LaTeX.
17_19.pdf (107kb)
Kees van der Laan
Paradigms: Loops (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 122-125
keywords: BLUe format, loops, plain TeX, tail recursion
abstract: The implementation of loops in plain TeX is surveyed. Van der Goot's loop is a remarkable straight implementation of tail recursion. Nesting of loops and the pitfalls in there are discussed. The use of hidden counters and the flip-flop traversal are given.
17_20.pdf (79kb)
Kees van der Laan
Paradigms: Searching (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 126-131
keywords: BLUe format, databases, pattern recognition, plain TeX, tree searching, selective loading
abstract: Various ways of searching in plain TeX are surveyed. Its use in BLUe's format for selective loading of macros, addresses, pictures, formats and tools is discussed. Interactively searching through a binary tree in dialogue with TeX is also given.
17_21.pdf (58kb)
Kees van der Laan
Paradigms: Sorting (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 132-136
keywords: BLUe format, heap sort, index preparation, plain TeX, quick sort
abstract: Various ways of sorting in plain TeX are surveyed. Macros for linear sorting (in the mouth), quick sort and heap sort are given. The use for sorting index reminders for indexing on-the-fly is touched upon.
17_22.pdf (77kb)
Kees van der Laan
Paradigms: Just a little bit of PostScript (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 137-150
keywords: declarative program, EPS, Escher, graphics, imperative code, LaTeX, Koch island, Malevich, math graphs, METAFONT, MFtoEPS, Mondrian, PostScript, projection, reverse video, ROEX, Schroefer, sideways tables, suprematism, text along curved paths, tiling
abstract: It is all about creating EPS -- with graphics -- to be merged with (La)TeX scripts. The emphasis is on creating raw PostScript for simple symmetrical pictures. Asides, like incorporating accurate graphs of math functions, typesetting text along curved paths, or tables set sideways, next to reverse video, clipping and tiling have been addressed. A poor man's MFtoEPS approach is touched upon: (declarative) METAFONT into (imperative) PostScript.
17_23.pdf (161kb)
Hans Hagen
Visual Debugging in TeX: a short introduction (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 151-156
17_24.pdf (168kb)
Hans Hagen
Visual Debugging in TeX: how things are done (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 157-174
keywords: ConTeXt, visual debugging, debugging, boxes, glue, penalties, kerns, fills
abstract: By redefining some TeX primitives, one can get an impression of what TeX and macros are doing behind the screens. This article visualizes some rather common but often unnoticed TeX features. The visual debugger described here is part of ConTeXt, but can be used in plain TeX and other macro packages as well.
17_25.pdf (119kb)
Hans Hagen
Where to find ConTeXt (English), MAPS 17, 1996, 175
17_26.pdf (6kb)
Wietse Dol
NTG's Public Relation Set (Dutch), MAPS Special Editions , 1996, 1-36
keywords: NTG, introduction
abstract: Informatie voor geïnteresseerden in TeX & de NTG. Introductie over TeX met vele voorbeelden.
NTG_pr.pdf (633kb)
Taco Hoekwater
MAPS 97.1 (Dutch/English), MAPS 18, 1997, 1-175
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps18.pdf (kb)
Frans Goddijn
Verslag Bijeenkomst (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 1-2
keywords: report, meeting, members meeting
abstract: Opening, Notulen, Ingekomen stukken en mededelingen, bestuursmutaties, subsidieaanvraag, begroting 1997, MAPS zaken, Activiteiten, Lustrumcommissie, Werkgroepen
18_1.pdf (30kb)
Erik Frambach
Van de Voorzitter (1997/1) (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 3-4
18_2.pdf (27kb)
Taco Hoekwater
Redactioneel (1997/1) (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 5
18_3.pdf (16kb)
Het weten waard (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 6-7
18_4.pdf (36kb)
Erik Frambach, Wybo Dekker
Financieel verslag 1996 (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 8-9
keywords: financial report
18_5.pdf (14kb)
Gerard van Nes
Jaarverslag NTG 1996 (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 10-12
keywords: report NTG
18_6.pdf (37kb)
Michel Goossens
TeX Users Group, gisteren, vandaag en morgen (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 13-14
18_7.pdf (33kb)
Frans Goddijn
Bericht van FGBBS -- Voorjaar 1997 (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 15-17
keywords: FGBBS, report
abstract: Hoewel ``de loop eruit is'' in de BBS winkelstraten, houdt FGBBS stand als het rustige knopenwinkeltje dat met enige regelmaat wordt bezocht door een kleine maar trouwe klantenkring uit de wijde omgeving.
18_8.pdf (34kb)
Kees van der Laan
WG: Educatie -- een overzicht en oproep (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 18
keywords: working group, education
abstract: Een overzicht van de activiteiten binnen en buiten de WG wordt gegeven, met daarnaast een suggestie.
18_9.pdf (12kb)
Taco Hoekwater
WG: TeX & SGML (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 19
keywords: working group, SGML
abstract: Een korte introductie van de werkgroep SGML en een oproep voor geinteresseerde leden
18_10.pdf (12kb)
Erik Frambach, Hans Hagen
De nieuwe NTG-WWW pagina's (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 21-23
keywords: NTG, internet, WWW
abstract: Sinds kort zijn de WWW-pagina's van de NTG ( geheel vernieuwd. Dit artikel geeft een overzicht van de ideeën achter de nieuwe opzet en uitvoering.
18_11.pdf (88kb)
Frans Goddijn
Gezeefd uit de TeX-NL discussielijst (1997) (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 25-36
keywords: TEX-NL, discussionlist, tips, hints, beginner, help, stylefiles
abstract: In 1993 publiceerde Philippe Vanoverbeke in de MAPS tweemaal een selectie van berichten uit de TeX-NL lijst. Nu, een poosje later, wordt de draad weer opgepakt. Een aantal oplossingen, hints en gouden tips over onderwerpen waarvan je weleens denkt: ``hoe zat dat ook alweer?'' Deze informatie is, samen met nog veel meer van dergelijke waardevolle berichten uit TeX-NL, ook na te lezen op FGBBS in het berichtengebied FGBBS.ARCHIVE. Opvallend is dat in bijna alle gevallen het snelste en definitieve antwoord wordt gegeven door Piet van Oostrum (,, zonder wie TeX-NL niet het zeer nuttige en snelle medium zou zijn dat het nu is. OOSTRUM-NL zou ook een goeie naam zijn.
18_12.pdf (95kb)
Erik Frambach
Conversie van BibTeX naar HTML, TeX en LaTeX (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 37-39
keywords: BibTeX, Perl, HTML, conversion
abstract: BibTeX-bibliografieën kunnen met behulp van een Perl-script vertaald worden naar HTML. Een variant op dat script levert een compleet LaTeX-bestand. Nog een andere variant levert een plain TeX-bestand dat naar believen bijgeschaafd kan worden. Als gereedschap is enkel Perl en (La)TeX nodig.
18_13.pdf (37kb)
Ton Biegstraaten
Het invoeren en afdrukken van de Latin-1 Characterset (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 41-44
abstract: Ten behoeve van een collegedictaat is een tabel nodig met de Latin-1 of iso-8859-1 characterset. Dit artikel behandelt het invoeren en afdrukken van deze characterset met behulp van LaTeX2e.
18_14.pdf (56kb)
Taco Hoekwater
SGML entities in (La)TeX: sgmlent.sty (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 45-52
keywords: SGML entities, SGML conversion, SGML
abstract: This package provides an easy-to-use interface to the SGML character entity sets (ISO 8879, Annex D). All entity sets defined in the Annex are supported, but there are still some minor problems.
18_15.pdf (162kb)
Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz, Frank Mittelbach
The LaTeX Graphics Companion (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 53-60
keywords: abstract, table of contents, preface, LaTeX
abstract: This handy reference describes techniques and tricks needed to illustrate LaTeX documents, and answers common user questions about graphics and PostScript fonts. It provides the first full description of the standard LaTeX color and graphics packages, and shows how you can combine TeX and PostScript capabilities to produce beautifully illustrated pages. Following the successful format of The LaTeX Companion, this new book will be an invaluable LaTeX resource for incorporating pictures into text.
18_16.pdf (55kb)
Hans Hagen
Loading PicTeX without problems (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 61-63
keywords: PICTeX, PPCHTeX
abstract: When using ppchTeX in LaTeX, one can run out of dimension registers. This article describes a loading mechanism that take care of proper loading of PICTeX, that is, by using as few dimensions as possible.
18_17.pdf (27kb)
Hans Hagen
pdfTeX, een eerste indruk (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 65-67
keywords: PDF, pdfTeX, web2c
abstract: Currently a new extension of TeX is under development. This web2c based extension pdfTeX not only produces DVI output, but alternatively generates PDF code. Functionality as well as new primitives are described.
18_18.pdf (37kb)
Ton Otten
Even voorstellen: de EPDA (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 69
18_19.pdf (17kb)
Hans Hagen
Puzzling Graphics in METAPOST (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 71-82
keywords: METAPOST, puzzles, graphics
abstract: METAPOST can be used for more than math oriented graphics. This article describes some macros for drawing arbitrary jigsaw puzzles and shifting puzzles. METAPOST can be fun!
18_20.pdf (243kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Scans and bitmaps in TeX (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 83-85
keywords: scan, image, bitmap, resolution, halftone, PostScript
abstract: Guidelines are given for working with scans and bitmaps, with the emphasis on PostScript printing from TeX.
18_21.pdf (240kb)
Hans Hagen
Using fonts in METAPOST -- one way of forcing TeX to include the right fonts (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 87-91
keywords: METAPOST, fonts in METAPOST, ConTeXt
abstract: METAPOST graphics can contain TeX produced text. Unfortunately, when including such graphics in TeX documents, only DVIPS knows how to include the right glyphs. This articles describes a method (and macros) to handle glyph inclusion independant of DVI drivers. The ConTeXt module described here can be used in other macro packages as well. (A later version of this module implements a more efficient mechanism as well as some additional functionality.)
18_22.pdf (76kb)
Kees van der Laan
Stars around 1 -- PostScript straightaway (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 93-98
keywords: EPS, fractal, intersection, Koch island, METAFONT, METAPOST, MFtoEPS, outline, PostScript, ROEX, star, tiling
abstract: Drawing the outline of stars is discussed. A METAFONT/Post and a PostScript program are included, next to a Colombus' egg PostScript solution. The appendices contain compositions of stars and a few versions of a PostScript operator to calculate the intersection point of two lines determined by four points.
18_23.pdf (75kb)
Kees van der Laan
Stars around 2 -- what a little math can do (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 99-102
keywords: analytic geometry, clipping, intersection, linear equations, logos, METAPOST, METAFONT, MFtoEPS, outline, PostScript, ROEX, tangent
abstract: The problems as treated by Jackowski in his lecture at NTG's 1996 fall meeting: a tangent to a circle, intersection of circles, V-like logo, and (circular) clipping of waves, are provided with alternative solutions, along with straightaway PostScript codes.
18_24.pdf (48kb)
Erik Frambach, Kees van der Laan
BachoTeX 97 -- TeX from inside (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 103-104
keywords: BachoTeX, GUST, Poland
abstract: A report of GUST's 5th conference in Bachotek, Poland.
18_25.pdf (54kb)
Ton Biegstraaten
Een greep uit de fontverzameling van TeX (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 105-113
abstract: De verzameling fonts die beschikbaar is binnen TeX is zeer omvangrijk. In dit artikel wordt een subjectieve poging gedaan hier iets van te laten zien.
18_26.pdf (1394kb)
Kees van der Laan
TeX, BLUes, and Jazz -- a search for values (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 115-116
keywords: BLUe, databases, plain TeX
abstract: How to use TeX for a database oriented application is shown by the example of a collection of Jazz CDs. The request was to provide (part) of the title of a tune and to let TeX response with all the CDs which contain that tune. Only a few lines of code was all that was needed to fulfill the purpose. The example might serve as a user-oriented stepping stone for understanding how in BLUe's format TeX as database engine has been used.
18_27.pdf (26kb)
Andries Lenstra, Ruud Koning
Gegevensverwerking met daTeX (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 117-123
keywords: databases, data integrity, daTeX
abstract: De auteurs geven een inleiding in daTeX. Dat is een verzameling macro's waarmee gegevens eenvoudig kunnen worden verwerkt in een TeX of LaTeX file. Twee voorbeelden illustreren de grote mogelijkheden van deze macro's. Een uitgebreide handleiding en de macro's zelf staan op
18_28.pdf (72kb)
Wiegert Tierie
Adobe Supra: Adobe's High-Performance Raster Image Processor (RIP) Architecture for Print-on-Demand Systems (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 125-130
18_29.pdf (82kb)
Philip Taylor
Computergestuurd Zetten of Electronisch publiceren? Nieuwe trends in wetenschappelijk publiceren (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 131-144
abstract: Abstract in het pools, tekst vertaald uit het engels door Taco Hoekwater
18_30.pdf (172kb)
Taco Hoekwater
lyx: een front-end voor LaTeX of een textprocessor? (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 145-150
keywords: LyX, review, WYSIWYG, front-end
abstract: Dit artikel is een recentie van het programma LyX. Lyx is een programma voor X windows dat dient als (bijna-)WYSIWYG schil bovenop LaTeX. De huidige stabiele beta-versie, die hier dan ook besproken wordt, is versie 0.10.7. Het programma wordt geschreven door een aantal auteurs onder `leiding' van Matthias Ettrich (
18_31.pdf (121kb)
Taco Hoekwater
kdvi: een verbeterde xdvi (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 151-154
keywords: DVI previewer, previewer, X, interface
abstract: kdvi is een aangepaste versie van xdvi, een DVI previewer voor het X Window Systeem. De belangrijkste verandering is het gebruik van een `echte' grafische interface ter vervanging van de nogal primitieve widgets van xdvi. kdvi is alpha software, de huidige versie is 0.2. De auteur is Markku Hihnala (
18_32.pdf (129kb)
Kees van der Laan
DVIPS manual -- good old portability, and some more (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 155-159
keywords: aligning figures, BLUe format, captions, DVI, EPS, figures, minimal markup, overprinting, portability, PostScript
abstract: Portable manuals should be written and marked up in this way. Just a few macros to take care of the formatting. The manual can be easily personalized. The dvips manual has been made available as a BLUe report with an index -- based on IR-s by Rokicki -- and a ToC. Both are welcome when using the manual. Some experience in using dvips under UNIX is also reported: overprinting a picture, adding a caption, and aligning pictures. A pitfall in using psfig is mentioned as well.
18_33.pdf (61kb)
Hans Hagen
How to handle compound and bounded words (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 161-166
keywords: compound words, hyphenation, ConTeXt, boundary characters
abstract: The dutch language permits words to be combined in many ways. To permit such compound words to be hyphenated properly, a versatile mechanism is presented, that handles all kind of compound and boundary situations. Although part of ConTeXt, this module can be used in other packages as well.
18_34.pdf (44kb)
Johannes Braams
Een moderne toren van Babel (Dutch), MAPS 18, 1997, 167-170
abstract: In deze voordracht zal ik kort aandacht besteden aan `wat is TeX', `wat is LaTeX'. Hierbij komt ook het concept van `structuur markup' aan de orde. Vervolgens zal ik ingaan op de geschiedenis van het babel pakket. Aan de hand van een aantal voorbeelden zal ik toelichten welke problematiek zich voordoet bij het op een correcte wijze vormgeven van documenten waarin meerdere talen worden gebruikt.
18_35.pdf (61kb)
Johannes Braams
Stretching the limits of Babel, an Ever Growing Package? (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 171-174
18_36.pdf (43kb)
NTG Ledeninformatie (English), MAPS 18, 1997, 175-190
18_37.pdf (72kb)
Taco Hoekwater
MAPS 97.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 19, 1997, 1-175
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps19.pdf (kb)
Frans Goddijn
Verslag 19de NTG Bijeenkomst (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 1-3
keywords: report, meeting, members meeting
abstract: Opening, Notulen, Ingekomen stukken en mededelingen, ledenvergadering
19_1.pdf (39kb)
Erik Frambach
Van de Voorzitter (1997/2) (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 4
19_2.pdf (59kb)
Taco Hoekwater
Redactioneel (1997/2) (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 5
19_3.pdf (14kb)
Het weten waard (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 6-7
19_4.pdf (31kb)
Wybo Dekker
Begroting NTG 1998 (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 8
keywords: budget
19_5.pdf (13kb)
NTG bestuur
Ontwerpwedstrijd (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 9
19_6.pdf (25kb)
Erik Frambach
4allTeX versie 4 (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 10-11
keywords: 4TeX, 4allTeX, emTeX, plug & play, CDROM
abstract: De vierde editie van de 4allTeX cdroms komt eraan. Dit artikel beschrijft wat er zoal nieuw is in deze editie.
19_7.pdf (38kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Het herontwerp van de MAPS (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 12
keywords: MAPS, paper format, fontkeuze, multi-columns, layout
abstract: Toelichting bij de nieuwe vormgeving van de MAPS: papierformaat, font keuze, aanpassingen voor twee-kolomsopmaak.
19_8.pdf (15kb)
Taco Hoekwater
De macros uit de nieuwe MAPS class (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 13-18
keywords: MAPS class file, macro design, layout
abstract: Dit artikel beschrijft de macros die gebruikt worden in de nieuwe maps class file. De nadruk ligt op de macros die proberen een stramien te ondersteunen.
19_9.pdf (54kb)
Philip Taylor
Book Design for TeX Users -- Part 1: Theory (English), MAPS 19, 1997, 19-27
keywords: design, typography, layout
abstract: Book design cannot be taught; it can only be learned, preferably by critical study of as many books as possible. Of all the elements which make up a book, white space is frequently the least considered and the most important. Avant garde designs are compared and contrasted with more conservative and traditional approaches. Three key elements: uniformity, information and structure are identified, and `good design practice' discussed in terms of each of these.
19_10.pdf (104kb)
Philip Taylor
Book Design for TeX Users -- Part 2: Practice (English), MAPS 19, 1997, 28-38
keywords: design, typography, layout
abstract: In the predecessor to this paper, three fundamental concepts of uniformity, information and structure were introduced, and general guidance given on each of them. In this paper, more practical advice is given, specifically in two areas: guidance on actual dimensions, proportions and layout; and guidance on implementing some of the ideas through the medium of the TeX language. Finally, some difficult (and even insoluble) problems in layout are discussed.
19_11.pdf (121kb)
Kees van der Laan
Tiling in PostScript and METAFONT -- Escher's wink (English), MAPS 19, 1997, 39-67
keywords: Apollonius, computer art, Douat, Duerer, EPS, Escher, graphics, METAFONT, METAPOST, outline, Kepler, Mondrian, parquet, Penrose, PostScript, puzzles, Soddy, tiling, Truchet, turtle graphics, zero finding
abstract: Drawing tilings by computer is discussed. Examples are borrowed from literature. New are their included METAFONT and PostScript programs, with sometimes a new variation of a picture.
19_12.pdf (819kb)
Maarten Gelderman
Toolbox (1997) (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 68-70
keywords: PostScript, installation, toolbox
abstract: Er lopen in de wereld zo veel TeX-gebruikers rond, dat het zelden zal voorkomen dat een normale gebruiker de eerste is die een probleem tegen komt. Meestal zal dit probleem ook al door iemand anders zijn opgelost en vaak staat de oplossing op de 4allTeX, TeXlive of een andere cd-rom. Indien daar niet te vinden is staat er vast wel een oplossing op ctan of één of andere Internetsite. Het probleem zit hem niet in de beschikbaarheid, maar in het opsporen van de oplossing. Artikelen in maps zijn daarvoor natuurlijk een belangrijke informatiebron. Sommige oplossingen zijn echter zo eenvoudig dat er nooit een artikel aan gewijd zal worden. Over een draadstriptang valt nu eenmaal niet al te veel te vertellen. In Toolbox zal niet alleen de draadstriptang worden besproken, maar ook het gebruik van lucifers om het plastic van het einde van het snoer af te branden. Stuur ook informatie over uw favoriete tools naar mij op, zo kan Toolbox een belangrijke informatiebron worden over utilities, macro's en andere eenvoudige trucs voor de gewone TeX-gebruiker. Deze keer is de spil van het verhaal PostScript.
19_13.pdf (44kb)
Erik Frambach
TUG'97 conferentie (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 71-72
keywords: TUG conference, San Francisco
abstract: Een kort verslag van de conferentie van de TeX Users Group 1997 in San Francisco, USA.
19_14.pdf (27kb)
Robbert Hardin
Installatie-handleidinkje voor `LaTeX voor Windows 1.0' (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 73-75
keywords: LaTeX, Windows, systems, installation
abstract: Op verzoek van Frans Goddijn heeft FGBBS-user Robbert Hardin een verslag geschreven van de installatie van het pakket LaTeX voor Windows (16 diskettes, ook op FGBBS te vinden).
19_15.pdf (32kb)
Erik Frambach
LaTeX & Chinees (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 76-78
keywords: LaTeX, Chinese, CJK, fonts, PostScript, Big5
abstract: Met behulp van het LaTeX-package `CJK' is het mogelijk om tekst te zetten in het Chinees, Japans en Koreaans. In dit artikel laat ik in het kort zien wat ervoor nodig is om Chinese tekst met LaTeX -- Japans en Koreaans blijven buiten beschouwing. Het installeren van de benodigde software wordt behandeld, evenals het gebruik van dit systeem in de praktijk.
19_16.pdf (110kb)
Kees van der Laan
TeX inside, insight, in sight: get priorities right (English), MAPS 19, 1997, 79-86
keywords: active list separators, greyboxes, hyphenation of accented words, minimal markup, partitioned matrices, two-part macros
abstract: It is argued that for using TeX -- a multi-level tool -- TeX inside knowledge should not be necessary for the layman, for production purposes. The `why, what and when,' especially at the grey level will be discussed. Necessary insight issues are enumerated.
19_17.pdf (98kb)
Maarten Gelderman
Local Guide TeX-installatie Fewec (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 87-96
keywords: local guide, LaTeX installation, editor, Jed
abstract: Dit is de Local Guide van de LaTeX installatie van de Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen en Econometrie van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. De Local Guide is niet bedoeld als LaTeX-handleiding, maar als aanvulling daarop. Er wordt een korte uitleg over LaTeX gegeven, een aantal bijzonderheden van onze LaTeX-installatie wordt genoemd en de gebruikte editor (Jed) wordt besproken. De Local Guide kan zeker worden uitgebreid. Eenieder die nieuw materiaal heeft kan dit aan mij doorsturen en ik zal zorgen dat het, zoveel mogelijk ongewijzigd, wordt opgenomen.
19_18.pdf (86kb)
Kluwer Academic Publishers
User manual for kluwer.cls (English), MAPS 19, 1997, 97-111
keywords: LaTeX2e, electronic submission, user manual, class file, Kluwer
abstract: This is the user manual for the kluwer.cls class file for the preparation of articles to be submitted to journals or spin-offs of journals published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. The kluwer.cls is a generic class, which allows us to have a simple conversion to different journal layouts. The kluwer.cls class file is similar to the article class file of LaTeX, but it has some extra fields in the preamble and some extended commands for the body text.
19_19.pdf (209kb)
Frans Goddijn
Quark Xpress: een vakantieliefde (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 112-114
keywords: Quark Xpress, manual
abstract: Hoe prachtig ``ons TeX'' ook is, in de wijde wereld daarbuiten is het onbekend. De meeste drukkers en grafische ontwerpers weten niet eens wat het is. Pas als je het magische woord ``Quark Xpress'' laat vallen, tel je voor hen mee. Afgelopen zomer kocht ik een manual van meer dan 600 pagina's en verslond dit in de vakantie. Wat heeft dat pakket dat wij niet hebben?
19_20.pdf (35kb)
Hans Hagen, Ton Otten
ConTeXt voor beginners (Dutch), MAPS 19, 1997, 115-177
keywords: ConTeXt manual
abstract: Hierna volgt een introductie op ConTeXt. Deze handleiding is, net als ConTeXt, beschikbaar in het Nederlands en Engels en binnenkort ook in het Duits. Dit is de eerste versie; op- en aanmerkingen zijn dan ook welkom.
19_21.pdf (2263kb)
Taco Hoekwater
MAPS 98.1 (Dutch/English), MAPS 20, 1998, 1-348
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps20.pdf (kb)
Frans Goddijn
Verslag 20e bijeenkomst, 11 november 1997 (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 1-2
keywords: report, members meeting
20_1.pdf (87kb)
Erik Frambach
Van de Voorzitter (1998/1) (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 3-4
20_2.pdf (136kb)
Mimi Jett
From the TUG President (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 5
20_3.pdf (75kb)
Taco Hoekwater, Siep Kroonenberg
Redactioneel (1998/1) (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 6
20_4.pdf (59kb)
Het weten waard (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 7-8
20_5.pdf (138kb)
Wybo Dekker
Financieel verslag 1997 (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 9-10
keywords: financial report
20_6.pdf (63kb)
Gerard van Nes
Jaarverslag ntg 1997 (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 11-14
keywords: report NTG
20_7.pdf (95kb)
Jules van Weerden, Maarten Gelderman
De NTG en het Internet (1998/1) (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 15-16
keywords: discussionlist, TEX-NL
20_8.pdf (105kb)
Frans Goddijn
FGBBS op snelheid -- verslag van FGBBS (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 17-19
keywords: BBS, bulletin board, file requests, email, library
20_9.pdf (106kb)
Hans Hagen, Maarten Gelderman
10 jaar NTG -- wat vinden de leden (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 20-24
keywords: NTG, MAPS, enquete
20_10.pdf (162kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Het nieuwe NTG logo (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 25-26
keywords: NTG logo, EPS
20_11.pdf (129kb)
Hans Hagen
Why \expandafter is sometimes needed by common users too (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 26
keywords: \expandafter, macro language
20_12.pdf (93kb)
Erik Frambach
10 jaar NTG (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 27-32
keywords: NTG, TeX user groups, lustrum
abstract: Een terugblik op tien jaar NTG, met een vooruitblik naar de komende jaren.
20_13.pdf (141kb)
Erik Frambach, Hans Hagen, Taco Hoekwater, Siep Kroonenberg
EuroTeX'98 in Saint-Malo, France (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 33-37
keywords: EuroTeX, conference, Saint-Malo
abstract: This year's EuroTeX conference was held in Saint-Malo. On behalf of the NTG ERik Frambach, Hans Hagen, Taco Hoekwater and Siep Kroonenberg represented the dutch TeX-community. In this report they discuss the social and TeXnical aspects of the conference.
20_14.pdf (250kb)
Hans Hagen
Expansion, what is that? (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 37/43
keywords: expansion, macro language
20_15.pdf (163kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Color in professional print production (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 38-43
keywords: color printing, color model, device-independent color, color conversion, color separation, PDF
abstract: This paper takes a look at issues arising in color printing, such as color models, color conversion and color separation. Increasingly, it is feasible to perform these functions on existing PostScript files, independent of the authoring software. The PDF format plays a key role in this trend.
20_16.pdf (1101kb)
Richard Kinch
Microsoft buys TeX, plans new products (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 44-45
keywords: MicroSoft, Knuth, joke
20_17.pdf (800kb)
Gerard van Nes
Reprint Maps issue #1 (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 46-64
keywords: MAPS reprint
abstract: This is a fascimile of the very first MAPS issue, originally published in 1988
20_18.pdf (876kb)
Gerrit Oomen
Het zetten van wetenschappelijk werk: 1973 vs 1998 -- (Monotype vs TeX) (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 65-71
keywords: typesetting, monotype, traditional typesetting
20_19.pdf (263kb)
Taco Hoekwater
Typografische scanning (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 72-79
keywords: typography, dutch
abstract: Dit artikel geeft een beschouwing over ``Nederlandse'' typografie, aan de hand van een aantal scans van in Nederland gepubliceerde boeken en tijdschriften uit de afgelopen drie eeuwen. Het artikel laat een aantal traditionele typografische vormen zien, met toevoeging van wat commentaren over het gebruikte proces.
20_20.pdf (360kb)
Hans Hagen
Vlakverdeling in ConTeXt (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 80-107
keywords: ConTeXt, layout, grids, two-up, logos, arranging pages
abstract: This article is actually chapter 3 of the ConTeXt reference manual, typeset in the MAPS layout. Attention will be paid to defining layout specific areas, rearranging pages, locating logos, typesetting on a grid and adding cutmarks.
20_21.pdf (379kb)
Klaus Lagally
ArabTeX -- Typesetting Arabic with Vowels and Ligatures (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 108-116
keywords: ArabTeX, transliteration, arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Pashto
abstract: We present a TeX macro package for generating the arabic writing from a standardized ASCII input notation. It can handle partial or full vocalization, and generates automatically most of the common ligatures. There is limited support for Farsi, Urdu, and Pashto. ArabTeX is compatible with Plain TeX and also most LaTeX environments; arabic and other material can be mixed freely. For special purposes the standard transliteration can be additionally generated. ArabTeX uses no preprocessor and thus should be compatible with any TeX implementation that allows dynamic loading of additional macro files and fonts.
20_22.pdf (230kb)
Frans Goddijn
Dartele cijfers: poor man's oldstyle (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 117-119
keywords: oldstyle, mediaeval, digits, numbers, trucs, pstricks
abstract: Erik Frambach vroeg zich af of het mogelijk zou zijn om met wat trucs de oldstyle cijfers te emuleren dij fijnproevers zo mooi vinden. En het kostte nog minder moeite dan hij had verwacht!
20_23.pdf (71kb)
Gilbert van den Dobbelsteen
DVIview, a new previewer (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 120-124
keywords: DVIview, previewer, Windows, outline fonts
abstract: DVIview is a new viewer for the Windows platform. Key features: virtual fonts, rotated and colored text and performance. This article focuses on the development process and hilights some features of the software.
20_24.pdf (154kb)
Maarten Gelderman
Toolbox (1998) (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 125-130
keywords: BibTeX, bibliography, bibdb, bibedit, toolbox
abstract: Literatuurverwijzingen vormen deze keer de hoofdmoot van het verhaal.
20_25.pdf (190kb)
David Carlisle
A LaTeX Tour, part 3: mfnfss, psnfss and babel (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 131-137
keywords: LaTeX, psnfss, mfnfss, Babel
20_26.pdf (170kb)
Erik Frambach
Conversie van anyTeX naar HTML met TeX4ht (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 138-141
keywords: conversion, HTML, WWW, tex4ht
abstract: Gurari's TeX4ht-programmatuur maakt het mogelijk om in TeX geschreven teksten (plain TeX, LaTeX of wat dan ook) vrij eenvoudig te converteren naar HTML. Als voorbeeld nemen we de 4TeX-handleiding die in LaTeX is geschreven.
20_27.pdf (178kb)
Erik Frambach
Visual TeX 5.10 for MS-Windows (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 142-145
keywords: TeX implementations, visual TeX, Windows, HTML
abstract: MicroPress' Visual TeX is a complete TeX implementation for MS-DOS and all flavors of MS-Windows. The Windows version is reviewed here. It supports several interesting features that go beyond standard TeX, such as outline fonts and conversion to HTML.
20_28.pdf (242kb)
Fabrice Popineau
Windvi User's Manual (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 146-149
keywords: DVI previewer, windvi, manual
abstract: This article is an adaptation of the HTML file that comes with the current (0.40) version of windvi
20_29.pdf (141kb)
Ton Otten
PPCHTeX -- a macropackage for typesetting chemical structure formulas with TeX -- release 2 (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 150-209
keywords: PPCHTeX, chemical formulas, graphics, manual
abstract: A few years ago PPCHTeX was introduced. This generic macro package can be used to typeset chemical structure formulas. Currently the NTG supports a dedicated mailing list, to which quite some users subscribed. Here we present the long awaited for english update of the manual. The dutch and german manuals were already available for about a year and can be uploaded from the NTG server.
20_30.pdf (555kb)
Gilbert van den Dobbelsteen
The DJGPP port of web2c (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 210-213
keywords: web2c, TeX implementations, MS-DOS, djgpp
abstract: Web2c is getting popular and popular. Why? Because it is widespread. I'll discuss some of the aspects of the port to the MS-DOS environment. I used the variant on the 4allTeX4 CD-ROM.
20_31.pdf (120kb)
Frans Goddijn
Gezeefd uit de TEX-NL discussielijst (1998) (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 214-232
keywords: TEX-NL, registered, guru, tips, hints, hack, bugs
abstract: Dit is het vierde deel uit een serie die in 1993 door Philippe Vanoverbeke in de MAPS is gestart. Philippe maakte een selectie van berichten uit de TEX-NL lijst. Een aantal oplossingen, hints en gouden tips over onderwerpen waarvan je weleens denkt: ``hoe zat dat ook alweer?'' In de MAPS van voorjaar 1997 stond deel 3. Voor deze aflevering is een aantal berichten gezeefd uit TEX-NL van maart 1997 tot maart 1998. Tenzij anders is vermeld, zijn de onderstaande antwoorden van Piet van Oostrum. Omdat het wat bewerkelijk is om sommige trucs over te tikken, staat dit artikel ook op FGBBS.
20_32.pdf (223kb)
Kees van der Laan
BachoTeX'98 -- TUG at hand (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 233-234
keywords: BachoTeX, GUST, Poland
abstract: A report on GUST's sixth conference in Bachotek, Poland
20_33.pdf (81kb)
Kees van der Laan
BLUe's OTR for notes: back-to-the-roots (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 235-237
keywords: BLUe, manmac, output routine, plain TeX, preprints
abstract: The back-to-the-roots OTR for BLUE's notes is discussed. It consists of Plain TeX's OTR for 1-column and the compatible extension as given in the TeXbook for 2-columns. Only the pagebody differs: 2-columns instead of 1-column. This replacement is aimed at facilitating a personalized preprint OTR, such that BLUe can easily adapt it. The modified blue.tex will be distributed by CTAN, and NTG's 4AllTeX CD-ROM.
20_34.pdf (99kb)
David Carlisle
The Oldenburg eTeX/LaTeX3/ConTeXt meeting (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 238-242
keywords: e-TeX, LaTeX3, ConTeXt, meeting
20_35.pdf (169kb)
Barbara Beeton, Thierry Bouche, Taco Hoekwater, Patrick Ion, Jörg Knappen, Chris Rowley, Ulrik Vieth
Summary of math font-related activities at EuroTeX '98 (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 243-246
keywords: EuroTeX, math fonts, bof
20_36.pdf (95kb)
Roger Kehr
Summary of indexing-related activities at EuroTeX '98 (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 247
keywords: xindy, EuroTeX, bof
abstract: This is an adaptation of the ascii file posted to the xindy newsgroup by Roger Kehr in the week following EuroTeX.
20_37.pdf (94kb)
NTS team, Peter Breitenlohner
The e-TeX manual, version 2, februari 1998 (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 248-263
keywords: e-TeX
abstract: The preparation of this report was supported in part by DANTE, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V. `TeX' is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
20_38.pdf (221kb)
Taco Hoekwater
Generating Type 1 fonts from METAFONT Sources (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 264-275
keywords: METAFONT, PostScript, Type 1 fonts, conversion, metafog
abstract: This article makes a comparison between bitmapped and vector fonts, and presents some of the problems I encountered when I tried to convert METAFONT sources into PostScript Type 1 fonts.
20_39.pdf (657kb)
Simon Pepping
Vergelijking van SGML en XML (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 276
keywords: SGML, XML, comparison
abstract: Dit is een inleiding op de volgende bijlage
20_40.pdf (78kb)
James Clark
Comparison of SGML and XML (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 277-279
keywords: SGML, XML, comparison
abstract: This document provides a detailed comparison of SGML (ISO 8879) and XML.
20_41.pdf (107kb)
Taco Hoekwater
Comparing ConTeXt and LaTeX (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 280-285
keywords: ConTeXt, LaTeX, comparison, copyright, size, speed, functionality
abstract: Some aspects of ConTeXt and LaTeX are compared: the political decisions, the offered functionality, size of the system, and relative speed.
20_42.pdf (155kb)
Hans Hagen
Pretty printing TeX METAPOST, Perl and JavaScript (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 286-289
keywords: verbatim, METAPOST, Perl, JavaScript, ConTeXt
abstract: Although for real pretty printing of sources one has to use CWEB like environments, TeX can als do a pretty job rather well. The ConTeXt verbatim environment has pretty printing built in. One can either use color or fonts. The latter is used in the MAPS, the former in this article.
20_43.pdf (105kb)
Hans Hagen
The Calculator Demo -- Integrating TeX, METAPOST, JavaScript and PDF (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 290-296
keywords: METAPOST, JavaScript, PDF, ConTeXt, pdfTeX
abstract: Due to it's open character, TeX can act as an authoring tool. This article demonstrates that by integrating TeX, METAPOST, JavaScript and PDF, one can build pretty advanced documents. More and more documents will get the characteristics of programs, and TeX will be our main tool for producing them. The example described here can be produced with pdfTeX as well as traditional TeX.
20_44.pdf (201kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Contending with Office suites (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 297-298
keywords: Windows, suites, wordprocessors, graphics, export, import, OLE, frogs
abstract: The author is tried beyond endurance by current Office software.
20_45.pdf (85kb)
Wietse Dol
4TeX5.0: TDS, Web2c, and Windows 95/NT (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 299-301
keywords: 4TeX, Windows, beta preview
20_46.pdf (156kb)
Gilbert van den Dobbelsteen
Perl and TeX a simple application (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 302-304
keywords: Perl, TeX, application
abstract: A simple application where perl is used to extract data from log-files and create output using TeX. The perl-scripts in this article run under perl 4.036 and should also run under perl 5.
20_47.pdf (126kb)
Hans Hagen
Some funny macro's (English), MAPS 20, 1998, 305-310
keywords: dropped caps, ConTeXt, first line treatment
abstract: Sometimes documents can be enhanced with special typography for the first character or lines of chapters. In this article I present some macros for dropped caps and first line treatment. Although more advanced solutions are possible, the examples show at least how things work. Users can derive their own macros from them.
20_48.pdf (110kb)
Hans Hagen, Ton Otten
ConTeXt -- een handleiding (Dutch), MAPS 20, 1998, 311-347
keywords: manual, beginner, ConTeXt
abstract: This is the second half of the ConTeXt manual for beginners. Those who want an index and a quick reference guide, can dowload the complete manual from the NTG server. The layout is adapted to the MAPS layout.
20_49.pdf (1150kb)
Taco Hoekwater
MAPS 98.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 21, 1998, 1-84
keywords: NTG, MAPS, Minutes & Appendices
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps21.pdf (kb)
Maarten Gelderman
Verslag 21ste ledenvergadering NTG (Dutch), MAPS 21, 1998, 1
abstract: Opening; Notulen 20ste bijeenkomst; Verslag van de secretaris; Verslag penningmeester en kascontrolecommissie; Bestuursverkiezingen; Erelidmaadschap.
21_1.pdf (62kb)
Erik Frambach
Van de Voorzitter (1998/2) (Dutch), MAPS 21, 1998, 2
21_2.pdf (63kb)
Siep Kroonenberg, Taco Hoekwater
Redactioneel (1998/2) (Dutch), MAPS 21, 1998, 3
21_3.pdf (62kb)
Het Weten Waard (Dutch), MAPS 21, 1998, 4
21_4.pdf (122kb)
Maarten Gelderman
Verslag 21ste bijeenkomst NTG (Dutch), MAPS 21, 1998, 5-6
21_5.pdf (87kb)
Jules van Weerden
De NTG en het Internet (1998/2) (Dutch), MAPS 21, 1998, 7-8
keywords: discussionlist, TEX-NL
abstract: De NTG is niet alleen met webpagina's op het Internet aanwezig, maar ook middels een aantal discussielijsten. In dit artikel wordt kort aangegeven wat een discussielijst is, hoe je je aan- en afmeldt en wat je te wachten staat na aanmelding. Tevens wordt een overzicht gegeven van de in Nederland aanwezige TeX-gerelateerde lijsten.
21_6.pdf (109kb)
Erik Frambach
TeX User Groups around the world (English), MAPS 21, 1998, 9-12
keywords: TeX user groups, addresses
21_7.pdf (316kb)
NTG TeX Future working group
TeX in 2003: Part I (English), MAPS 21, 1998, 13-19
keywords: TeX, future, proposals
abstract: Propositions and conjectures on the future of TeX. This article was presented at TUG'98 in Torun, Poland.
21_8.pdf (176kb)
NTG TeX Future working group
TeX in 2003: Part II (English), MAPS 21, 1998, 20-27
keywords: TeX, future, proposals, \special, standard
abstract: Proposal for a \special standard. This article was presented at TUG'98 in Torun, Poland.
21_9.pdf (175kb)
Maarten Gelderman
Toolbox: let's keep things plain (English), MAPS 21, 1998, 28-30
keywords: plain TeX, LaTeX, integrating, toolbox
abstract: This Toolbox follows the eclectic approach that most readers will know from previous ones. Without aiming to give a comprehensive oversight of the logic behind them, I present some plain TeX-commands that can be used directly in LaTeX. As the editors of this journal decided to make English the preferred language for contributions, this column is no longer in Dutch. However, as far as my limited command of the language allows, I will try to keep the tone informal and the discussion accessible to novice users.
21_10.pdf (160kb)
Kaveh Bazargan, Philip Taylor
The 19th annual TeX Users Group Meeting (English), MAPS 21, 1998, 31-34
keywords: TUG conference, Torun, Poland
abstract: The 19th annual TeX Users Group Meeting took place in Torun, Poland, in August of this year. The following is the impression of the authors who tried to attend all the talks. Unfortunately a couple of the talks were not attended by either of the authors. Apologies to those authors.
21_11.pdf (120kb)
Kees van der Laan
Parameterized data for tables in TeX -- Dynamics, aha! (English), MAPS 21, 1998, 35-39
keywords: BLUe, btable, code tables, data generation, dynamical markup, parameterization, tables, tail recursion
abstract: The issue of generating and using parameterized data for tables in TeX is elaborated upon. The automatic insertion of markup along with the use of parameterized markup and the \btable macro is not the issue, but are prerequisites. \btable's use, along with the automatic insertion of markup in the data as such, can be seen as tools, stepping stones, which made it possible to concentrate on pure data generation, or its use in typesetting tables by TeX.
21_12.pdf (210kb)
Kees van der Laan
Poor man's cyrillics on a Mac -- TeXing English and Russian (English), MAPS 21, 1998, 40-41
keywords: cyrillics, MIME, Macintosh, pdfTeX
abstract: The typesetting in TeX of English mixed with Russian is discussed for a Macintosh. Starting from the WNCY-fonts only a few extra control sequences have to be remembered for the keyboarding. The approach is suitable for all machines which have the WNCY-fonts. Email in cyrillics can be handled by formating via pdfTeX and sending the .pdf file as attachment in a MIME message.
21_13.pdf (126kb)
Kees van der Laan
Minimal markup -- expansion in the gullet, aha! (English), MAPS 21, 1998, 42-48
keywords: BLUe, crosswords, expansion, fifo, look ahead, minimal markup, mouth processing, preprocessing, tables, tail recursion
abstract: A plea is made for a reappraisal of TeX's capabilities of expansion in the gullet of minimal marked up scripts into complete marked up scripts. Attention is focused on expansion of implicitly marked up table data by spaces and e-o-l-s into data separated by \cs and \rs, the abstract but explicit column and row separators, respectively. The ultimate aim is that the processing tool can't be distilled from the `marked up' script.
21_14.pdf (211kb)
Kees van der Laan
Catching up -- PDF and HTML at the heart (English), MAPS 21, 1998, 49-52
keywords: internet, HTML, multi-media, PDF, pdfTeX, PostScript, WWW
abstract: New hardware not only urged me to get TeX & Co running again, in a richer environment, but I had also to catch up with developments since. Most noteworthy in relation with TeX and documents, are the acceptance of the PDF exchange format and the HTML format, next to the realization of multi-media.
21_15.pdf (153kb)
Ton Otten, Hans Hagen
Eenheid in eenheden (ne), MAPS 21, 1998, 53-60
keywords: SI-units, units, ConTeXt
abstract: In order to support a consistent typography of units in technical documents the ConTeXt module units was developed. When this module is loaded all SI-units are available. Seldom used and/or complex units can be defined by the user with the command \unit[]{}{}.
21_16.pdf (166kb)
Sebastian Rahtz
The TeX backend for Jade and the JadeTeX macros (English), MAPS 21, 1998, 61-69
keywords: jade, jadetex, dsssl
abstract: Jade is an implementation of the DSSSL specification, and includes a TeX backend; the JadeTeX macro package is needed to process the Jade TeX output. We describe how Jade and JadeTeX work together. This article was written for the newsletter of the International SGML Users Group.
21_17.pdf (415kb)
Thierry Bouche
Diversity in math fonts (English), MAPS 21, 1998, 70-84
keywords: math fonts, fontinst, MathTime, Lucida, mathptm, virtual fonts, math fonts, LaTeX
abstract: We will examine the issues raised when modifying (La)TeX fonts within math environments, and attempt to suggest effective means of accessing a larger variety of font options, while avoiding typographic nonsense.
21_18.pdf (1013kb)
Taco Hoekwater
MAPS 99.1 (English/Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 1-176
keywords: NTG, MAPS
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps22.pdf (kb)
Erik Frambach
Van de voorzitter (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 1
22_1.pdf (21kb)
Taco Hoekwater, Siep Kroonenberg
Redactioneel (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 2
22_2.pdf (17kb)
NTG bestuur
NTG and TeX info (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 3
22_3.pdf (22kb)
Donald Knuth
Letter from Donald Knuth (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 4
keywords: NTG logo, FGBBS
22_4.pdf (21kb)
Frans Goddijn
Bericht van voorheen FGBBS - Voorjaar 1999 (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 5-6
keywords: FGBBS, geschiedenis
22_5.pdf (22kb)
Jules van Weerden
De NTG en het Internet (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 7-8
keywords: NTG discussionlist, discussionlist, TEX-NL
abstract: De NTG is niet alleen met webpagina's op het Internet aanwezig, maar ook middels een aantal discussielijsten. In dit artikel wordt kort aangegeven wat een discussielijst is, hoe je je aan- en afmeldt en wat je te wachten staat na aanmelding. Tevens wordt een overzicht gegeven van de in Nederland aanwezige TeX-gerelateerde lijsten.
22_6.pdf (31kb)
Erik Frambach
Announcing BachoTeX'99 (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 9-10
keywords: BachoTeX, GUST, conference, announcement
22_7.pdf (600kb)
TUG'98, Torun, Polen (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 11
22_8.pdf (347kb)
Frans Goddijn
Gezeefd uit de TEX-NL discussielijst (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 13-31
keywords: TEX-NL, guru, hints, hack, bugs
abstract: Dit is het vijfde deel uit een serie die in 1993 door Philippe Vanoverbeke in de MAPS is gestart. Philippe maakte een selectie van berichten uit de TEX-NL lijst. Een aantal oplossingen, hints en gouden tips over onderwerpen waarvan je weleens denkt: ``hoe zat dat ook alweer?'' In de MAPS van voorjaar 1998 stond deel 4. Voor deze aflevering is een aantal berichten gezeefd uit TEX-NL van maart 1998 tot januari 1999. Met dank aan Piet van Oostrum die opnieuw de meeste antwoorden aandroeg, en aan de andere actieve abonnees van TEX-NL!
22_9.pdf (79kb)
Taco Hoekwater
PostScript Fonts op computers? (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 32-36
keywords: fonts, PostScript fonts
abstract: Dit artikel geeft een korte inleiding in de interne werking van PostScript computer-fonts en hun coderingen. Dit artikel is een aanpassing van een serie slides die gepresenteerd werden op de NTG bijeenkomst van 22 oktober 1998 in Leuven.
22_10.pdf (85kb)
Maarten Gelderman
How to install a Type1 font using fontinst (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 37-42
keywords: fontinst, Type 1 fonts, installation
abstract: In this brief tutorial I will describe how a PostScript Type 1 font can be made available to TeX using the fontinst-utility (version 1.8). I will not delve into the technical details of this program or the exact functionality of each of the font files used during this process, as those aspects of font-installation are described in other articles in this issue of MAPS. I will not delve into the advanced features of fontinst either, but rather will provide a hands-on tutorial.
22_11.pdf (53kb)
Roland Kwee
Installing PostScript Fonts Under Unix/Linux (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 43-51
keywords: fonts, PostScript, Linux, Adobe, dvips, GhostScript
abstract: This article discusses practical issues for installing Adobe PostScript fonts for TeX running on Unix/Linux. It also presents a script for automating the installation in order to install a package with over 200 fonts. As a useful side effect, the script creates a font data base and a font catalog to help the buyer/user of the font collection.
22_12.pdf (80kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
NFSS: using font families in LaTeX2e (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 52-54
keywords: NFSS, font families, font attributes
abstract: This paper gives a brief overview of the LaTeX2e NFSS font machinery and font definition files. It also gives examples of ad-hoc font changes with low-level NFSS commands.
22_13.pdf (42kb)
Hans Hagen
Fonts in ConTeXt (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 55-76
keywords: ConTeXt, fonts, encodings, typography
abstract: This article is the revised chapter 5 of the ConTeXt reference manual, typeset in the MAPS layout. We will pay attention to all kind of font switching, fine tuning, and also provide some background information. Special attention is paid to the mapping of font names to files and some words are spent on encodings. This text is typeset in Lucida Bright but within the layout specification of the MAPS.
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Hein Laan
De Euro in TeX (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 77-80
keywords: euro teken, euro fonts
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Maarten Gelderman
A short introduction to font characteristics (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 81-88
keywords: typefaces, design, font classification
abstract: Almost anyone who develops an interest in fonts is bound to be overwelmed by the bewildering variety of letterforms available. The number of fonts available from commercial suppliers like Adobe, URW, LinoType and others runs into the thousands. A recent catalog issued by FontShop alone lists over 25.000 different varieties. And somehow, although the differences of the individual letters are hardly noticable, each font has its own character, its own personality. Even the atmosphere elucided by a text set from Adobe Garamond is noticably different from the atmosphere of the same text set from Stempel Garamond. Although decisions about the usage of fonts, will always remain in the realm of esthetics, some knowledge about font characteristics may nevertheless help to create some order and to find out why certain design decisions just do not work. The main aim of this paper is to provide such background by describing the main aspects that might be used to describe a font.
22_16.pdf (164kb)
Taco Hoekwater, Hans Hagen
Introducing Eetex (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 89-93
keywords: e-TeX, eeTeX, extensions, SGML
abstract: This article gives an introduction to eetex. Eetex is an extension to e-tex 2.0 that defines a collection of new primitives. Most of these deal with list data structures, but some other things are added as well.
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Hàn Thê Thành, Sebastian Rahtz, Hans Hagen
The pdfTeX users manual (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 94-114
keywords: pdfTeX, manual
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Taco Hoekwater, Michael Vulis
Introducing VTeX/Linux (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 115-116
keywords: VTeX, Linux, port, MicroPress
abstract: This document is a short introduction to VTeX for Linux, a partial port of VTeX that is free for non-commercial use. The most interesting feature of the compiler is the use of PDF as a backend instead of DVI.
22_19.pdf (30kb)
Taco Hoekwater, Michael Vulis
Introducing GeX (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 117-122
keywords: PDF, inline graphics, EPS inclusion, GeX, VTeX
abstract: This is a short introduction to the pilot release of GeX. GeX is the most rapidly evolving part of VTeX; more detailed documentation is available in the distribution of VTeX. This article specifically describes GeX as implemented in the public domain version of VTeX/Linux. While the same or additional features may be available in the commercial Windows version, we describe what exists in the freely downloadable version. For information on downloading VTeX/Linux see the NTG web site or the article in this MAPS issue.
22_20.pdf (75kb)
Wietse Dol, Erik Frambach
4Spell, a spell-checker for Windows 95/98/NT (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 123-126
keywords: 4spell, 4TeX, spell checker
abstract: In this paper we will describe the features of 4Spell 1.1, a Windows spell-checker for TeX documents. Since there aren't many good spell-checkers around and since 4Spell only works on Windows platforms, we will also explain how the spell-checking is done. This should make it possible to write a spell-checker for other platforms (why not use perl and become platform independent :-) 4Spell is part of the new 4TeX for Windows (release expected by the end of March 1999). We realized, however, that this tool could be useful for people who do not want to use 4TeX and hence we made it a stand-alone freeware program.
22_21.pdf (82kb)
Erik Frambach
4Project: a project manager for TeX (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 127-129
keywords: project management
abstract: A new project manager, 4Project, analyses your TeX document and gives you easy access to any item in it.
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Wybo Dekker
How Perl can help TeX (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 130-135
keywords: Perl, mfpic, mkpic
abstract: Perl may be an easy interface to TeX when it comes to repetitive tasks, like writing letters, creating reports from databases, and many more. This article shows how Perl can be used to generate many similar pictures via the mfpic style
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Erik Frambach
Is TeX Y2K-compliant? (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 136-141
keywords: millennium, Y2K
abstract: Will TeX and related programs continue to work properly after the year 2000? This article describes how TeX deals with dates and how this affects its behavior after the year 2000.
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Richard Müller
A Database for PPCHTeX (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 142-143
keywords: PPCHTeX, chemistry, structure formulas, databases
abstract: A database with PPCHTeX code would ease the work for those who have to draw chemical formulas only occasionally and have no time to become acquainted with it. But experts could also make use of it. The establishing of such a database is discussed and proposed.
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Berend de Boer
Beginnen met ConTeXt (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 144-147
keywords: ConTeXt, tutorial
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Hans Hagen
Optimizing TeX code (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 148-152
keywords: speeding up, format, optimizing code, e-TeX, ConTeXt
abstract: Macros can be collected in macro packages. These packages can be stored in a form that permits fast loading. Although TeX is already pretty fast, for demanding applications it makes sense to speed up TeX to the max. Switching to e-TeX and beyond is one way to achieve this, another way can be found in optimizing the macro code by means of a dedicated program. Currently the combination of both can speed up TeX runs by at least 10%.
22_27.pdf (57kb)
Hans Hagen
Tabulating in ConTeXt (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 153-161
keywords: tables, alignment, ConTeXt
abstract: This article describes the ConTeXt tabulate environment, which can be used to typeset tables that are part of the text flow. This mechanism differs from the TaBlE based table mechanism, but recognizes the same preamble commands. It offers automatic width calculations when typesetting (multiple) paragraphs in tables and splits the tables over pages.
22_28.pdf (54kb)
Hans Hagen, Taco Hoekwater
Bug or Feature? -- misleading font messages (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 161
keywords: fonts, error messages
abstract: TeX error messages and warnings are not always that clear. Sometimes confusion is due to optimizations in TeX the program. We will discuss the noty always honest \the\font.
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Kaveh Bazargan
Don't give authors the class files! (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 162-163
keywords: publishing
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Frans Goddijn
Robin Williams over typografie -- een dame geeft raad (Dutch), MAPS 22, 1999, 164-167
keywords: typography, fonts, design, expert, book review
abstract: Tijdens de heuglijke NTG-dag in het vorstelijke Leuven vond ik op de boekentafel van Addison-Wesley twee leuk uitziende boeken over typografie en ontwerp. Mooie, knalgele boekjes die even onderhoudend als leerzaam bleken, geschreven door Robin Williams: The Non-designers's Type Book en The Non-designers's Design Book. Ik sla er één voor u open.
22_31.pdf (116kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Typography to a purpose (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 168-173
keywords: graphic design, typography
abstract: This paper shows some real-life examples of typography, some good, some not so good. We shall have a look at what is on the page and speculate about what the publisher or designer is trying to accomplish.
22_32.pdf (941kb)
Erik Frambach, Taco Hoekwater, Siep Kroonenberg
Report on TeX-Tagung Dante'99 in Dortmund (English), MAPS 22, 1999, 174-175
keywords: report, Dante, NTS, e-TeX
abstract: A report on Dante's 20th meeting which took place in Dortmund. The future of the NTS project and the e-TeX project were hot issues that were discussed during this meeting.
22_33.pdf (30kb)
Taco Hoekwater
MAPS 99.2 (English/Dutch), MAPS 23, 1999, 1-116
keywords: NTG, MAPS
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps23.pdf (kb)
Taco Hoekwater, Siep Kroonenberg
Redactioneel (Dutch), MAPS 23, 1999, 1
23_1.pdf (35kb)
NTG bestuur
NTG and TeX info (Dutch), MAPS 23, 1999, 2
23_2.pdf (48kb)
Jules van Weerden, Maarten Gelderman
De NTG en het Internet (1999/2) (Dutch), MAPS 23, 1999, 3-4
keywords: discussionlist, TEX-NL
23_3.pdf (72kb)
Erik Frambach
TeX User Groups around the world (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 5-7
keywords: TeX user groups, addresses
23_4.pdf (92kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
TUG'99, Vancouver (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 8-12
keywords: TeX user groups, Vancouver, TUG conference
23_5.pdf (178kb)
Frans Goddijn
Gezeefd uit de TEX-NL discussielijst (Dutch), MAPS 23, 1999, 13-31
keywords: TEX-NL, guru, hints, hack, bugs
abstract: Dit is het zesde deel uit een serie die in 1993 door Philippe Vanoverbeke in de MAPS is gestart. Philippe maakte een selectie van berichten uit de TEX-NL lijst. Een aantal oplossingen, hints en gouden tips over onderwerpen waarvan je weleens denkt: ``hoe zat dat ook alweer?'' In de MAPS van najaar 1998 stond deel 5. Voor deze aflevering is een aantal berichten gezeefd uit TEX-NL van maart 1999 tot juli 1999.
23_6.pdf (191kb)
Hans Hagen
The NTG MAPS bibliography -- from SGML to TeX to PDF (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 32-47
keywords: CDROM, ConTeXt, NTG, MAPS, PDF, SGML, XML
abstract: A few years ago, the NTG decided to put their MAPS volumes on the internet in the PDF file format. At about the same time, it was decided to build the associated bibliography in such a way that it could be used to produce both a HTML and PDF document.
Recently, the MAPS bibliography has been converted to a proper XML document source. In the process, the descriptions were made as consistent as possible. The XML source was used as input for a PDF document, that provides extensive browse and search options. This PDF file, along with the MAPS articles, is provided to NTG members as an additional service.
In this article the electronic NTG MAPS will be presented and the specific characteristics of the production process will be explained. Also, some of the complicating aspects will be discussed. I assume that the reader is familiar with SGML and TeX. The focus will be on the interface between SGML, TeX and PDF.
23_7.pdf (125kb)
Wietse Dol, Erik Frambach
4TeX 5.0 for Windows and the 4allTeX CDroms (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 48-52
keywords: 4TeX, 4allTeX, Windows, software
abstract: Every year many software distributors launch a new version of their software products. They all tell you that there are fundamental improvements and bug fixes and that you have to upgrade immediately. With the release of edition 5 of 4allTeX you could ask yourself what this new edition offers as compared to e.g. the older versions of 4allTeX and the TeX-live CDrom. Below we will give a summary of all of the goodies of the new 4allTeX distribution and give you pointers to the internet where you can find more information.
23_8.pdf (190kb)
Maarten Gelderman
Toolbox: the toolbox? (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 53-55
keywords: mail-merge, regular expressions, emacs, Excel, makefiles, toolbox
abstract: This MAPS is about the TeX Toolbox, about other programs than TeX itself. So this MAPS's toolbox should probably deal with this kind of material. As a consequence this toolbox is even more eclectic than earlier ones. First I will show you how I make mailings to NTG-members, by combining Excel and LaTeX. Next I will present the most ugly regular expression I know of, and finally I will say something about using makefiles.
23_9.pdf (79kb)
Paul Huygen
Maak een logo met behulp van literate programming (Dutch), MAPS 23, 1999, 56-68
keywords: literate programming, WEB, Nuweb, logos
abstract: In dit artikel wordt beschreven hoe de literate programming techniek gebruikt kan worden om complexe taken uit te voeren en te documenteren. Als voorbeeld wordt een logo ontworpen met behulp van de gereedschappen AWK, picTeX en LaTeX.
23_10.pdf (82kb)
Paul Huygen
Zet tekst op een vaste plaats op een bladzijde (Dutch), MAPS 23, 1999, 69-71
keywords: DTP, LaTeX
abstract: In dit artikel is beschreven hoe een LaTeX probleem werd opgelost door het aan de TeX kopstukken voor te leggen via de NTG mailing list. Het concrete LaTeX probleem was het plaatsen van tekst op een vaste plaats op een bladzijde.
23_11.pdf (106kb)
Roland Kwee
DTP with TeX (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 72-74
keywords: programming, DTP, vertical mode
abstract: A set of simple macros is presented, in the style of modular programming, to make it easy to put texts at arbitrary positions on the page, without being restricted by formatting rules. This is not only useful for single-page documents like announcements and business cards, but also for designing stationery with letterheads or printing labels. The method is based on putting kerned texts in boxes with zero horizontal and vertical size and staying in vertical mode. This works with plain, and any other, TeX and can be combined with any other document formatting.
23_12.pdf (68kb)
Maarten Gelderman
Het gebruik van KIX (tm) in TeX (Dutch), MAPS 23, 1999, 75-76
keywords: KIX, font, barcode, PTT
abstract: Recentelijk introduceerde de Nederlandse PTT de zogenaamde KIX (tm)-code. Deze KlantIndex is een streepjescode die gebruikte wordt ten behoeve van de automatische verwerking van poststukken. In dit artikel laat ik zien hoe KIX met relatief weinig moeite gebruikt kan worden binnen TeX en LaTeX.
23_13.pdf (30kb)
Taco Hoekwater
An Extended Maths Font Set for Processing MathML (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 77-83
keywords: math, fonts, PostScript, METAFONT
abstract: Last years autumn, work started on a new set of mathematical fonts that are intended to cover the full range of characters included in MathML as well as those included in the proposals for mathematical extensions in the next version of Unicode.
This paper presents the first result of that work: A new Times-compatible maths font set consisting of about 1500 symbols and a few alphabets; along with a collection of TeX macros to use them.
These fonts are donated to the public domain by Kluwer Academic Publishers and are available in both METAFONT source and Adobe Type 1 formats.
23_14.pdf (139kb)
Hans Hagen
TeX as presentation tool -- an introduction to the ConTeXt presentation environments (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 84-89
keywords: ConTeXt, presentation, slides, transparencies, PDF
abstract: In this article I will introduce a few styles I wrote on behalf of presentations. These styles are part of the ConTeXt distribution and can serve as an example of defining layouts in this macro package. More details can be found in the documented styles.
23_15.pdf (97kb)
Hans Hagen
Typesetting flow charts -- let TeX and METAPOST do the job (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 90-102
keywords: flowcharts, graphics, charts, METAPOST, TeX
abstract: This article presents the ConTeXt module that deals with flowcharts and related types of charts. The charts are drawn at run--time by METAPOST in close cooperation with TeX. This not only gives us rather good graphics, but also provides a seamless integration of flow charts in documents, including hyperlink support and other fancy features.
23_16.pdf (178kb)
Erik Frambach
ASCII editors for TeX on MS-Windows (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 103-107
keywords: ASCII editors, Windows, comparison
abstract: There are many good ASCII editor programs available for TeX-users using MS-Windows. However, they all have there strong points and their weaknesses. In this article I will discuss a few of them.
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Piet van Oostrum
Using Emacs and AucTeX for preparing LaTeX documents (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 108-112
keywords: emacs, AucTeX, LaTeX, TeX, packages, editing
abstract: Users of TeX and LaTeX can be helped very much by an editor that knows about the specifics of these packages. For instance it can do syntax coloring so that the user sees immediately the difference between normal text and TeX commands; it can insert skeletons for often used commands and environments in order to prevent missing elements (e.g. missing \end parts), etc.
This article describes the use of the Emacs editing environment with the AucTeX package for the preparation of LaTeX documents. The main characteristics of Emacs are discussed, followed by a more detailed description of the facilities that AucTeX offers to assist the author of LaTeX documents. Finally we describe how AucTeX can be customized to support your own or external commands and LaTeX packages.
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Siep Kroonenberg
Tools for PostScript and PDF (English), MAPS 23, 1999, 112-116
keywords: PostScript, DSC comments, PDF, GhostScript, graphics, conversion, EPS inclusion, bounding box
abstract: This paper explains why PostScript is interesting for TeX users, and describes various tools for working with PostScript, with special attention to GhostScript. The paper concludes with a section on PDF, the derivative of PostScript which is destined to take over much of the role of PostScript in the prepress workflow.
23_19.pdf (135kb)
Taco Hoekwater
MAPS 2000.1 (English/Dutch), MAPS 24, 2000, 1-92
keywords: NTG, MAPS
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps24.pdf (kb)
Taco Hoekwater, Siep Kroonenberg
Redactioneel (Dutch), MAPS 24, 2000, 1
24_1.pdf (29kb)
NTG bestuur
NTG- en TeX Info (Dutch), MAPS 24, 2000, 2
24_2.pdf (18kb)
Maarten Gelderman
Praten met drukkers -- Een coproduktie van de MAPS-redaktie en het NTG-bestuur (Dutch), MAPS 24, 2000, 3-6
keywords: drukkers, PostScript, DocuTech
abstract: Een beschrijving van de perikelen rondom het aanleveren van PostScript output aan een drukker.
24_3.pdf (49kb)
Sven Bovin
LaTeX met één toets vanuit vi (Dutch), MAPS 24, 2000, 7-8
keywords: shell script, vi, LaTeX, Unix
abstract: De ontstaansgeschiedenis van een shell script om vanuit vi met één toets LaTeX op te roepen en, indien nodig, xdvi te starten voor het previewen.
24_4.pdf (37kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Building a TeX installation for distribution (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 9-11
keywords: texmf tree, Windows, Linux, Perl, Configuration
abstract: At Kluwer Academic Publishers we use TeX for typesetting journals. Since there are obvious advantages to using a standardized distribution, we provide our typesetters with one on CD. This article describes the principles of this setup.
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Thierry Bouche
Typesetting modern & contemporary poetry with LaTeX (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 12-26
keywords: poetry
abstract: TeX: a typesetting engine limited to scientific publishing? Where would be the fun?
24_6.pdf (464kb)
Yannis Haralambous, John Plaice
The Design and Use of a Multiple-Alphabet Font with Omega (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 27-37
keywords: Omega, Multiple-Alphabet Font, omlgc
abstract: The Omega project aims to offer open and flexible means for typesetting different scripts. By working at several different levels, it is possible to offer natural support for different languages and scripts, and strictly respect typographical traditions for each of them. This is illustrated with a large PostScript Type 1 font for the commonly used left-to-right non-cursive alphabets, called omlgc (Omega Latin-Greek-Cyrillic). This font, which more than covers the Unicode sections pertaining to those alphabets, as well as those of IPA, Armenian, Georgian and Tifinagh (Berber), is built--virtually--out of smaller glyph banks. The Omega typesetting engine, based on that of TeX, is used to print documents using this font. The characters can be accessed either directly, or through the use of filters, called Omega Typesetting Processes (OTPs), which are applied to the input stream.
24_7.pdf (168kb)
Erik Frambach
TeX in Polish (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 38-40
keywords: Polish, ogonek, input encoding
abstract: Writing in Polish with TeX requires a few tricks. In Polish you need several accents that are often not available in `standard' fonts. Some TeX macros can solve this problem more or less. We will show the pros and cons. Another `problem' is input encoding. One can use 8-bit input in combination with the corresponding codepage definition, or a 7-bit encoding with a few extras to make typing easier. Both methods will be discussed. This article reflects the content of a lecture held at the NTG meeting on 11 November 1999.
24_8.pdf (60kb)
Maarten Gelderman
Toolbox (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 41-43
keywords: make, texexec, PDF, EPS, math fonts, toolbox
abstract: This toolbox contains some varia. First I discuss some reactions on remarks I made in an earlier toolbox. Next, Hans Hagens texexec is used in the following section to create EPS and PDF files from METAPOST source. Files created this way are often more usefull than the EPS files METAPOST itself creates. How to prepare a single source file for usage with both traditional TeX and pdfTeX is discussed next. I also show how easy it is to set up a font different from Computer Modern for typesetting simple mathematics, pay some attention to a failed attempt to install a TrueType font and present a small PostScript header file that can be used to produce watermarks.
24_9.pdf (69kb)
Hans Hagen
Making stand alone METAPOST graphics (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 44-45
keywords: METAPOST, PDF, pdfTeX
abstract: When a METAPOST graphic uses fonts, the PostScript file is not self contained and hardly usable outside TeX. One can however use TeX itself, or actually pdfTeX, to create such a graphic. Although this method uses an ConTeXt module, the solution provided here is independant of this macro package. The macros responsible for the process are collected in the file mptopdf.tex.
24_10.pdf (36kb)
Victor Eijkhout
Typesetting CD labels (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 46-48
keywords: CDROM labels, \parshape
abstract: Now that CD burners are becoming standard equipment in personal computers, there is a need for software to typeset CD labels. Of course, one can just squeeze a normal paragraph of text in the confines of a label, but it would be much more elegant to set the text to use all the available space. In this short article I will explain the macros that I wrote during a Christmas holiday, and that contain a few neat tricks.
24_11.pdf (52kb)
Victor Eijkhout
The ultimate loop macro (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 49-51
keywords: programming, loop macro
abstract: The plain TeX format contains a \loop macro that has been a source of frustration and puzzlement to users ever since. Its syntax is somewhat strange, you have to insert an \if... condition in it but cannot use \else, and nested use of the macro runs into various problems. In this article I will describe my own improved loop macro, which I've called \repeat to prevent confusion.
24_12.pdf (38kb)
Hans Hagen
Annotating presentations (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 52-53
keywords: ConTeXt, presentations
abstract: Today most presentations are enlightened by text shown on transparencies or using video beamers. This text is often rather limited in size. In this article I present a method of annotating pages that can be used with the ConTeXt presentation styles.
24_13.pdf (51kb)
Hans Hagen
Postprocessing PDF files--an application of TeXexec and pdfTeX (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 54-57
keywords: PDF, postprocessing, texexec, pdfTeX
abstract: This article introduces some ways to manipulate PDF files using pdfTeX, ConTeXt, and TeXexec. The method described here can be used for arbitrary PDF input, given that it can be handled by pdfTeX.
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Michael Guravage
Literate Programming (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 59-64
keywords: Literate Programming, Structured Programming, WEB
abstract: This article is a short introduction to the theory and practice of a programming style known as Literate Programming; a style that changes the focus of writing programs away from telling a computer what to do and toward explaining to a person what it is we are telling the computer to do. Literate Programming overcomes the limitations inherent in presenting traditionally structured program text. Using a balanced mix of informal and formal methods, literate programs are presented in a way suited for human understanding. Processing a literate program source results in both a nicely typeset document describing the parts of the program in an order that elucidates their design, and source code in an order in which it will compile.
24_15.pdf (142kb)
Berend de Boer
LaTeX in proper ConTeXt (English), MAPS 24, 2000, 65-92
keywords: ConTeXt, tutorial
abstract: If you are a LaTeX user, switching to an entirely different macro-package is a very big step. Everything you put so much effort in to learn, doesn't work anymore. To help lessen the pain for users make the switch, this document shows short LaTeX code snippets and how you do the same in ConTeXt.
24_16.pdf (80kb)
Sven Bovin
MAPS 2000.2 (Dutch/English), MAPS 25, 2000, 1-124
keywords: NTG, MAPS
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps25.pdf (1334kb)
Siep Kroonenberg, Sven Bovin
Redactioneel (Dutch), MAPS 25, 2000, 1
25_1.pdf (31kb)
Erik Frambach
EuroTeX2001 conference (English), MAPS 25, 2000, 2-3
keywords: EuroTeX, conference
abstract: Announcement of the 12th European TeX Conference, which will be held in Kerkrade in the Netherlands, from 23 to 27 September 2001. The theme is ``TeX and Meta: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly Bits''.
25_2.pdf (41kb)
Jules van Weerden, Maarten Gelderman
De NTG en het Internet (Dutch), MAPS 25, 2000, 4-5
keywords: discussielijsten, TEX-NL
abstract: De NTG is niet alleen met webpagina's op het Internet aanwezig, maar ook middels een aantal discussielijsten. In dit artikel wordt kort aangegeven wat een discussielijst is, hoe je je aan- en afmeldt en wat je te wachten staat na aanmelding. Tevens wordt een overzicht gegeven van de in Nederland aanwezige TeX-gerelateerde lijsten.
25_3.pdf (46kb)
Erik Frambach, Siep Kroonenberg
TeX user groups around the world (English), MAPS 25, 2000, 6-8
keywords: user groups
abstract: A list of all TeX user groups currently known to us.
25_4.pdf (48kb)
Piet van Oostrum
Nieuws van CTAN (Dutch), MAPS 25, 2000, 9-12
keywords: TeX, LaTeX, packages, CTAN, proceedings
abstract: Dit artikel beschrijft een aantal recente bijdragen uit het CTAN archief. Het is de bedoeling om in elke MAPS zo'n artikel te plaatsen. Ik zal hierbij één of meer bijdragen wat uitvoeriger beschrijven en andere bijdragen kort noemen. De selectie is gebaseerd op wat ik zelf interessant vind en wat ik denk dat voor veel anderen interessant is. Het is dus een persoonlijke keuze. Het heeft niet de bedoeling om een volledig overzicht te geven. De uitgebreidere bijdragen zijn ook geen handleidingen. Beschouw het maar als een soort menukaart die de bedoeling heeft om de lezer te laten watertanden.
25_5.pdf (54kb)
Berend de Boer
ConTeXt en pdfTeX (English), MAPS 25, 2000, 13-18
keywords: ConTeXt, pdf(e)-TeX, installatie, nieuws
abstract: In deze sectie zal het laatst bekende nieuws op het gebied van pdfTeX en ConTeXt aan de inner crowds worden ontfutseld. In deze eerste aflevering komt aan bod wat de laatste versies van pdfTeX en ConTeXt zijn. En tevens waar je ze kunt halen. En verder in iedere aflevering een ConTeXt tip: vandaag over het produceren van A5 boekjes die op A4 worden afgedrukt.
25_6.pdf (55kb)
Frans Goddijn
Gezeefd uit de TEX-NL discussielijst (Dutch), MAPS 25, 2000, 19-55
keywords: TEX-NL, discussielijsten
abstract: This is part seven in a series of articles started in 1993 by Philippe Vanoverbeke. Philippe selected a number of messages from the TEX-NL mailing list which deserved to be remembered and lookup up by readers of MAPS. Solutions, hints and tips. MAPS of fall 1999 had part 5. This installment more or less covers august 1999 through july 2000. During a hectic year I had missed most messages and working through the backlog for this article provided me with a useful and time consuming opportunity to see what I would have missed otherwise. Questions and answers are marked in twins but sometimes a reply poses a new question, invoking one more answer, making for an instructive thread. As before, honorary member Piet van Oostrum, and also Hans Hagen are always helpful members of the list. To them and all the others feeding the list with their stimulating questions and helpful answers thanks!
25_7.pdf (180kb)
Maarten Gelderman
Toolbox: een syllabus (Dutch), MAPS 25, 2000, 56-71
keywords: LaTeX, packages, praktijkvoorbeeld
abstract: In deze toolbox wordt een voorbeeld besproken van een redelijk omvangrijk LaTeX-document. Het nut van de verschillende packages komt aan de orde en er wordt tevens besproken hoe de packages worden gebruikt in het document zelf en welke opties daarvoor in de preamble moeten worden opgenomen.
25_8.pdf (137kb)
Wybo Dekker
The TeXLive CDROM (English), MAPS 25, 2000, 72-73
keywords: TeX Live, Unix
abstract: Recently all NTG members received the latest TeXLive cdrom. This article describes a quick and efficient method of installing the content of the TeX repository. Since you can download the latest cdrom image via the internet, you can also use this method for occasional updates.
25_9.pdf (34kb)
Hans Hagen
pdfTeX's little secret (English), MAPS 25, 2000, 74-78
keywords: pdf, pdfTeX, ConTeXt, emTeX, specials, positioning
abstract: It is no secret that pdfTeX introduces new primitives, but some of them are less known than others. In this article I will describe an example of the use of \pdfsavepos cum suis. We will investigate their usage by implementing a simple emTeX specials simulator.
25_10.pdf (54kb)
Hans Hagen
Typesetting pdf annotations (English), MAPS 25, 2000, 79-80
keywords: pdf, fdf, annotations, pdfTeX, ConTeXt
abstract: This article describes how to use pdfTeX to typeset annotations added to pdf documents. This method uses ConTeXt but can be applied to any valid pdf document.
25_11.pdf (127kb)
Hans Hagen
Hanging punctuation, a pdfTeX microtypographic extension (Dutch), MAPS 25, 2000, 81-85
keywords: micro typography, margins, kerning, pdfTeX, ConTeXt
abstract: At the time of this writing, Hàn Thê Thành is writing his thesis, wherein he explains in great detail two extensions to TeX's typesetting engine. In this article we will explore marginal kerning, or character protruding. We will demonstrate the effects and introduce the new primitives, as well as explain how to enable this feature in ConTeXt.
25_12.pdf (74kb)
Boguslaw Jackowski, Janusz Nowacki, Piotr Strzelczyk
Antykwa Póltawskiego: a parameterize outline font (English), MAPS 25, 2000, 86-102
keywords: Antykwa Póltawskiego, fonts, Type 1 fonts, METAFONT, METAPOST
abstract: The implementation of the Antykwa Póltawskiego font in METAPOST and its conversion to PostScript Type1 outline font.
25_13.pdf (672kb)
Santiago Muelas
A macro routine for writing text along a path in METAPOST (English), MAPS 25, 2000, 103-113
keywords: TXP, METAPOST, LaTeX, METAGRAF, awk, TeX
abstract: In this article we show a general macro written in pure METAPOST for putting any text using any font over any path. The routine will be explained in detail and some graphics will be included for clarifying purposes. Very special thanks are due to Maarten Gelderman who has made the final translation with the biggest care and interest.
25_14.pdf (95kb)
Hans Hagen
MetaFun, Chapter 3: Embedded graphics (English), MAPS 25, 2000, 114-124
keywords: METAPOST, MetaFun, ConTeXt, graphics
abstract: This article is a nearly 100% copy of chapter 3 of the MetaFun manual. This chapter discusses a few alternative ways to define and include METAPOST graphics in a document. This article contains some colors, so if you want to get the real picture, you should fetch the MetaFun manual from (beta manual download page). The MetaFun macros (METAPOST as well as TeX) are part of the regular ConTeXt distribution.
25_15.pdf (76kb)
Simon Pepping
MAPS 2001.2 (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 1-246
keywords: NTG, MAPS, EuroTeX, proceedings
abstract: EuroTeX proceedings
proceedings.pdf (4609kb)
Simon Pepping
Editorial (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 1-4
26_1.pdf (45kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
A note about the design of the Proceedings (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 5
26_2.pdf (57kb)
David Antoš, Petr Sojka
Pattern Generation Revisited (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 7-17
keywords: patterns, Unicode, hyphenation, tagging, transformation, Omega, PatGen, PatLib, reimplementation, templates, C++
abstract: The program PatGen, being nearly twenty years old, doesn't suit today's needs: it is nearly impossible to make changes, as the program is highly optimised (like TeX); it is limited to eight-bit encodings; it uses static data structures; reuse of the pattern technique and packed trie data structure for problems other than hyphenation (context dependent ligature handling, spell checking, Thai syllabification, etc) is cumbersome. Those and other reasons explained further in the paper led us to the decision to reimplement PatGen from scratch in an object-oriented manner (like NTS - New Typesetting System reimplementation of TeX) and to create the PATtern LIBrary PatLib and the (hyphenation) pattern generator based on it. We argue that this general approach allows the code to be used in many applications in computer typesetting area, in addition to those of pattern recognition, which include various natural language processing, optical character recognition, and others.
26_3.pdf (132kb)
S. Austin, D. Menshikov, Michael Vulis
Use of TeX plugin technology for displaying of real-time weather and geographic information (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 18
abstract: In this article we show how by means of the GeX plugin technology one can process and display geographic information including real-time weather data as part of a TeX to PDF compilation.
26_4.pdf (22kb)
Giuseppe Bilotta
TeXlib: a TeX reimplementation in library form (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 19-26
abstract: I first came across the need for a TeX in library form when I was thinking about developing a graphical real-time front-end to TeX (the TeXPerfect project, more info at A quick survey (on the comp.text.tex newsgroup) showed that other projects could have benefited from a library providing TeX typesetting capabilities, and I thus decided to develop TeXlib as a separate project from TeXPerfect. A `call for developers' on the same newsgroup provided the project with developers/consultants/helpers.
26_5.pdf (90kb)
Berend de Boer
From database to presentation via XML, XSLT and ConTeXt (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 27-39
abstract: Much data exists only in databases. A familiar example is an address list. Every once in a while this data must be presented to humans. To continue with the address list example, annually an address list must be printed and mailed. In this article I attempt to given an exhaustive overview of going from structured data through ConTeXt to output.
26_6.pdf (132kb)
Tobias Burnus
Usage of MathML for paper and web publishing (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 40
abstract: The Mathematical Meta Language (MathML) oft he World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) based on XML has gained more support in the last months. Looking at the W3C's list ofsof tware which supports MathML one sees that the number of applications which can produce MathML is rather long, but the list of applications supporting typesetting of MathML is rather short.
26_7.pdf (24kb)
J. Chlebíková, J. Guričan, M. Nagy, I. Odrobina
The Euromath System -- a structured XML editor and browser (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 41-48
keywords: structured editing, TeX, XML
abstract: The Euromath System is an XML WYSIWYG structured editor and browser with the possibility of TeX input/output. It was developed within the Euromath Project and funded through the SCIENCE programme of the European Commission. Originally, the core of the Euromath System was based on the commercial SGML structured editor Grif. At present, the Euromath System is in the final stage of re-implementation based upon the public domain structured editor Thot and XML. During the re-implementation process several principal differences between the basic features of Thot and the basic purposes of the Euromath System had to be resolved.
26_8.pdf (331kb)
Jonathan Fine
Instant Preview and the TeX daemon (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 49-58
abstract: Instant Preview is a new package, for use with Emacs and xdvi, that allows the user to preview instantly the file being edited. At normal typing speed, and on a 225MHz machine, it refreshes the preview screen with every keystroke. Instant Preview uses a new program, dvichop, that allows TeX to process small files over 20 times quicker than usual. It avoids the overhead of starting TeX. This combination of TeX and dvichop is the TeX daemon. One instance of the TeX daemon can serve many programs. It can make TeX available as a callable function. It can be used as the formatting engine of a WYSIWYG editor. This talk will demonstrate Instant Preview, describe its implementation, discuss its use with LaTeX, sketch the architecture of a WYSIWYG TeX, and call for volunteers to take the project forward.
26_9.pdf (125kb)
Hans Hagen
TeX and/or xml: good, bad and/or ugly (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 59
abstract: As a typesetting engine, TeX can work pretty well with structured input. One can build interfaces that are reasonably well to work with and code in. XML on the other hand is purely meant for coding, and the more rigorous scheme prevents errors and makes reuse easy. Contrary to TeX, xml is not equivalent to typesetting, although there are tools (and methods) to easily convert the code into other stuctured code (like HTML) that then can be handled by rendering engines. Should we abandon coding in TeX in favor of xml? Should we abandon typesetting using TeX in favor of real time rendering of relatively simple layout designs? Who are the good and bad guys in that world? And even more importantly: to what extent will document design (and style design) really change?
26_10.pdf (25kb)
Hans Hagen
TeX Top Publishing: an overview (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 60
abstract: TeX is used for producing a broad range of documents: articles, journals, books, and anything you can think of. When TeX came around, it was no big deal to beat most of those day's typesetting programs. But how well does TeX compete today with mainstream Desk Top Publishing programs? What directions will publishing take and what role can TeX play in the field of typesetting? What are today's publishing demands, what are the strong and what are the weak points of good old TeX, and what can and should we expect from the successors of TeX?
26_11.pdf (24kb)
Taco Hoekwater
ConTeXt Publication Module, the user documentation (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 61-73
abstract: This module takes care of references to publications and the typesetting of publication lists, as well as providing an interface between BibTeX and ConTeXt. This is a preliminary version; changes may be needed or wanted in the near future. In particular, there are some minor issues with the multi-lingual interface that need to be solved.
26_12.pdf (94kb)
Jean-Michel Hufflen
mlbibTeX: a New Implementation of bibTeX (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 74-94
keywords: Bibliographies, multilingual features, LaTeX, bibTeX
abstract: This paper describes mlbibTeX, a new implementation of bibTeX with multilingual features. We show how to use it as profitably as possible, and go thoroughly into compatibility between bibTeXs current implementation and ours. Besides, the precise grammar of mlbibtex is given as an annex.
26_13.pdf (228kb)
Boguslaw Jackowski, Krzysztof Leszczyński
Special fonts (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 95-110
keywords: cmdfont, special commands, METAPOST, fonts, postscript
abstract: We propose the use of a special pseudofont as an enhancement (in a sense) of the \special instruction. The examples of the implementation show that the technique applied here would prove to be extremely useful, especially with METAPOST.
26_14.pdf (172kb)
Boguslaw Jackowski, Janusz M. Nowacki, Piotr Strzelczyk
MetaType1: a METAPOST-based engine for generating Type 1 fonts (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 111-119
keywords: outline fonts, scalable fonts, parameterized fonts, Type 1 fonts, METAFONT, METAPOST
abstract: A package for preparing parameterized outline fonts in PostScript Type 1 format is described. The package makes use of METAPOST, awk, and T1utils, therefore is supposed to be easily portable to various computer platforms. Its beta version along with a sample font (Knuth's logo font) is available from:
26_15.pdf (225kb)
Michal Marvan
Natural TeX Notation in Mathematics (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 120-129
keywords: natural mathematical notation
abstract: In this paper we introduce Nath, a LaTeX 2.09/2e style implementing a natural TeX notation for mathematics.
26_16.pdf (164kb)
Michael Moortgat, Richard Moot, Dick Oehrle
TeX in teaching (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 130-140
abstract: A well-known slogan in language technology is `parsing-as-deduction': syntax and meaning analysis of a text takes the form of a mathematical proof. Developers of language technology (and students of computational linguistics) want to visualize these mathematical objects in a variety of formats. We discuss a language engineering environment for computational grammars. The kernel is a theorem prover, implemented in the logic-programming language Prolog. The kernel produces LaTeX source code for its internal computations. The front-end displays these in a number of user-defined typeset formats. Local interaction with the kernel is via a tcl/tk GUI. Alternatively, one can call the kernel remotely from dynamic PDF documents, using the form features of Sebastian Rahtz' hyperref package.
26_17.pdf (148kb)
Janusz Marian Nowacki
Poligraf: from TeX to printing house (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 141-145
abstract: The macro package Poligraf was for the first time presented at the Polish TeX Users' Group meeting `BachoTeX'96'. Users' suggestions and remarks have been taken into account leading to this new, completely re-worked version.
26_18.pdf (77kb)
Simon Pepping
Extending ExTeX (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 146-150
keywords: exTeX, DSSSL, file location, extension of exTeX, primitives in exTeX
abstract: What can be done after the completion of ExTeX? I describe a dream, some results, and some further ideas.
26_19.pdf (77kb)
Fabrice Popineau
Directions for the TeXLive system (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 151-161
keywords: TeXLive, web2c
abstract: This paper is about the current status of the TeXLive software. The first part of the paper will address the structured description of its content and how the Windows 1 setup program can use it. The past experiments with the Windows installer have revealed that the problem was harder than expected. The new TeXLive 6 description files will allow a more effective way to use the setup program. Some further enhancements are even scheduled. The second part of the paper will address a set of possible extensions to the Web2C/Kpathsea pair (read it as a call for code contributions!). Some aspects of its use were not foreseen when it was devised and it may be time for an enhancement.
26_20.pdf (159kb)
Pedro Quaresma
DCpic, Commutative Diagrams in a (La)TeX Document (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 162-172
keywords: Communicative diagrams, LaTeX, TeX, picTeX
abstract: DCpic is a package of TeX macros for graphing Commutative Diagrams in a (La)TeX or ConTeXt document. Its distinguishing features are: the use of PICTeX a powerful graphical engine, and a simple specification syntax. A commutative diagram is described in terms of its objects and its arrows. The objects are textual elements and the arrows can have various straight or curved forms. We describe the syntaxand semantics of the user's commands, and present many examples of their use.
26_21.pdf (147kb)
Martin Schröder
Using pdfTeX in a PDF-based imposition tool (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 173
abstract: pdfTeX has been used successfully to build an industrial-strength PDF-based imposition tool. This paper/talk describes the pitfalls we encountered and the lessons learned.
26_22.pdf (25kb)
Laurent Siebenmann
ASCII-Cyrillic and its converter email-ru.tex (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 174-186
abstract: A new faithful ASCII representation for Russian called ASCII-Cyrillic is presented here, one which permits accurate typing and reading of Russian where no Russian keyboard or font is available -- as often occurs outside of Russia. ASCII-Cyrillic serves the Russian and Ukrainian languages in parallel. This article initially discusses Russian; but, further along, come the modifications needed to adapt to the Ukrainian alphabet.
26_23.pdf (112kb)
Karel Skoupy
A Tour around the NTS implementation (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 187
keywords: NTS, Java, extension
abstract: NTS is a modular object-oriented reimplementation of TeX written in Java. This document is a summary of a presentation which shows the path along which the characters and constructions present in the input file pass through the machinery of the program and get typeset. Along the way the key classes and concepts of NTS are visited, the differences with original TeX are explained and the good points where to dig into the system are proposed.
26_24.pdf (34kb)
Igor Strokov
Visual TeX: TeXlite (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 188-191
keywords: visual, TeX
abstract: A prototype of a visual TeX is implemented by means of minor modifications of canonical TeX. The changes include the ability to start compilation from an arbitrary page, fast paragraph reformatting, and retaining the origin of visual elements. The new features provide direct editing of the document preview and correct markup of the source text.
26_25.pdf (54kb)
Péter Szabó
Conversion of TeX fonts into Type 1 format (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 192-206
keywords: PDF, font conversion, Type 1 fonts, METAFONT, vector, outline, raster, bitmap, pdfTeX
abstract: This paper analyses the problem of converting TeX fonts to Type 1 fonts, describes TeXtrace, a new free conversion program, and compares it to other possible methods and existing utilities. TeXtrace works by rendering the font in high resolution and then tracing (vectorizing) it.
26_26.pdf (165kb)
Ulrik Vieth
Math typesetting in TeX: The good, the bad, the ugly (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 207-216
keywords: math typesetting, math fonts, symbol fonts, font metrics, font encodings
abstract: Taking the conference motto as a theme, this papers examines the good, the bad, and the ugly bits of TeX's math typesetting engine and the related topic of math fonts. Unlike previous discussions of math fonts, which have often focussed on glyph sets and font encodings, this paper concentrates on the technical requirements for math fonts, trying to clarify what makes implementing math fonts so difficult and what could or should be done about it.
26_27.pdf (122kb)
Paul Wackers
Typography and production of manuscripts and incunabula (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 217-218
keywords: typography, manuscript, incunabulum
abstract: This paper describes how the modern type of books slowly came into existence during the middle ages. The first printers modeled their products on these handwritten books but needed -- in time -- some adjustments because of the differences in production between a manuscript and a printed book and because of the differences between producing for a patron or for an anonymous mass market.
26_28.pdf (36kb)
Wlodek Bzyl
Reintroducing type 3 fonts to the world of TeX (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 219-243
abstract: Nowadays, a great number of documents are produced every day. Many authors would like their documents to stand out from the rest not only by content but also by typographic design. For this purpose one may use decorative letters, ornaments, dingbats and special fonts. If each document would have to look different from all the others a great many fonts and font deviations are needed. This could be achieved by combining the METAPOST language with the type 3 font format. This new font creation technology enables users endless single-use-only variations in weight and width, style and size, and in color. A new level of control over the embellishment level off onts in documents is thereby achieved.
26_29.pdf (516kb)
Michael Guravage
Literate Programming, not just another pretty face (English), MAPS 26, 2001, 244-245
abstract: The structure of a software program may be thought of as a `web' that is made of many interconnected pieces. To document such a program, we want to explain each individual part of the web and how it relates to its neighbors. D.E.K.
26_30.pdf (64kb)
Johannes Braams
MAPS 2002.1 (Dutch/English), MAPS 27, 2002, 1-119
keywords: NTG, MAPS
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps27.pdf (3635kb)
Johannes Braams
Redactioneel (Dutch), MAPS 27, 2002, 1
27_1.pdf (45kb)
Erik Frambach
TeX gebruikersgroepen (English/Dutch), MAPS 27, 2002, 2-5
keywords: gebruikersgroepen, user groups
abstract: Een overzicht van alle ons bekende TeX gebruikersgroepen met bijbehorende contactgegevens.
27_2.pdf (60kb)
Jules van Weerden
Agenda (Dutch), MAPS 27, 2002, 6
27_3.pdf (43kb)
Piet van Oostrum
Een uittreksel uit de recente bijdragen in het CTAN archief (Dutch), MAPS 27, 2002, 7-9
keywords: TeX, LaTeX, Packages, CTAN, Type 1 fonts, fonts, PDF, pstricks, PostScript
abstract: Dit artikel beschrijft een aantal recente bijdragen uit het CTAN archief. De selectie is gebaseerd op wat ik zelf interessant vind en wat ik denk dat voor veel anderen interessant is. Het is dus wel een persoonlijke keuze. Het heeft niet de bedoeling om een volledig overzicht te geven. De uitgebreidere bijdragen zijn ook geen handleidingen. Beschouw het maar als een soort menukaart die de bedoeling heeft om de lezer te laten watertanden.
27_4.pdf (62kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Patenten, copyright en 'intellectual property' (Dutch), MAPS 27, 2002, 10-12
keywords: Software patenten, WIPO, EPO, standaarden, Europa
abstract: In dit stuk wordt aandacht gevraagd voor software patenten en andere aanslagen op onze elektronische vrijheid.
27_5.pdf (93kb)
Donald Knuth
Letter from Knuth (English), MAPS 27, 2002, 13
keywords: Letter
abstract: A facsimile copy of a letter by Donald E. Knuth to Siep Kroonenberg about the EuroTeX2002 proceedings. In the letter, dated 26 November 2001, Donald E. Knuth congratulates Siep Kroonenberg on the "most beautiful design and production of the EuroTeX2001 proceedings." He further describes how both he and Mrs. Knuth love its look and feel. The letter is hand written with a pencil on the personal stationery (Donald E. Knuth, Professor Emeritus of The Art of Computer Programming) of the Stanford University in Stanford, California. Although the actual text of the letter is somewhat more concise than this abstract, it is a must-see for any TeX user.
27_6.pdf (601kb)
Patrick Gundlach
Meta-Euro (English), MAPS 27, 2002, 14-19
keywords: Euro symbol, MetaPost
abstract: How to create the Euro symbol in Metapost.
27_7.pdf (68kb)
Hans Hagen
The euro symbol (English), MAPS 27, 2002, 20-22
keywords: Euro symbol, MetaPost
abstract: When Patrick Grundlach posted a nice MetaPost version of the euro symbol to the ConTeXt discussion list, he added the comment "The official construction is ambigious: how thick are the horizontal bars? How much do they stick out to the left? Is this thing a circle or what? Are the angles on the left side of the bars the same as the one on the right side? ..." The alternative below is probably not as official as his, but permits a finetuning. You are warned: whatever you try, the euro is and will remain an ugly symbol.
27_8.pdf (54kb)
Jean-Luc Doumont
Doing it my way: a lone TeXer in the real world (English), MAPS 27, 2002, 23-28
abstract: While a world-renowned standard in many academic fields, Don Knuth's much acclaimed typesetting system is almost unknown in most parts of the real world, where many a document designer has achieved professional success without ever hearing (let alone pronouncing) the word `TeX'. Outside academia, the lone TeXer faces not only compatibility headaches, but also outright incomprehension from his customers, colleagues, or competitors: why would anyone want to use TeX to produce memos, two-color newsletters, full-color brochures, overhead transparencies, and other items -- in short, anything but books that contain a lot of mathematics? As a consultant in professional communication, I have been using TeX for all documents I have produced for my clients and for myself during the last ten years or so. Though it has turned out to be most successful, this approach is seen by most as a mere idiosyncrasy. And yet, the systematic use of my own TeX and PostScript programming gives me three unequalled advantages over using off-the-shelf software: I travel light, I can go anywhere I please, and I guarantee I'll get there.
27_9.pdf (135kb)
Jean-Luc Doumont
Drawing effective (and beautiful) graphs with TeX (English), MAPS 27, 2002, 29-35
abstract: A standard approach to producing documents that include illustrations consists in typesetting text with specialized typesetting software (such as TeX) and inserting illustrations created with different, equally specialized software. To better integrate the illustrations into the typeset page, it would be nice to be able to produce or modify them directly with the typesetting software. Drawing graphs with TeX, for example, would allow one to set them \hsize wide and 0.75\hsize high, position labels exactly \baselineskip below the horizontal axis, and, especially, typeset all annotations with the same fonts, sizes, and mathematical beauty as the rest of the document. The hybrid TeX and PostScript macros presented in this paper take advantage of TeX's power to graph and annotate data sets in a variety of ways in order to produce effective, beautiful, well-integrated graphs. They use TeX to draw all horizontal and vertical lines (axes, tick marks, grid lines) and set all annotations, and PostScript to draw the data, as markers, lines, and areas. While fairly simple, they have been successfully harnessed to appear in a wide range of real-life applications, up to logarithmic graphs and (with some patience) complex multipanel displays. Of course, the macros are a tool for drawing final graphs rather than exploring or transforming data sets.
27_10.pdf (407kb)
Hans Hagen, Ton Otten
Figures (English), MAPS 27, 2002, 36-40
abstract: Within the TeX community there is a widely used database for bibliographic references, BIB-TeX, but not for figures. To manage figures ConTeXt now supports a figures database. The database is setup in XML and converted to an interactive PDF figure library featuring ordered displays and a search mechanism. From the library, figures can be included easily in ConTeXt documents as long as both the PDF and the XML files remain present.
27_11.pdf (477kb)
Ernst van der Storm
DTP'en met LaTeX, gebruik en adviezen (Dutch), MAPS 27, 2002, 41-44
keywords: LaTeX, 4allTeX, PostScript
abstract: Verslag van het gebruik van LaTeX voor DTP-doeleinden, met enkele eenvoudige macro's en het integreren van platjes: een beschrijving aan de hand van de praktijk.
27_12.pdf (258kb)
Karel Wesseling, Gertrude van der Sar, Jos Settels
From PC-Write to ConTeXt easy speedy beauty (English), MAPS 27, 2002, 45-50
keywords: non-guru, 4TeX, ConTeXt
abstract: A tale of more than 10 years of joy and struggle with TeX followed by a period of bliss, of easy to use tools, quickly obtained results and incredible possibilities from the coming of 4TeX and ConTeXt, narrated by non-gurus.
27_13.pdf (419kb)
Karel Wesseling
A do-it-yourself thebibliography in ConTeXt (English), MAPS 27, 2002, 51-55
keywords: non-guru, LaTeX, ConTeXt, bibliography, citation command
abstract: Moving from LaTeX to ConTeXt is not really simple but to return from ConTeXt to LaTeX would have been equally hard were it not for a publication by Berend de Boer in MAPS 24 explaining how to do LaTeX things in ConTeXt. Only one thing was missing, a do-it-yourself thebibliography. Hans Hagen had a solution which is described below.
27_14.pdf (65kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
TeX voor thuis (Dutch), MAPS 27, 2002, 56-59
abstract: Dit verhaal richt zich tot mensen die op hun eigen machine TeX aan de praat willen krijgen, zonder hulp van een systeembeheerder of guru-vriendje.
27_15.pdf (167kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Mac OS X als TeX platform (Dutch), MAPS 27, 2002, 60-61
keywords: Macintosh, Mac OS X, TeXShop
abstract: Nu het Macintosh platform tot Unix is bekeerd en ingebouwde ondersteuning heeft voor pdf, bezit de Mac hele goede papieren als een platform voor TeX. Het programma TeXShop is hiervan het bewijs.
27_16.pdf (308kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Configuration (English), MAPS 27, 2002, 62-65
keywords: texmf trees, configuration, environment variables, file searching
abstract: Texmf trees can make a TeX installation more maintainable. With creative use of environment variables, it is possible to run different versions and different configurations in different xterm or console windows.
27_17.pdf (77kb)
Hans Hagen
MathML (English), MAPS 27, 2002, 66-119
keywords: MathML, ConTeXt
abstract: Typesetting math in MathML using ConTeXt.
27_18.pdf (208kb)
Johannes Braams
MAPS 2002.2 (English/Dutch), MAPS 28, 2002, 1-85
keywords: NTG, MAPS
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps28.pdf (1616kb)
Johannes Braams
Redactioneel (Dutch), MAPS 28, 2002, 1
28_1.pdf (26kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
De NTG Flyer (Dutch), MAPS 28, 2002, 2-4
keywords: NTG Flyer
28_2.pdf (109kb)
Piet van Oostrum
Nieuws van CTAN (Dutch), MAPS 28, 2002, 5-7
keywords: TeX, LaTeX, packages, CTAN, classes, memoir, KOMA script, soul, underline, ulem, mathpazo, fonts
abstract: Dit artikel beschrijft een aantal recente bijdragen uit het CTAN archief. De selectie is gebaseerd op wat ik zelf interessant vind en wat ik denk dat voor veel anderen interessant is. Het is dus wel een persoonlijke keuze. Het heeft niet de bedoeling om een volledig overzicht te geven. De uitgebreidere bijdragen zijn ook geen handleidingen. Beschouw het maar als een soort menukaart die de bedoeling heeft om de lezer nieuwsgierig te laten worden.
28_3.pdf (59kb)
Michael Guravage
TUG 2002, Thiruvananthapuram (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 10-13
28_4.pdf (58kb)
Maps Editors, Patrick Gundlach
meta-euro (erratum) (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 14-19
keywords: Euro symbol, MetaPost
abstract: How to create the Euro symbol in Metapost. Corrected reprint of this article in Maps 27.
28_5.pdf (229kb)
Maps Editors, Hans Hagen
MathML Correction (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 20-24
keywords: MathML, ConTeXt
abstract: Typesetting math in MathML using ConTeXt. Corrected pages of this article from Maps 27.
28_6.pdf (23kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Fonts for the MAPS (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 25-26
keywords: fonts, texnansi encoding, virtual fonts, reencoding
28_7.pdf (28kb)
Taco Hoekwater
ConTeXt System Documentation (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 27
keywords: macro programming, ConTeXt, api, general, documentation
abstract: A new website exists that contains documentation for the lower-level ConTeXt macros. The URL for this website is This website also contains a full mirror of the pragma-ade website.
28_8.pdf (19kb)
Maarten Wisse
Hacking TeX4ht for XML Output (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 28-35
abstract: This article explains how the author employs the TeX4ht convertor to manage multiple format (XML and PDF) output from a single Latex source by writing a TeX4ht configuration file and a Latex class file. Furthermore, it is explained how TeX4ht and the new OpenOffice package can be used to create a new Latex to MS Word convertor.
28_9.pdf (63kb)
Karel H Wesseling, Hans Hagen
TeXexec User s Guide (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 36-52
abstract: This guide describes the uses and options of the texexec program that is available in the ConTeXt distribution. The options are invoked by calls on a command line, which are words preceded by two hyphens as in --make. There are options for running ConTeXt on your TeX file to produce printable output, options to specify languages, an option to make listings of (software program) files word for word, options for conditional execution, for selecting pages to print, for printing on differently sized paper, for directing your output to a particular file, for conversion of SGML and XML to TeX. If it is no problem to you to use a command line and to occasionally look things up in the help file or in this user s guide, you will find texexec to be a useful, even indispensable tool for ConTeXt.
28_10.pdf (114kb)
Wybo Dekker
The ctable package for use with LaTeX2e (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 53-58
abstract: The ctable package lets you easily typeset centered, captioned table and figure floats with optional footnotes. Both caption and footnotes will be forced within the width of the table.
28_11.pdf (39kb)
Wybo Dekker
mk -- a LaTeX maker (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 59-64
keywords: LaTeX, make, perl script
abstract: mk is a Perl script that, in close collaboration with vpp is helpful in the cyclic process of editing, viewing, and printing a latex document.
28_12.pdf (48kb)
Wybo Dekker
vpp -- View and (selectively) Print PDF and PostScript (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 65-68
keywords: view, print, PDF, PostScript
abstract: vpp displays a PDF document or a postscript document (after conversion to pdf) using gv, xpdf, or Acrobat Reader (in that order of choice), or perhaps another PDF viewer. One can use the viewer to print the document but, alternatively, leave the viewer and use vpp's facilities to print selected pages to a one- or two-sided hardcopy or an A5-booklet.
28_13.pdf (35kb)
Frans Goddijn, Karel H Wesseling
Shifted bullets in graphs with MetaPost (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 69-72
abstract: With MetaPost fully integrated in ConTeXt using this graphic language has become convenient. When we tried to use John Hobby's `' package, however, it turned out to require extra initializations and to produce unacceptable, shifted data graphs. Solutions to both problems are given.
28_14.pdf (36kb)
Karel H Wesseling
A letterhead in ConTeXt (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 73-79
keywords: non-guru, ConTeXt, MetaPost, layers, mode command
abstract: For years I have used a home-made logo in Pictex within LaTeX, together with name and address as letterhead. Separate versions for myself and my wife were pre-printed on an HP 300 DPI Laserjet. With MetaPost fully integrated in ConTeXt, we decided to convert to MetaPost and print the letterhead with each letter automatically. I used the versatile ConTeXt layer mechanism and the mode option.
28_15.pdf (227kb)
Fabrice Popineau
Practical MetaPost (English), MAPS 28, 2002, 80-85
abstract: In this article, I will explain how to practically use MetaPost. This program is very different from usual drawing programs, but it fits very well in a TeX based typesetting system.
28_16.pdf (230kb)
Wybo Dekker
MAPS 2003.1 (English/Dutch), MAPS 29, 2003, 1-161
keywords: NTG, MAPS
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps29.pdf (6092kb)
Wybo Dekker
Redactioneel (Dutch), MAPS 29, 2003, 1
29_1.pdf (57kb)
Frans Goddijn
32e NTG-bijeenkomst (Dutch), MAPS 29, 2003, 2-5
29_2.pdf (543kb)
Erik Frambach
TeX user groups worldwide - what's cooking? (English), MAPS 29, 2003, 6-9
keywords: history, volunteer work, problems, lugs, TeX user groups
abstract: This article is based on a presentation given at the UK TUG meeting in Oxford in October 2002. It describes some current problems that TeX user groups face and it attempts to distill lessons learned and recommendations from almost 25 years of TeX user groups history.
29_3.pdf (79kb)
Koen Wybo
LaTeX: een newbie-ervaring (Dutch), MAPS 29, 2003, 10-14
abstract: Hoe ik een LaTeX-adept werd; argumentatie pro LaTeX en contra zijn grafische concurrenten: Word en OpenOffice.
29_4.pdf (116kb)
Kees van der Laan
BachoTeX 2003 (Dutch), MAPS 29, 2003, 15-23
keywords: BachoTeX2003, GUST, Poland
abstract: A (partial) report of GUST's 11th meeting at Bachotek, Poland is given. It is incomplete because I could not understand most of the Polish contributions and I skipped the LaTeX day. It reflects just of one of the threads through BachoTeX03's life. A question is raised: can the TeX-world follow with pdfTeX the evolving PDF standard?
28_5.pdf (169kb)
Wybo Dekker
Toolbox (English), MAPS 29, 2003, 24-25
keywords: index, rules, tooltips, uitvullen
abstract: Nieuwe avonturen in TeX-land.
29_6.pdf (83kb)
Simon Pepping
Docbook In ConTeXt (English), MAPS 29, 2003, 26-37
abstract: Docbook In ConTeXt combines two technologies that are widely used by authors of technical literature: the Docbook DTD and the ConTeXt macro package for TeX. It is a ConTeXt module that allows one to produce a typeset version of a Docbook XML file, in dvi or pdf format.
29_7.pdf (117kb)
Sjouke Mauw, Victor Bos
Drawing Message Sequence Charts with LaTeX (English), MAPS 29, 2003, 38-43
abstract: The MSC macro package facilitates LaTeX users to easily include Message Sequence Charts in their texts. This article describes the motivation for developing the MSC macro package, the features of the MSC macro package, and the design of the MSC macro package.
29_8.pdf (94kb)
Roland Smith
Labels voor gevaarlijke stoffen met LaTeX (Dutch), MAPS 29, 2003, 44-49
keywords: gevaarlijke stoffen, labels, 67/548/EEC, LaTeX
abstract: Volgens Europese regelgeving (67/548/EEC) is men verplicht om verpakkingen voor gevaarlijke stoffen te voorzien van labels die bepaalde informatie moeten bevatten. Met behulp van het labels package en een aantal in postscript geschreven pictogrammen is het mogelijk deze labels zelf te maken.
29_9.pdf (154kb)
Karel H Wesseling
Aligning MetaPost graphs in ConTeXt combinations (English), MAPS 29, 2003, 50-52
abstract: For scientific plotting I like to use the Graph package by John Hobby within Context and when I have two or more separate graphs made I combine them into one figure with one figure caption. Combining is easy but aligning the graphs in a pleasing way required a trick.
29_10.pdf (85kb)
Willi Egger
Drawing a type-case in ConTeXt (English), MAPS 29, 2003, 53-59
abstract: There are different environments with which one can typeset tables; all of them have their advantages and disadvantages. One of the recent problems I had to solve was to draw a typesetter's type-case from the lead-typesetting era. Since it looks like a table, I built the drawing in the \bTABLE . . . \eTABLE environment.
29_11.pdf (125kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Optisch uitvullen in de Maps (Dutch), MAPS 29, 2003, 60
abstract: In deze maps wordt voor het eerst gebruik gemaakt van optisch uitvullen met behulp van protruding characters, dat wil zeggen dat wordt gepoogd de rechterkantlijn er rechter uit te laten zien door tekens met horizontale uitsteeksels, zoals onder andere afbreekstreepjes, iets in de kantlijn te laten uitsteken.
29_12.pdf (82kb)
Ferdy Hanssen
Installing fonts in LaTeX: a user's experience (English), MAPS 29, 2003, 61-64
keywords: user, LaTeX, fonts
abstract: This paper presents a user's experience with installing fonts for use in LaTeX. It will be shown that it is not hard to make a standard Type 1 font work, if you use modern font installation software for LaTeX. All the steps necessary to install the example fonts will be shown. The example fonts used are Adobe Garamond from Adobe and Mrs. Eaves from Emigre.
29_13.pdf (118kb)
Philip Lehman
The Font Installation Guide (English), MAPS 29, 2003, 65-160
abstract: This guide is an unmodified printout of Philip Lehman's original guide, which is available from CTAN (current location: info/Type1fonts/fontinstallationguide directory
29_14.pdf (593kb)
Wybo Dekker
MAPS 2004.1 (English/Dutch), MAPS 30, 2004, 1-92
keywords: NTG, MAPS
abstract: NTG's magazine
maps30.pdf (6276kb)
Wybo Dekker
Redactioneel (Dutch), MAPS 30, 2004, 1
30_1.pdf (86kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
The Maps style (English), MAPS 30, 2004, 2-4
keywords: Maps, LaTeX, classfile, ConTeXt, module, fonts
abstract: This paper introduces the renewed Maps classfile and includes some usage notes.
30_2.pdf (144kb)
Piet van Oostrum
Een uittreksel uit de recente bijdragen in het CTAN archief (Dutch), MAPS 30, 2004, 5-7
keywords: TeX, LaTeX, packages, CTAN, classes, beamer, slides, fonts
abstract: Dit artikel beschrijft een aantal recente bijdragen uit het CTAN archief. De selectie is gebaseerd op wat ik zelf interessant vind en wat ik denk dat voor veel anderen interessant is. Het is dus wel een persoonlijke keuze. Het heeft niet de bedoeling om een volledig overzicht te geven. De uitgebreidere bijdragen zijn ook geen handleidingen. Beschouw het maar als een soort menukaart die de bedoeling heeft om de lezer nieuwsgierig te laten worden.
30_3.pdf (195kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
Schatgraven op TeXLive (Dutch), MAPS 30, 2004, 8-9
keywords: TeXLive, fonts, documentatie, TeX distributie
abstract: Dit stuk brengt de rijke inhoud van de TeXLive cd onder de aandacht van de lezer.
30_4.pdf (316kb)
Hans Hagen
TeXLive Collection (English), MAPS 30, 2004, 10-12
keywords: TeXLive collection
abstract: Past and future of the TeXLive Collection is described.
30_5.pdf (97kb)
Taco Hoekwater
De CXTeX distributie (Dutch), MAPS 30, 2004, 13-20
abstract: Het einddoel van het CXTeX project is om een hele texexec aanroep van begin tot eind te kunnen uitvoeren binnen één enkel, zo efficiënt mogelijk, systeemproces. De eerste onderdelen van deze distributie worden in dit artikel gepresenteerd: nog op zichzelf staande, maar al wel naar C vertaalde versies van texexec, texutil en pdfetex.
30_6.pdf (132kb)
Hans Hagen
The Scite - TeX integration (English), MAPS 30, 2004, 21-24
abstract: Editors are a sensitive, often emotional subject. Some editors have exactly the properties a software designer or a writer desires and one gets attached to it. Still, most computer experts such as TeX users often are use three or more different editors each day. Scite is a modern programmers editor which is very flexible, very configurable, and easily extended. We integrated Scite with TeX, ConTeXt, LaTeX, MetaPost and viewer and succeeded in that it is now possible to design and write your texts, manuscripts, reports, manuals and books with the Scite editor without having to leave the editor to compile and view your work. The article describes what is available and what you need with special emphasis on highlighting commands with lexers.
30_7.pdf (105kb)
Wybo Dekker
Introducing oldstyle figures in existing virtual fonts (English), MAPS 30, 2004, 25-32
keywords: ruby script, txfonts, pxfonts, oldstyle figures
abstract: This paper describes a Ruby script osf that can be used to make a copy of a virtual font with its figures replaced with old style figures.
30_8.pdf (371kb)
Adam T. Lindsay
Apple Symbols (English), MAPS 30, 2004, 33-41
abstract: This Mac-specific My Way documents some fonts available exclusively on MacOSX 10.3, `Panther', and makes them available to Mac users with fairly minimal installation effort. I do not distribute the fonts themselves.
30_9.pdf (202kb)
Adam T. Lindsay
Unicode Symbols (English), MAPS 30, 2004, 42-48
abstract: The Unicode standard includes a number of signs, symbols, dingbats, bullets, arrows, graphical elements, and other miscellaneous glyphs. Prompted by finding a font dedicated to many such Unicode symbols on MacOSX systems, this magazine documents some ways of enabling these symbols on your own system.
30_10.pdf (128kb)
Wybo Dekker
Woordafbreking op ë en ï (Dutch), MAPS 30, 2004, 49
keywords: hyphenation, diaresis, umlaut
abstract: LaTeX heeft moeite met het afbreken van woorden die een ë bevatten. Dit verhaal laat zien hoe dat probleem op te lossen: gebruik \"e of \"{e} of ë voor een eindstandige ë en "e voor alle andere. Analoog voor de ï.
30_11.pdf (97kb)
R.F. Smith
LaTeX uitvoer genereren vanuit C programma's (Dutch), MAPS 30, 2004, 50-51
keywords: LaTeX, automatisch opmaken, C
abstract: This article describes a simple way to generate LaTeX output from C programs.
30_12.pdf (149kb)
Willi Egger
Help! -- The Typesetting Area (English), MAPS 30, 2004, 52-59
abstract: Typesetting (large) documents presents significant challenges that have to be resolved before a satisfactory printed result is achieved; e.g. the internal structure of the document should be clear, and the document's typographical layout should match its content. This article, based on a presentation given at the NTG day in Arnhem on 13 November 2003, describes a traditional design technique known as the harmonic proportion.
30_13.pdf (216kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
TeX and prepress (English), MAPS 30, 2004, 60-65
keywords: PDF, PostScript, color, Acrobat, separations, overprint
abstract: This article discusses preparing documents for professional printing with TEX and pdftex, including color printing and prepress standards.
30_14.pdf (519kb)
Piet van Oostrum
Een tutorial over het gebruik van BibTeX (Dutch), MAPS 30, 2004, 66-86
keywords: BibTeX, bibliografie, literatuurlijst, referentie, LaTeX, citeren, woordenlijsten
abstract: Dit artikel beschrijft het gebruik van BibTeX waarbij de nadruk gelegd wordt op die aspecten die voor veel mensen als moeilijk ervaren worden. Het is een uitwerking van een lezing die de auteur gegeven heeft op de NTG-dag in Arnhem op 13 november 2003.
30_15.pdf (534kb)
Siep Kroonenberg
De TeX flyer: doe er wat mee! (Dutch), MAPS 30, 2004, 87-89
abstract: Op de volgende twee bladzijden hebben we onze TeX flyer nog eens afgedrukt. De voorkant beschrijft de sterke punten van TeX, en de achterkant bevat de nodige informatie om mensen een snelle start te geven met TeX.
30_16.pdf (184kb)
Maps Editors
Foto's van de NTG-dag (Dutch), MAPS 30, 2004, 90-91
30_17.pdf (3816kb)
Wybo Dekker
MAPS 2004.2 (English/Dutch), MAPS 31, 2004, 1-108
keywords: NTG, MAPS
abstract: NTG's magazine
Wybo Dekker
Redactioneel (Dutch), MAPS 31, 2004, 1
Piet van Oostrum
Een uittreksel uit de recente bijdragen in het CTAN archief (Dutch), MAPS 31, 2004, 2-4
keywords: slides, beamer, classes, CTAN, packages, LaTeX, TeX
abstract: Dit artikel beschrijft een aantal recente bijdragen uit het CTAN archief. De selectie is gebaseerd op wat ik zelf interessant vind en wat ik denk dat voor veel anderen interessant is. Het is dus een persoonlijke keuze. Het heeft niet de bedoeling om een volledig overzicht te geven. De uitgebreidere bijdragen zijn ook geen handleidingen. Beschouw het maar als een soort menukaart die de bedoeling heeft om de lezer lekker te maken.
Hans Hagen
The State of ConTeXt (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 5-7
abstract: In this article I will describe the current state of the ConTeXt macro package and the forces that play a role in its evolution. I will also indicate the directions in which we look for further developments.
Taco Hoekwater
MetaPost Developments (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 8
keywords: extensions, bugs, sarovar, development, MetaPost
Giuseppe Bilotta
The Aleph project (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 9-11
keywords: e-Omega, Omega, eTeX
abstract: A brief introduction to the Aleph project, a TeX extension providing most of Omega and eTeX features.
Maarten Sneep
Producing graphs with MetaPost (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 12-18
keywords: MetaPost, graphs, error-bars
abstract: MetaPost is an interesting companion for generating figures for documents written in TeX or one of its derivatives. This article focuses on generating graphs in MetaPost, and more specifically on two problems one can encounter when creating graphs: multi part graphs and error bars.
Dwight Aplevich
Circuit_macros (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 19-24
keywords: Electric circuit diagrams, line drawings, LaTeX
abstract: The evolution of the Circuit_macros package is described, with some of the conventions for drawing circuit elements and some of the lessons learned.
Frans Goddijn
Een briefhoofd maken (Dutch), MAPS 31, 2004, 25-31
abstract: Kort na het succesvol compileren van mijn eerste TeX-document wilde ik graag overstappen op TeX voor zoveel mogelijk documenten. En het idee om het briefhoofd te kunnen typesetten tegelijk met het printklaar maken van de brief zelf leek me erg leuk. Maar dan liefst wel met zo min mogelijk code voor dat briefpapier in de betreffende briefbestanden. Dus met alle nodige commando's in een aparte stylefile. En ook graag met een eenvoudiger briefhoofdje om op vervolgvellen te plaatsen als de brief langer is dan een pagina. Dankzij tips en hulp van Henk de Haan is me dat destijds gelukt en in de loop van de tijd heb ik op dezelfde manier ook anderen hun briefpapier helpen maken.
Brooks Moses
MetaPlot, MetaContour, and Other Collaborations with MetaPost (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 32-39
abstract: Most methods of creating plots in MetaPost work by doing all of their calculations in MetaPost, or by doing all of their calculations in a preprocessing program. There are advantages to dividing the work more equitably by doing the mathematical and data-visualization calculations in a preprocessing program and doing the graphical and layout calculations in MetaPost. The MetaPlot package provides a standard, flexible, interface for accomplishing such a collaboration between programs, and includes a general-purpose set of formatting macros that are applicable to a wide range of plot types. Examples are shown of linear plots with idiosyncratic annotation and two-dimensional contour plots with lines and filled contours on a non-cartesian mesh.
Willi Egger, Hans Hagen
Support for typesetting greek in ConTeXt (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 40-45
keywords: font, cb-greek, greek, module, Context, Maps
abstract: There are situations where one needs to typeset pieces of text in greek. Until recently there was no direct support to do this in ConTeXt. With the integration of the module greek this has changed. The basics were built by Giuseppe Bilotta (Italy). The module uses a subset of the cb-greek fonts. The article describes the module and the way greek text is coded. A couple of short and a longer examples of greek text are given.
Steve Grathwohl
A Simple Book Design in ConTeXt (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 46-51
abstract: I show how a simple book design can be implemented in ConTeXt
Adam T. Lindsay
OpenType in ConTeXt (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 52-58
keywords: ConTeXt, fonts, OpenType
abstract: This is a summary of issues encountered and solutions implemented in order to support some advanced OpenType features in ConTeXt. This article describes an accompanying set of support files that address installation (using TeXFont), accommodating extended opticals families, and some "pro" font features. The extended character set afforded by pro fonts enables support for comprehensive small caps and old-style figures. Although the typescripts and commands are described together, certain features (like variant encodings for TeXFont and optical typescripts) can be used independently of the other features described.
Hans Hagen
Fontgebruik (Dutch), MAPS 31, 2004, 59-61
abstract: Hans Hagen presenteert een zeer overdadige titel- en achterpagina van een handleiding uit 1899. De redactie van de Maps looft een prijs uit voor de beste en elegantste TeX-benadering van deze layout.
Frans Goddijn
Conversies (Dutch), MAPS 31, 2004, 62-66
abstract: Een terugblik op 12 jaar met een softwarepakket dat op een of andere manier met vriendschappen te maken heeft
Siep Kroonenberg
Exact layout with LaTeX (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 67-70
keywords: docstrip, PostScript, boxes, picture environment, letterhead
abstract: This article describes several techniques useful for implementing a professionally designed layout such as a letterhead.
Wybo Dekker
Boekdrukken en valkuilen (Dutch), MAPS 31, 2004, 71-76
keywords: drukken, kopiëren, papierrichting, papierdikte, raster, drukkwaliteit
abstract: Een boek zetten, dat is nog tot daaraan toe, maar het dan ook nog netjes gedrukt krijgen... ik neem u graag mee langs de valkuilen, tot lering en leedvermaak.
Eckhart Guthöhrlein
Object-Oriented Graphics with MetaObj (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 77-86
abstract: MetaObj is a macro package for MetaPost, a programming language for graphics producing PostScript output, based on the well-known metafont. MetaObj is written and maintained by Denis B. Roegel. It has been released under the LPPL and is available from CTAN. The cool thing about MetaObj is that it provides very high-level object-oriented macros which simplify the construction of complicated drawings by defining objects of arbitrary complexity and combining them to larger structures. This is already reflected in the name of the package: MetaObj is a shortcut for "MetaPost Objects".
Patrick Gundlach (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 87-90
keywords: ConTeXt, documentation, Wiki, website, live, typesetting on demand, texshow, mailinglist archive, source browser
abstract: The goal of the project is to enhance the documentation of ConTeXt. It consists of several web services that together provide the technical framework behind the documentation. A large (and growing) percentage of the supplied content is actually provided by the visitors of the interconnected web sites. with XML processing, grid-based typesetting, stepcharts, MetaFun and MathML, and more.
Hans Hagen
Fonts, more than a sample (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 91-94
keywords: ConTeXt, fontsampler, howto, TeXlive
Frans Goddijn, Willi Egger
Bloei der decadence (Dutch), MAPS 31, 2004, 95-98
keywords: Greek setup, Math-mode, Maps, ConTeXt, opmaak, setup, layout, screen-document, reference-list, symbol
abstract: Het boek "Bloei der decadence" van Johan Polak was jarenlang uitverkocht maar het is als PDF weer beschikbaar gekomen. Via Internet is het vrij te downloaden. Voor wie het op het computerscherm wil lezen is er een interactieve schermversie en een andere versie is geschikt om uit te printen. Beide nieuwe edities van het boek zijn opgemaakt in de ConTeXt omgeving. Dit artikel beschrijft enige aspecten van het opzetten van een project. Door de gigantische hoeveelheid referenties naar boeken, tijdschriften, personen, plaatsnamen en andere termen werd het een gecompliceerde klus. Doel was om de wijze van verwerking toch zo simpel mogelijk te houden. Dus geen plain-TeX hackwerk maar simpele methodes die gebruik maken van de typische ConTeXt eigenschappen. Ook wilden we met een overzichtelijk klein aantal stuurbestanden het gecodeerde boek zowel als scherm- en als papierversie kunnen compileren. Een bijzondere uitdaging vormde hiernaast het feit, dat er in een voetnoot een stuk Griekse tekst is weergegeven.
Hendri Adriaens, Uwe Kern
Keys and values (English), MAPS 31, 2004, 99-103
keywords: PSTricks, preset, pointers, package options, xkeyval, keyval, category codes
abstract: This article introduces the xkeyval package as an extension of the well-known keyval package. The package provides more flexible commands, syntax enhancements, and a new option processing mechanism for class and package options using the key=value syntax.
Taco Hoekwater
Boekbespreking vormwijzer (Dutch), MAPS 31, 2004, 104-105
keywords: boekbespreking, Treebus, vormwijzer, tekstwijzer
Wybo Dekker
MAPS 2005.1 (English/Dutch), MAPS 32, 2005, 1-148
keywords: NTG, MAPS
abstract: NTG's magazine
Wybo Dekker
Redactioneel (Dutch), MAPS 32, 2005, 1-2
Piet van Oostrum
Een uittreksel uit de recente bijdragen in het CTAN archief (Dutch), MAPS 32, 2005, 3-5
keywords: classes, CTAN, packages, LaTeX, TeX
abstract: Dit artikel beschrijft een aantal recente bijdragen uit het CTAN archief (en mogelijk andere bronnen op het Internet). De selectie is gebaseerd op wat ik zelf interessant vind en wat ik denk dat voor veel anderen interessant is. Het is dus een persoonlijke keuze. Het heeft niet de bedoeling om een volledig overzicht te geven. De uitgebreidere bijdragen zijn ook geen handleidingen. Beschouw het maar als een soort menukaart die de bedoeling heeft om de lezer lekker te maken.
Reinhard Zierke, Graham Williams, Joachim Schrod, Rainer Schöpf, Jim Hefferon, Robin Fairbairns
CTAN plans (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 6-8
abstract: The readers of Tugboat likely know the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network as a great pile of TeX stuff. That is, it is full of TeX materials, and it is great, but it is also something of a pile -- a bit of a mess. We will sketch some plans for improving CTAN. As part of that, we will outline its architecture, history, and some present issues.
Taco Hoekwater, MetaPost Team
Metapost Developments -- Spring 2005 (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 9-13
keywords: MetaPost, development, sarovar, bugs, extensions
abstract: The MetaPost development team is pleased to announce version~0.9 of MetaPost. This article documents the changes since the previous version, and provides a roadmap for future development.
Adam Lindsay
Font Variants (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 14-15
abstract: Font Variants are a new (meta-)feature in ConTeXt, offering the opportunity of easier access to advanced or unusual font features, without the hassle of using full typescript switches. This article briefly runs through the basic theory and practice of so--called font variants, and gives a few strategies for adapting it for your own uses.
Adam Lindsay
Euler in Use (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 16-25
keywords: ConTeXt, fonts, Euler, math
abstract: The Euler math font was designed by Hermann Zapf. ConTeXt support was limited until now. We show how to use the Eulervm LaTeX package in combination with some new math definitions and typescripts to give a more informal look to your equations.
Taco Hoekwater
Lettrines for ConTeXt (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 26-28
keywords: lettrines, module, initials, dropped capitals, ConTeXt
abstract: The ConTeXt module lettri is port of the LaTeX package lettrine by Daniel Flipo that provides a way to typeset dropped capitals at the beginning of paragraphs.
Steve Peter
TeX and Linguistics (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 29-34
keywords: pscyr, omega, makor, ledmac, latexsym, fontenc, ednotes, edmac, devnag, colortab, bigfoot, babel, psgreek, pstricks, syntax, xetex, grammar, tipa, philology, phonology, lemmata, linguistics, semantics, cyrillic, teubner, unicode, arabic, armenian, chinese, devanagari, greek, hebrew, japanese, korean, russian, sanskrit
abstract: TeX has long been associated with mathematics and ``hard'' sciences such as physics. But even during the early days of TeX, linguists were attracted to the system, and today a growing number of them are turning to TeX (LaTeX, ConTeXt). Aside from the general advantages of TeX for producing academic papers, it offers linguists largely intuitive means for dealing with often complex notational issues. In this paper, an abbreviated version of my Practical TeX 2004 talk, I show some notational issues and their solutions in TeX.
Taco Hoekwater
Controlling Acrobat Reader under X11 (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 35
keywords: pdfopen, scripting, X window system, acrobat reader, pdf
abstract: The command-line programs pdfopen and pdfclose allow you to control the X Window System version of Adobe Acrobat Reader from the command line or from within a script.
Oscar Boot, Frans Absil
Met XML van database naar LaTeX (Dutch), MAPS 32, 2005, 36-43
keywords: conversie, transformatie, XML, XSLT, XPath, Saxon, database, Access, publiceren
abstract: In dit artikel wordt de geautomatiseerde aanmaak van het programmaboek voor de Bacheloropleiding Technische Wetenschappen bij de Hogere Defensie Opleidingen (HDO) toegelicht. Een belangrijk aspect hierbij vormt de omzetting van een Microsoft Access database naar LaTeX tabellen en bijlages in de uiteindelijke documentatie: XML bestanden worden als tussenstap gehanteerd.
Hendri Hondorp
Bundeling van conferentieverslagen (Dutch), MAPS 32, 2005, 44-49
keywords: fancyhdr, hyperref, pdflatex, pdfpages, proceedings, conferentieverslag
abstract: In dit artikel wordt beschreven hoe Proceedings voor een Workshop of Conferentie gemaakt kunnen worden met behulp van pdflatex en de packages pdfpages, fancyhdr en hyperref
Frans Goddijn, Hendri Adriaens
... three, two, one ... (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 50-51
keywords: enumerate, numbered items, lists, counting backwards, etaremune
abstract: This article briefly describes the seemingly trivial task of numbering items in a list with decreasing numbers, starting with the number equal to the amount of items in the list.
Karel Wesseling
Compiling METAPOST under ConTeXt (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 52-55
abstract: To teach yourself MetaPost, the book ``Learning MetaPost by Doing'' by André Heck is probably unsurpassed. However, the examples therein are processed on Unix using LaTeX. ConTeXt users have a bit of detective work to do before they can have successful compilations. If you are new to ConTeXt, the lines below may help save your a few hours of experimenting. These instructions were extracted from the MetaFun manual by Hans Hagen (from chapters 1, 2 and 3), and from a small macro that he once gave me that makes it possible to use the graph package by John Hobby.
André Heck
Learning METAPOST by doing (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 56-112
keywords: metapost, tutorial
abstract: This course is only meant as a short, hands-on introduction to METAPOST for newcomers who want to produce rather simple graphics. The main objective is to get students started with METAPOST on a UNIX platform.
André Heck
Learning METAPOST by doing (answers) (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 113-117
keywords: metapost, tutorial
abstract: This course is only meant as a short, hands-on introduction to METAPOST for newcomers who want to produce rather simple graphics. The main objective is to get students started with METAPOST on a UNIX platform.
Janusz Nowacki
Antykwa Torunska (English), MAPS 32, 2005, 118-132
keywords: Antykwa Torunska, documentation, Zygfryd Gardzielewski, fonts
Ernst van der Storm
Variabele faxdocumenten aanmaken in LaTeX (Dutch), MAPS 32, 2005, 133-137
keywords: faxen, macro’s, Latex2RTF, Latex
abstract: Beschreven wordt hoe LaTeX gebruikt wordt als schakel tussen een bestaande bedrijfsapplicatie en een faxserver; data worden automatisch geëxporteerd naar een LaTeX-document.
Ernst van der Storm
Stroomdiagrammen maken met flow (Dutch), MAPS 32, 2005, 138-140
keywords: softwaredocumentatie, stroomdiagram, write18, flow, Latex
abstract: Flow is een handig programma om stroomdiagrammen te maken; via \write18 kan het vanuit een LaTeX-document worden aangeroepen zodat eventuele wijzigingen vanzelf tevoorschijn komen.
Taco Hoekwater
Verslag EuroTeX 2005 (Dutch), MAPS 32, 2005, 141-148
keywords: tug, verslag, conferentie, eurotex 2005
abstract: Een verslag van de 16de jaarlijkse EuroTeX conferentie, gehouden in Pont-à-Mousson van 7 tot 11 maart 2005.
29 september 2005